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Bug#661122: bug#661122: cqrlog: ftbfs with fpc in sid

tag 661122 patch


I am not quite familiar with free pascal or a ham radio. just came across this bug while looking for RC bugs.

please find attached patch.
Description: <short summary of the patch>
 TODO: Put a short summary on the line above and replace this paragraph
 with a longer explanation of this change. Complete the meta-information
 with other relevant fields (see below for details). To make it easier, the
 information below has been extracted from the changelog. Adjust it or drop
 cqrlog (1.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control: fixed alternative dependency order for lazarus, lcl
     (Closes: #652176)
Author: Kamal Mostafa <kamal@whence.com>
Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/652176

The information above should follow the Patch Tagging Guidelines, please
checkout http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ to learn about the format. Here
are templates for supplementary fields that you might want to add:

Origin: <vendor|upstream|other>, <url of original patch>
Bug: <url in upstream bugtracker>
Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/<bugnumber>
Bug-Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/bugs/<bugnumber>
Forwarded: <no|not-needed|url proving that it has been forwarded>
Reviewed-By: <name and email of someone who approved the patch>
Last-Update: <YYYY-MM-DD>

--- /dev/null
+++ cqrlog-1.2.2/src/synaser.pas.old
@@ -0,0 +1,2298 @@
+| Project : Ararat Synapse                                       | 007.002.000 |
+| Content: Serial port support                                                 |
+| Copyright (c)2001-2007, Lukas Gebauer                                        |
+| All rights reserved.                                                         |
+|                                                                              |
+| Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without           |
+| modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:  |
+|                                                                              |
+| Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this  |
+| list of conditions and the following disclaimer.                             |
+|                                                                              |
+| Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,    |
+| this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation    |
+| and/or other materials provided with the distribution.                       |
+|                                                                              |
+| Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may      |
+| be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without    |
+| specific prior written permission.                                           |
+|                                                                              |
+| DAMAGE.                                                                      |
+| The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
+| Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2001-2007.                |
+| All Rights Reserved.                                                         |
+| Contributor(s):                                                              |
+|  (c)2002, Hans-Georg Joepgen (cpom Comport Ownership Manager and bugfixes)   |
+| History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package                           |
+|          (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/)                       |
+{: @abstract(Serial port communication library)
+This unit contains a class that implements serial port communication for Windows
+ or Linux. This class provides numerous methods with same name and functionality
+  as methods of the Ararat Synapse TCP/IP library.
+The following is a small example how establish a connection by modem (in this
+case with my USB modem):
+  ser:=TBlockSerial.Create;
+  try
+    ser.Connect('COM3');
+    ser.config(460800,8,'N',0,false,true);
+    ser.ATCommand('AT');
+    if (ser.LastError <> 0) or (not ser.ATResult) then
+      Exit;
+    ser.ATConnect('ATDT+420971200111');
+    if (ser.LastError <> 0) or (not ser.ATResult) then
+      Exit;
+    // you are now connected to a modem at +420971200111
+    // you can transmit or receive data now
+  finally
+    ser.free;
+  end;
+  {$IFDEF WIN32}
+    {$ASMMODE intel}
+  {$ENDIF}
+  {define working mode w/o LIBC for fpc}
+unit synaser;
+  Libc,
+  KernelIoctl,
+  {$ELSE}
+  termio, baseunix, unix,
+  {$ENDIF}
+  Types,
+  {$ENDIF}
+  Windows, registry,
+  winver,
+  {$ENDIF}
+  synafpc,
+  Classes, SysUtils, synautil;
+  CR = #$0d;
+  LF = #$0a;
+  CRLF = CR + LF;
+  cSerialChunk = 8192;
+  LockfileDirectory = '/var/lock'; {HGJ}
+  PortIsClosed = -1;               {HGJ}
+  ErrAlreadyOwned = 9991;          {HGJ}
+  ErrAlreadyInUse = 9992;          {HGJ}
+  ErrWrongParameter = 9993;        {HGJ}
+  ErrPortNotOpen = 9994;           {HGJ}
+  ErrNoDeviceAnswer =  9995;       {HGJ}
+  ErrMaxBuffer = 9996;
+  ErrTimeout = 9997;
+  ErrNotRead = 9998;
+  ErrFrame = 9999;
+  ErrOverrun = 10000;
+  ErrRxOver = 10001;
+  ErrRxParity = 10002;
+  ErrTxFull = 10003;
+  dcb_Binary = $00000001;
+  dcb_ParityCheck = $00000002;
+  dcb_OutxCtsFlow = $00000004;
+  dcb_OutxDsrFlow = $00000008;
+  dcb_DtrControlMask = $00000030;
+  dcb_DtrControlDisable = $00000000;
+  dcb_DtrControlEnable = $00000010;
+  dcb_DtrControlHandshake = $00000020;
+  dcb_DsrSensivity = $00000040;
+  dcb_TXContinueOnXoff = $00000080;
+  dcb_OutX = $00000100;
+  dcb_InX = $00000200;
+  dcb_ErrorChar = $00000400;
+  dcb_NullStrip = $00000800;
+  dcb_RtsControlMask = $00003000;
+  dcb_RtsControlDisable = $00000000;
+  dcb_RtsControlEnable = $00001000;
+  dcb_RtsControlHandshake = $00002000;
+  dcb_RtsControlToggle = $00003000;
+  dcb_AbortOnError = $00004000;
+  dcb_Reserveds = $FFFF8000;
+  {:stopbit value for 1 stopbit}
+  SB1 = 0;
+  {:stopbit value for 1.5 stopbit}
+  SB1andHalf = 1;
+  {:stopbit value for 2 stopbits}
+  SB2 = 2;
+  CS7fix = $0000020;
+  TDCB = packed record
+    DCBlength: DWORD;
+    BaudRate: DWORD;
+    Flags: Longint;
+    wReserved: Word;
+    XonLim: Word;
+    XoffLim: Word;
+    ByteSize: Byte;
+    Parity: Byte;
+    StopBits: Byte;
+    XonChar: CHAR;
+    XoffChar: CHAR;
+    ErrorChar: CHAR;
+    EofChar: CHAR;
+    EvtChar: CHAR;
+    wReserved1: Word;
+  end;
+  PDCB = ^TDCB;
+//  MaxRates = 30;
+  MaxRates = 19;  //FPC on some platforms not know high speeds?
+  Rates: array[0..MaxRates, 0..1] of cardinal =
+  (
+    (0, B0),
+    (50, B50),
+    (75, B75),
+    (110, B110),
+    (134, B134),
+    (150, B150),
+    (200, B200),
+    (300, B300),
+    (600, B600),
+    (1200, B1200),
+    (1800, B1800),
+    (2400, B2400),
+    (4800, B4800),
+    (9600, B9600),
+    (19200, B19200),
+    (38400, B38400),
+    (57600, B57600),
+    (115200, B115200),
+    (230400, B230400),
+    (460800, B460800){,
+    (500000, B500000),
+    (576000, B576000),
+    (921600, B921600),
+    (1000000, B1000000),
+    (1152000, B1152000),
+    (1500000, B1500000),
+    (2000000, B2000000),
+    (2500000, B2500000),
+    (3000000, B3000000),
+    (3500000, B3500000),
+    (4000000, B4000000)}
+    );
+  sOK = 0;
+  sErr = integer(-1);
+  {:Possible status event types for @link(THookSerialStatus)}
+  THookSerialReason = (
+    HR_SerialClose,
+    HR_Connect,
+    HR_CanRead,
+    HR_CanWrite,
+    HR_ReadCount,
+    HR_WriteCount,
+    HR_Wait
+    );
+  {:procedural prototype for status event hooking}
+  THookSerialStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Reason: THookSerialReason;
+    const Value: string) of object;
+  {:@abstract(Exception type for SynaSer errors)}
+  ESynaSerError = class(Exception)
+  public
+    ErrorCode: integer;
+    ErrorMessage: string;
+  end;
+  {:@abstract(Main class implementing all communication routines)}
+  TBlockSerial = class(TObject)
+  protected
+    FOnStatus: THookSerialStatus;
+    Fhandle: THandle;
+    FTag: integer;
+    FDevice: string;
+    FLastError: integer;
+    FLastErrorDesc: string;
+    FBuffer: string;
+    FRaiseExcept: boolean;
+    FRecvBuffer: integer;
+    FSendBuffer: integer;
+    FModemWord: integer;
+    FRTSToggle: Boolean;
+    FDeadlockTimeout: integer;
+    FInstanceActive: boolean;      {HGJ}
+    FTestDSR: Boolean;
+    FTestCTS: Boolean;
+    FLastCR: Boolean;
+    FLastLF: Boolean;
+    FMaxLineLength: Integer;
+    FLinuxLock: Boolean;
+    FMaxSendBandwidth: Integer;
+    FNextSend: LongWord;
+    FMaxRecvBandwidth: Integer;
+    FNextRecv: LongWord;
+    FConvertLineEnd: Boolean;
+    FATResult: Boolean;
+    FAtTimeout: integer;
+    FInterPacketTimeout: Boolean;
+    FComNr: integer;
+    FPortAddr: Word;
+    function CanEvent(Event: dword; Timeout: integer): boolean;
+    procedure DecodeCommError(Error: DWord); virtual;
+    function GetPortAddr: Word;  virtual;
+    function ReadTxEmpty(PortAddr: Word): Boolean; virtual;
+    procedure SetSizeRecvBuffer(size: integer); virtual;
+    function GetDSR: Boolean; virtual;
+    procedure SetDTRF(Value: Boolean); virtual;
+    function GetCTS: Boolean; virtual;
+    procedure SetRTSF(Value: Boolean); virtual;
+    function GetCarrier: Boolean; virtual;
+    function GetRing: Boolean; virtual;
+    procedure DoStatus(Reason: THookSerialReason; const Value: string); virtual;
+    procedure GetComNr(Value: string); virtual;
+    function PreTestFailing: boolean; virtual;{HGJ}
+    function TestCtrlLine: Boolean; virtual;
+    procedure DcbToTermios(const dcb: TDCB; var term: termios); virtual;
+    procedure TermiosToDcb(const term: termios; var dcb: TDCB); virtual;
+    function ReadLockfile: integer; virtual;
+    function LockfileName: String; virtual;
+    procedure CreateLockfile(PidNr: integer); virtual;
+    procedure LimitBandwidth(Length: Integer; MaxB: integer; var Next: LongWord); virtual;
+    procedure SetBandwidth(Value: Integer); virtual;
+  public
+    {: data Control Block with communication parameters. Usable only when you
+     need to call API directly.}
+    DCB: Tdcb;
+    TermiosStruc: termios;
+    {:Object constructor.}
+    constructor Create;
+    {:Object destructor.}
+    destructor Destroy; override;
+    {:Returns a string containing the version number of the library.}
+    class function GetVersion: string; virtual;
+    {:Destroy handle in use. It close connection to serial port.}
+    procedure CloseSocket; virtual;
+    {:Reconfigure communication parameters on the fly. You must be connected to
+     port before!
+     @param(baud Define connection speed. Baud rate can be from 50 to 4000000
+      bits per second. (it depends on your hardware!))
+     @param(bits Number of bits in communication.)
+     @param(parity Define communication parity (N - None, O - Odd, E - Even, M - Mark or S - Space).)
+     @param(stop Define number of stopbits. Use constants @link(SB1),
+      @link(SB1andHalf) and @link(SB2).)
+     @param(softflow Enable XON/XOFF handshake.)
+     @param(hardflow Enable CTS/RTS handshake.)}
+    procedure Config(baud, bits: integer; parity: char; stop: integer;
+      softflow, hardflow: boolean); virtual;
+    {:Connects to the port indicated by comport. Comport can be used in Windows
+     style (COM2), or in Linux style (/dev/ttyS1). When you use windows style
+     in Linux, then it will be converted to Linux name. And vice versa! However
+     you can specify any device name! (other device names then standart is not
+     converted!)
+     After successfull connection the DTR signal is set (if you not set hardware
+     handshake, then the RTS signal is set, too!)
+     Connection parameters is predefined by your system configuration. If you
+     need use another parameters, then you can use Config method after.
+     Notes:
+      - Remember, the commonly used serial Laplink cable does not support
+       hardware handshake.
+      - Before setting any handshake you must be sure that it is supported by
+       your hardware.
+      - Some serial devices are slow. In some cases you must wait up to a few
+       seconds after connection for the device to respond.
+      - when you connect to a modem device, then is best to test it by an empty
+       AT command. (call ATCommand('AT'))}
+    procedure Connect(comport: string); virtual;
+    {:Set communication parameters from the DCB structure (the DCB structure is
+     simulated under Linux).}
+    procedure SetCommState; virtual;
+    {:Read communication parameters into the DCB structure (DCB structure is
+     simulated under Linux).}
+    procedure GetCommState; virtual;
+    {:Sends Length bytes of data from Buffer through the connected port.}
+    function SendBuffer(buffer: pointer; length: integer): integer; virtual;
+    {:One data BYTE is sent.}
+    procedure SendByte(data: byte); virtual;
+    {:Send the string in the data parameter. No terminator is appended by this
+     method. If you need to send a string with CR/LF terminator, you must append
+     the CR/LF characters to the data string!
+     Since no terminator is appended, you can use this function for sending
+     binary data too.}
+    procedure SendString(data: string); virtual;
+    {:send four bytes as integer.}
+    procedure SendInteger(Data: integer); virtual;
+    {:send data as one block. Each block begins with integer value with Length
+     of block.}
+    procedure SendBlock(const Data: string); virtual;
+    {:send content of stream from current position}
+    procedure SendStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
+    {:send content of stream as block. see @link(SendBlock)}
+    procedure SendStream(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
+    {:send content of stream as block, but this is compatioble with Indy library.
+     (it have swapped lenght of block). See @link(SendStream)}
+    procedure SendStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
+    {:Waits until the allocated buffer is filled by received data. Returns number
+     of data bytes received, which equals to the Length value under normal
+     operation. If it is not equal, the communication channel is possibly broken.
+     This method not using any internal buffering, like all others receiving
+     methods. You cannot freely combine this method with all others receiving
+     methods!}
+    function RecvBuffer(buffer: pointer; length: integer): integer; virtual;
+    {:Method waits until data is received. If no data is received within
+     the Timeout (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set to
+     @link(ErrTimeout). This method is used to read any amount of data
+     (e. g. 1MB), and may be freely combined with all receviving methods what
+     have Timeout parameter, like the @link(RecvString), @link(RecvByte) or
+     @link(RecvTerminated) methods.}
+    function RecvBufferEx(buffer: pointer; length: integer; timeout: integer): integer; virtual;
+    {:It is like recvBufferEx, but data is readed to dynamicly allocated binary
+     string.}
+    function RecvBufferStr(Length: Integer; Timeout: Integer): string; virtual;
+    {:Read all available data and return it in the function result string. This
+     function may be combined with @link(RecvString), @link(RecvByte) or related
+     methods.}
+    function RecvPacket(Timeout: Integer): string; virtual;
+    {:Waits until one data byte is received which is returned as the function
+     result. If no data is received within the Timeout (in milliseconds) period,
+     @link(LastError) is set to @link(ErrTimeout).}
+    function RecvByte(timeout: integer): byte; virtual;
+    {:This method waits until a terminated data string is received. This string
+     is terminated by the Terminator string. The resulting string is returned
+     without this termination string! If no data is received within the Timeout
+     (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set to @link(ErrTimeout).}
+    function RecvTerminated(Timeout: Integer; const Terminator: string): string; virtual;
+    {:This method waits until a terminated data string is received. The string
+     is terminated by a CR/LF sequence. The resulting string is returned without
+     the terminator (CR/LF)! If no data is received within the Timeout (in
+     milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set to @link(ErrTimeout).
+     If @link(ConvertLineEnd) is used, then the CR/LF sequence may not be exactly
+     CR/LF. See the description of @link(ConvertLineEnd).
+     This method serves for line protocol implementation and uses its own
+     buffers to maximize performance. Therefore do NOT use this method with the
+     @link(RecvBuffer) method to receive data as it may cause data loss.}
+    function Recvstring(timeout: integer): string; virtual;
+    {:Waits until four data bytes are received which is returned as the function
+     integer result. If no data is received within the Timeout (in milliseconds) period,
+     @link(LastError) is set to @link(ErrTimeout).}
+    function RecvInteger(Timeout: Integer): Integer; virtual;
+    {:Waits until one data block is received. See @link(sendblock). If no data
+     is received within the Timeout (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError)
+     is set to @link(ErrTimeout).}
+    function RecvBlock(Timeout: Integer): string; virtual;
+    {:Receive all data to stream, until some error occured. (for example timeout)}
+    procedure RecvStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
+    {:receive requested count of bytes to stream}
+    procedure RecvStreamSize(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer; Size: Integer); virtual;
+    {:receive block of data to stream. (Data can be sended by @link(sendstream)}
+    procedure RecvStream(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
+    {:receive block of data to stream. (Data can be sended by @link(sendstreamIndy)}
+    procedure RecvStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
+    {:Returns the number of received bytes waiting for reading. 0 is returned
+     when there is no data waiting.}
+    function WaitingData: integer; virtual;
+    {:Same as @link(WaitingData), but in respect to data in the internal
+     @link(LineBuffer).}
+    function WaitingDataEx: integer; virtual;
+    {:Returns the number of bytes waiting to be sent in the output buffer.
+     0 is returned when the output buffer is empty.}
+    function SendingData: integer; virtual;
+    {:Enable or disable RTS driven communication (half-duplex). It can be used
+     to communicate with RS485 converters, or other special equipment. If you
+     enable this feature, the system automatically controls the RTS signal.
+     Notes:
+     - On Windows NT (or higher) ir RTS signal driven by system driver.
+     - On Win9x family is used special code for waiting until last byte is
+      sended from your UART.
+     - On Linux you must have kernel 2.1 or higher!}
+    procedure EnableRTSToggle(value: boolean); virtual;
+    {:Waits until all data to is sent and buffers are emptied.
+     Warning: On Windows systems is this method returns when all buffers are
+     flushed to the serial port controller, before the last byte is sent!}
+    procedure Flush; virtual;
+    {:Unconditionally empty all buffers. It is good when you need to interrupt
+     communication and for cleanups.}
+    procedure Purge; virtual;
+    {:Returns @True, if you can from read any data from the port. Status is
+     tested for a period of time given by the Timeout parameter (in milliseconds).
+     If the value of the Timeout parameter is 0, the status is tested only once
+     and the function returns immediately. If the value of the Timeout parameter
+     is set to -1, the function returns only after it detects data on the port
+     (this may cause the process to hang).}
+    function CanRead(Timeout: integer): boolean; virtual;
+    {:Returns @True, if you can write any data to the port (this function is not
+     sending the contents of the buffer). Status is tested for a period of time
+     given by the Timeout parameter (in milliseconds). If the value of
+     the Timeout parameter is 0, the status is tested only once and the function
+     returns immediately. If the value of the  Timeout parameter is set to -1,
+     the function returns only after it detects that it can write data to
+     the port (this may cause the process to hang).}
+    function CanWrite(Timeout: integer): boolean; virtual;
+    {:Same as @link(CanRead), but the test is against data in the internal
+    @link(LineBuffer) too.}
+    function CanReadEx(Timeout: integer): boolean; virtual;
+    {:Returns the status word of the modem. Decoding the status word could yield
+     the status of carrier detect signaland other signals. This method is used
+     internally by the modem status reading properties. You usually do not need
+     to call this method directly.}
+    function ModemStatus: integer; virtual;
+    {:Send a break signal to the communication device for Duration milliseconds.}
+    procedure SetBreak(Duration: integer); virtual;
+    {:This function is designed to send AT commands to the modem. The AT command
+     is sent in the Value parameter and the response is returned in the function
+     return value (may contain multiple lines!).
+     If the AT command is processed successfully (modem returns OK), then the
+     @link(ATResult) property is set to True.
+     This function is designed only for AT commands that return OK or ERROR
+     response! To call connection commands the @link(ATConnect) method.
+     Remember, when you connect to a modem device, it is in AT command mode.
+     Now you can send AT commands to the modem. If you need to transfer data to
+     the modem on the other side of the line, you must first switch to data mode
+     using the @link(ATConnect) method.}
+    function ATCommand(value: string): string; virtual;
+    {:This function is used to send connect type AT commands to the modem. It is
+     for commands to switch to connected state. (ATD, ATA, ATO,...)
+     It sends the AT command in the Value parameter and returns the modem's
+     response (may be multiple lines - usually with connection parameters info).
+     If the AT command is processed successfully (the modem returns CONNECT),
+     then the ATResult property is set to @True.
+     This function is designed only for AT commands which respond by CONNECT,
+     BUSY, NO DIALTONE NO CARRIER or ERROR. For other AT commands use the
+     @link(ATCommand) method.
+     The connect timeout is 90*@link(ATTimeout). If this command is successful
+     (@link(ATresult) is @true), then the modem is in data state. When you now
+     send or receive some data, it is not to or from your modem, but from the
+     modem on other side of the line. Now you can transfer your data.
+     If the connection attempt failed (@link(ATResult) is @False), then the
+     modem is still in AT command mode.}
+    function ATConnect(value: string): string; virtual;
+    {:If you "manually" call API functions, forward their return code in
+     the SerialResult parameter to this function, which evaluates it and sets
+     @link(LastError) and @link(LastErrorDesc).}
+    function SerialCheck(SerialResult: integer): integer; virtual;
+    {:If @link(Lasterror) is not 0 and exceptions are enabled, then this procedure
+     raises an exception. This method is used internally. You may need it only
+     in special cases.}
+    procedure ExceptCheck; virtual;
+    {:Set Synaser to error state with ErrNumber code. Usually used by internal
+     routines.}
+    procedure SetSynaError(ErrNumber: integer); virtual;
+    {:Raise Synaser error with ErrNumber code. Usually used by internal routines.}
+    procedure RaiseSynaError(ErrNumber: integer); virtual;
+    function  cpomComportAccessible: boolean; virtual;{HGJ}
+    procedure cpomReleaseComport; virtual; {HGJ}
+    {:True device name of currently used port}
+    property Device: string read FDevice;
+    {:Error code of last operation. Value is defined by the host operating
+     system, but value 0 is always OK.}
+    property LastError: integer read FLastError;
+    {:Human readable description of LastError code.}
+    property LastErrorDesc: string read FLastErrorDesc;
+    {:Indicates if the last @link(ATCommand) or @link(ATConnect) method was successful}
+    property ATResult: Boolean read FATResult;
+    {:Read the value of the RTS signal.}
+    property RTS: Boolean write SetRTSF;
+    {:Indicates the presence of the CTS signal}
+    property CTS: boolean read GetCTS;
+    {:Use this property to set the value of the DTR signal.}
+    property DTR: Boolean write SetDTRF;
+    {:Exposes the status of the DSR signal.}
+    property DSR: boolean read GetDSR;
+    {:Indicates the presence of the Carrier signal}
+    property Carrier: boolean read GetCarrier;
+    {:Reflects the status of the Ring signal.}
+    property Ring: boolean read GetRing;
+    {:indicates if this instance of SynaSer is active. (Connected to some port)}
+    property InstanceActive: boolean read FInstanceActive; {HGJ}
+    {:Defines maximum bandwidth for all sending operations in bytes per second.
+     If this value is set to 0 (default), bandwidth limitation is not used.}
+    property MaxSendBandwidth: Integer read FMaxSendBandwidth Write FMaxSendBandwidth;
+    {:Defines maximum bandwidth for all receiving operations in bytes per second.
+     If this value is set to 0 (default), bandwidth limitation is not used.}
+    property MaxRecvBandwidth: Integer read FMaxRecvBandwidth Write FMaxRecvBandwidth;
+    {:Defines maximum bandwidth for all sending and receiving operations
+     in bytes per second. If this value is set to 0 (default), bandwidth
+     limitation is not used.}
+    property MaxBandwidth: Integer Write SetBandwidth;
+    {:Size of the Windows internal receive buffer. Default value is usually
+     4096 bytes. Note: Valid only in Windows versions!}
+    property SizeRecvBuffer: integer read FRecvBuffer write SetSizeRecvBuffer;
+  published
+    {:Returns the descriptive text associated with ErrorCode. You need this
+     method only in special cases. Description of LastError is now accessible
+     through the LastErrorDesc property.}
+    class function GetErrorDesc(ErrorCode: integer): string;
+    {:Freely usable property}
+    property Tag: integer read FTag write FTag;
+    {:Contains the handle of the open communication port.
+    You may need this value to directly call communication functions outside
+    SynaSer.}
+    property Handle: THandle read Fhandle write FHandle;
+    {:Internally used read buffer.}
+    property LineBuffer: string read FBuffer write FBuffer;
+    {:If @true, communication errors raise exceptions. If @false (default), only
+     the @link(LastError) value is set.}
+    property RaiseExcept: boolean read FRaiseExcept write FRaiseExcept;
+    {:This event is triggered when the communication status changes. It can be
+     used to monitor communication status.}
+    property OnStatus: THookSerialStatus read FOnStatus write FOnStatus;
+    {:If you set this property to @true, then the value of the DSR signal
+     is tested before every data transfer. It can be used to detect the presence
+     of a communications device.}
+    property TestDSR: boolean read FTestDSR write FTestDSR;
+    {:If you set this property to @true, then the value of the CTS signal
+     is tested before every data transfer. It can be used to detect the presence
+     of a communications device. Warning: This property cannot be used if you
+     need hardware handshake!}
+    property TestCTS: boolean read FTestCTS write FTestCTS;
+    {:Use this property you to limit the maximum size of LineBuffer
+     (as a protection against unlimited memory allocation for LineBuffer).
+     Default value is 0 - no limit.}
+    property MaxLineLength: Integer read FMaxLineLength Write FMaxLineLength;
+    {:This timeout value is used as deadlock protection when trying to send data
+     to (or receive data from) a device that stopped communicating during data
+     transmission (e.g. by physically disconnecting the device).
+     The timeout value is in milliseconds. The default value is 30,000 (30 seconds).}
+    property DeadlockTimeout: Integer read FDeadlockTimeout Write FDeadlockTimeout;
+    {:If set to @true (default value), port locking is enabled (under Linux only).
+     WARNING: To use this feature, the application must run by a user with full
+     permission to the /var/lock directory!}
+    property LinuxLock: Boolean read FLinuxLock write FLinuxLock;
+    {:Indicates if non-standard line terminators should be converted to a CR/LF pair
+     (standard DOS line terminator). If @TRUE, line terminators CR, single LF
+     or LF/CR are converted to CR/LF. Defaults to @FALSE.
+     This property has effect only on the behavior of the RecvString method.}
+    property ConvertLineEnd: Boolean read FConvertLineEnd Write FConvertLineEnd;
+    {:Timeout for AT modem based operations}
+    property AtTimeout: integer read FAtTimeout Write FAtTimeout;
+    {:If @true (default), then all timeouts is timeout between two characters.
+     If @False, then timeout is overall for whoole reading operation.}
+    property InterPacketTimeout: Boolean read FInterPacketTimeout Write FInterPacketTimeout;
+  end;
+{:Returns list of existing computer serial ports. Working properly only in Windows!}
+function GetSerialPortNames: string;
+constructor TBlockSerial.Create;
+  inherited create;
+  FRaiseExcept := false;
+  FDevice := '';
+  FComNr:= PortIsClosed;               {HGJ}
+  FInstanceActive:= false;             {HGJ}
+  Fbuffer := '';
+  FRTSToggle := False;
+  FMaxLineLength := 0;
+  FTestDSR := False;
+  FTestCTS := False;
+  FDeadlockTimeout := 30000;
+  FLinuxLock := True;
+  FMaxSendBandwidth := 0;
+  FNextSend := 0;
+  FMaxRecvBandwidth := 0;
+  FNextRecv := 0;
+  FConvertLineEnd := False;
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  FRecvBuffer := 4096;
+  FLastCR := False;
+  FLastLF := False;
+  FAtTimeout := 1000;
+  FInterPacketTimeout := True;
+destructor TBlockSerial.Destroy;
+  CloseSocket;
+  inherited destroy;
+class function TBlockSerial.GetVersion: string;
+	Result := 'SynaSer 6.3.5';
+procedure TBlockSerial.CloseSocket;
+  if Fhandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
+  begin
+    Purge;
+    RTS := False;
+    DTR := False;
+    FileClose(integer(FHandle));
+  end;
+  if InstanceActive then
+  begin
+    if FLinuxLock then
+      cpomReleaseComport;
+    {$ENDIF}
+    FInstanceActive:= false
+  end;
+  FComNr:= PortIsClosed;
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  DoStatus(HR_SerialClose, FDevice);
+function TBlockSerial.GetPortAddr: Word;
+  Result := 0;
+  if Win32Platform <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
+  begin
+    EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, 10);
+    asm
+      MOV @Result, DX;
+    end;
+  end;
+function TBlockSerial.ReadTxEmpty(PortAddr: Word): Boolean;
+  Result := True;
+  if Win32Platform <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
+  begin
+    asm
+      MOV DX, PortAddr;
+      ADD DX, 5;
+      IN AL, DX;
+      AND AL, $40;
+      JZ @K;
+      MOV AL,1;
+    @K: MOV @Result, AL;
+    end;
+  end;
+procedure TBlockSerial.GetComNr(Value: string);
+  FComNr := PortIsClosed;
+  if pos('COM', uppercase(Value)) = 1 then
+    FComNr := StrToIntdef(copy(Value, 4, Length(Value) - 3), PortIsClosed + 1) - 1;
+  if pos('/DEV/TTYS', uppercase(Value)) = 1 then
+    FComNr := StrToIntdef(copy(Value, 10, Length(Value) - 9), PortIsClosed - 1);
+procedure TBlockSerial.SetBandwidth(Value: Integer);
+  MaxSendBandwidth := Value;
+  MaxRecvBandwidth := Value;
+procedure TBlockSerial.LimitBandwidth(Length: Integer; MaxB: integer; var Next: LongWord);
+  x: LongWord;
+  y: LongWord;
+  if MaxB > 0 then
+  begin
+    y := GetTick;
+    if Next > y then
+    begin
+      x := Next - y;
+      if x > 0 then
+      begin
+        DoStatus(HR_Wait, IntToStr(x));
+        sleep(x);
+      end;
+    end;
+    Next := GetTick + Trunc((Length / MaxB) * 1000);
+  end;
+procedure TBlockSerial.Config(baud, bits: integer; parity: char; stop: integer;
+  softflow, hardflow: boolean);
+  FillChar(dcb, SizeOf(dcb), 0);
+  dcb.DCBlength := SizeOf(dcb);
+  dcb.BaudRate := baud;
+  dcb.ByteSize := bits;
+  case parity of
+    'N', 'n': dcb.parity := 0;
+    'O', 'o': dcb.parity := 1;
+    'E', 'e': dcb.parity := 2;
+    'M', 'm': dcb.parity := 3;
+    'S', 's': dcb.parity := 4;
+  end;
+  dcb.StopBits := stop;
+  dcb.XonChar := #17;
+  dcb.XoffChar := #19;
+  dcb.XonLim := FRecvBuffer div 4;
+  dcb.XoffLim := FRecvBuffer div 4;
+  dcb.Flags := dcb_Binary;
+  if softflow then
+    dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_OutX or dcb_InX;
+  if hardflow then
+    dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_OutxCtsFlow or dcb_RtsControlHandshake
+  else
+    dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_RtsControlEnable;
+  dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_DtrControlEnable;
+  if dcb.Parity > 0 then
+    dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_ParityCheck;
+  SetCommState;
+procedure TBlockSerial.Connect(comport: string);
+  CommTimeouts: TCommTimeouts;
+  // Is this TBlockSerial Instance already busy?
+  if InstanceActive then           {HGJ}
+  begin                            {HGJ}
+    RaiseSynaError(ErrAlreadyInUse);
+    Exit;                          {HGJ}
+  end;                             {HGJ}
+  FBuffer := '';
+  FDevice := comport;
+  GetComNr(comport);
+  SetLastError (sOK);
+  SetLastError (sOK);
+  {$ELSE}
+  fpSetErrno(sOK);
+  {$ENDIF}
+  if FComNr <> PortIsClosed then
+    FDevice := '/dev/ttyS' + IntToStr(FComNr);
+  // Comport already owned by another process?          {HGJ}
+  if FLinuxLock then
+    if not cpomComportAccessible then
+    begin
+      RaiseSynaError(ErrAlreadyOwned);
+      Exit;
+    end;
+  FHandle := THandle(Libc.open(pchar(FDevice), O_RDWR or O_SYNC));
+  FHandle := THandle(fpOpen(FDevice, O_RDWR or O_SYNC));
+  SerialCheck(integer(FHandle));
+  if FLastError <> sOK then
+    if FLinuxLock then
+      cpomReleaseComport;
+  {$ENDIF}
+  ExceptCheck;
+  if FLastError <> sOK then
+    Exit;
+  if FComNr <> PortIsClosed then
+    FDevice := '\\.\COM' + IntToStr(FComNr + 1);
+  FHandle := THandle(CreateFile(PChar(FDevice), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
+  SerialCheck(integer(FHandle));
+  ExceptCheck;
+  if FLastError <> sOK then
+    Exit;
+  SetCommMask(FHandle, 0);
+  SetupComm(Fhandle, FRecvBuffer, 0);
+  CommTimeOuts.ReadIntervalTimeout := MAXWORD;
+  CommTimeOuts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0;
+  CommTimeOuts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := 0;
+  CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0;
+  CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := 0;
+  SetCommTimeOuts(FHandle, CommTimeOuts);
+  FPortAddr := GetPortAddr;
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if not TestCtrlLine then  {HGJ}
+  begin
+    SetSynaError(ErrNoDeviceAnswer);
+    FileClose(integer(FHandle));         {HGJ}
+    if FLinuxLock then
+      cpomReleaseComport;                {HGJ}
+    {$ENDIF}                             {HGJ}
+    Fhandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;     {HGJ}
+    FComNr:= PortIsClosed;               {HGJ}
+  end
+  else
+  begin
+    FInstanceActive:= True;
+    RTS := True;
+    DTR := True;
+    Purge;
+  end;
+  ExceptCheck;
+  DoStatus(HR_Connect, FDevice);
+function TBlockSerial.SendBuffer(buffer: pointer; length: integer): integer;
+  Overlapped: TOverlapped;
+  x, y, Err: DWord;
+  Result := 0;
+  if PreTestFailing then   {HGJ}
+    Exit;                  {HGJ}
+  LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxSendBandwidth, FNextsend);
+  if FRTSToggle then
+  begin
+    Flush;
+    RTS := True;
+  end;
+  result := FileWrite(integer(Fhandle), Buffer^, Length);
+  serialcheck(result);
+  FillChar(Overlapped, Sizeof(Overlapped), 0);
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  y := 0;
+  if not WriteFile(FHandle, Buffer^, Length, DWord(Result), @Overlapped) then
+    y := GetLastError;
+  if y = ERROR_IO_PENDING then
+  begin
+    x := WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, FDeadlockTimeout);
+    if x = WAIT_TIMEOUT then
+    begin
+      PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_TXABORT);
+      SetSynaError(ErrTimeout);
+    end;
+    GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, Overlapped, Dword(Result), False);
+  end
+  else
+    SetSynaError(y);
+  ClearCommError(FHandle, err, nil);
+  if err <> 0 then
+    DecodeCommError(err);
+  if FRTSToggle then
+  begin
+    Flush;
+    CanWrite(255);
+    RTS := False;
+  end;
+  ExceptCheck;
+  DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(Result));
+procedure TBlockSerial.SendByte(data: byte);
+  SendBuffer(@Data, 1);
+procedure TBlockSerial.SendString(data: string);
+  SendBuffer(Pointer(Data), Length(Data));
+procedure TBlockSerial.SendInteger(Data: integer);
+  SendBuffer(@data, SizeOf(Data));
+procedure TBlockSerial.SendBlock(const Data: string);
+  SendInteger(Length(data));
+  SendString(Data);
+procedure TBlockSerial.SendStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream);
+  si: integer;
+  x, y, yr: integer;
+  s: string;
+  si := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;
+  x := 0;
+  while x < si do
+  begin
+    y := si - x;
+    if y > cSerialChunk then
+      y := cSerialChunk;
+    Setlength(s, y);
+    yr := Stream.read(Pchar(s)^, y);
+    if yr > 0 then
+    begin
+      SetLength(s, yr);
+      SendString(s);
+      Inc(x, yr);
+    end
+    else
+      break;
+  end;
+procedure TBlockSerial.SendStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream);
+  si: integer;
+  si := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;
+  si := Swapbytes(si);
+  SendInteger(si);
+  SendStreamRaw(Stream);
+procedure TBlockSerial.SendStream(const Stream: TStream);
+  si: integer;
+  si := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;
+  SendInteger(si);
+  SendStreamRaw(Stream);
+function TBlockSerial.RecvBuffer(buffer: pointer; length: integer): integer;
+  Result := 0;
+  if PreTestFailing then   {HGJ}
+    Exit;                  {HGJ}
+  LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxRecvBandwidth, FNextRecv);
+  result := FileRead(integer(FHandle), Buffer^, length);
+  serialcheck(result);
+  Overlapped: TOverlapped;
+  x, y, Err: DWord;
+  Result := 0;
+  if PreTestFailing then   {HGJ}
+    Exit;                  {HGJ}
+  LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxRecvBandwidth, FNextRecv);
+  FillChar(Overlapped, Sizeof(Overlapped), 0);
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  y := 0;
+  if not ReadFile(FHandle, Buffer^, length, Dword(Result), @Overlapped) then
+    y := GetLastError;
+  if y = ERROR_IO_PENDING then
+  begin
+    x := WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, FDeadlockTimeout);
+    if x = WAIT_TIMEOUT then
+    begin
+      PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_RXABORT);
+      SetSynaError(ErrTimeout);
+    end;
+    GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, Overlapped, Dword(Result), False);
+  end
+  else
+    SetSynaError(y);
+  ClearCommError(FHandle, err, nil);
+  if err <> 0 then
+    DecodeCommError(err);
+  ExceptCheck;
+  DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(Result));
+function TBlockSerial.RecvBufferEx(buffer: pointer; length: integer; timeout: integer): integer;
+  s: string;
+  rl, l: integer;
+  ti: LongWord;
+  Result := 0;
+  if PreTestFailing then   {HGJ}
+    Exit;                  {HGJ}
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  rl := 0;
+  repeat
+    ti := GetTick;
+    s := RecvPacket(Timeout);
+    l := System.Length(s);
+    if (rl + l) > Length then
+      l := Length - rl;
+    Move(Pointer(s)^, IncPoint(Buffer, rl)^, l);
+    rl := rl + l;
+    if FLastError <> sOK then
+      Break;
+    if rl >= Length then
+      Break;
+    if not FInterPacketTimeout then
+    begin
+      Timeout := Timeout - integer(TickDelta(ti, GetTick));
+      if Timeout <= 0 then
+      begin
+        SetSynaError(ErrTimeout);
+        Break;
+      end;
+    end;
+  until False;
+  delete(s, 1, l);
+  FBuffer := s;
+  Result := rl;
+function TBlockSerial.RecvBufferStr(Length: Integer; Timeout: Integer): string;
+  x: integer;
+  Result := '';
+  if PreTestFailing then   {HGJ}
+    Exit;                  {HGJ}
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if Length > 0 then
+  begin
+    Setlength(Result, Length);
+    x := RecvBufferEx(PChar(Result), Length , Timeout);
+    if FLastError = sOK then
+      SetLength(Result, x)
+    else
+      Result := '';
+  end;
+function TBlockSerial.RecvPacket(Timeout: Integer): string;
+  x: integer;
+  Result := '';
+  if PreTestFailing then   {HGJ}
+    Exit;                  {HGJ}
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if FBuffer <> '' then
+  begin
+    Result := FBuffer;
+    FBuffer := '';
+  end
+  else
+  begin
+    //not drain CPU on large downloads...
+    Sleep(0);
+    x := WaitingData;
+    if x > 0 then
+    begin
+      SetLength(Result, x);
+      x := RecvBuffer(Pointer(Result), x);
+      if x >= 0 then
+        SetLength(Result, x);
+    end
+    else
+    begin
+      if CanRead(Timeout) then
+      begin
+        x := WaitingData;
+        if x = 0 then
+          SetSynaError(ErrTimeout);
+        if x > 0 then
+        begin
+          SetLength(Result, x);
+          x := RecvBuffer(Pointer(Result), x);
+          if x >= 0 then
+            SetLength(Result, x);
+        end;
+      end
+      else
+        SetSynaError(ErrTimeout);
+    end;
+  end;
+  ExceptCheck;
+function TBlockSerial.RecvByte(timeout: integer): byte;
+  Result := 0;
+  if PreTestFailing then   {HGJ}
+    Exit;                  {HGJ}
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if FBuffer = '' then
+    FBuffer := RecvPacket(Timeout);
+  if (FLastError = sOK) and (FBuffer <> '') then
+  begin
+    Result := Ord(FBuffer[1]);
+    System.Delete(FBuffer, 1, 1);
+  end;
+  ExceptCheck;
+function TBlockSerial.RecvTerminated(Timeout: Integer; const Terminator: string): string;
+  x: Integer;
+  s: string;
+  l: Integer;
+  CorCRLF: Boolean;
+  t: string;
+  tl: integer;
+  ti: LongWord;
+  Result := '';
+  if PreTestFailing then   {HGJ}
+    Exit;                  {HGJ}
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  l := system.Length(Terminator);
+  if l = 0 then
+    Exit;
+  tl := l;
+  CorCRLF := FConvertLineEnd and (Terminator = CRLF);
+  s := '';
+  x := 0;
+  repeat
+    ti := GetTick;
+    //get rest of FBuffer or incomming new data...
+    s := s + RecvPacket(Timeout);
+    if FLastError <> sOK then
+      Break;
+    x := 0;
+    if Length(s) > 0 then
+      if CorCRLF then
+      begin
+        if FLastCR and (s[1] = LF) then
+          Delete(s, 1, 1);
+        if FLastLF and (s[1] = CR) then
+          Delete(s, 1, 1);
+        FLastCR := False;
+        FLastLF := False;
+        t := '';
+        x := PosCRLF(s, t);
+        tl := system.Length(t);
+        if t = CR then
+          FLastCR := True;
+        if t = LF then
+          FLastLF := True;
+      end
+      else
+      begin
+        x := pos(Terminator, s);
+        tl := l;
+      end;
+    if (FMaxLineLength <> 0) and (system.Length(s) > FMaxLineLength) then
+    begin
+      SetSynaError(ErrMaxBuffer);
+      Break;
+    end;
+    if x > 0 then
+      Break;
+    if not FInterPacketTimeout then
+    begin
+      Timeout := Timeout - integer(TickDelta(ti, GetTick));
+      if Timeout <= 0 then
+      begin
+        SetSynaError(ErrTimeout);
+        Break;
+      end;
+    end;
+  until False;
+  if x > 0 then
+  begin
+    Result := Copy(s, 1, x - 1);
+    System.Delete(s, 1, x + tl - 1);
+  end;
+  FBuffer := s;
+  ExceptCheck;
+function TBlockSerial.RecvString(Timeout: Integer): string;
+  s: string;
+  Result := '';
+  s := RecvTerminated(Timeout, #13 + #10);
+  if FLastError = sOK then
+    Result := s;
+function TBlockSerial.RecvInteger(Timeout: Integer): Integer;
+  s: string;
+  Result := 0;
+  s := RecvBufferStr(4, Timeout);
+  if FLastError = 0 then
+    Result := (ord(s[1]) + ord(s[2]) * 256) + (ord(s[3]) + ord(s[4]) * 256) * 65536;
+function TBlockSerial.RecvBlock(Timeout: Integer): string;
+  x: integer;
+  Result := '';
+  x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
+  if FLastError = 0 then
+    Result := RecvBufferStr(x, Timeout);
+procedure TBlockSerial.RecvStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
+  s: string;
+  repeat
+    s := RecvPacket(Timeout);
+    if FLastError = 0 then
+      WriteStrToStream(Stream, s);
+  until FLastError <> 0;
+procedure TBlockSerial.RecvStreamSize(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer; Size: Integer);
+  s: string;
+  n: integer;
+  for n := 1 to (Size div cSerialChunk) do
+  begin
+    s := RecvBufferStr(cSerialChunk, Timeout);
+    if FLastError <> 0 then
+      Exit;
+    Stream.Write(Pchar(s)^, cSerialChunk);
+  end;
+  n := Size mod cSerialChunk;
+  if n > 0 then
+  begin
+    s := RecvBufferStr(n, Timeout);
+    if FLastError <> 0 then
+      Exit;
+    Stream.Write(Pchar(s)^, n);
+  end;
+procedure TBlockSerial.RecvStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
+  x: integer;
+  x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
+  x := SwapBytes(x);
+  if FLastError = 0 then
+    RecvStreamSize(Stream, Timeout, x);
+procedure TBlockSerial.RecvStream(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
+  x: integer;
+  x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
+  if FLastError = 0 then
+    RecvStreamSize(Stream, Timeout, x);
+function TBlockSerial.WaitingData: integer;
+  serialcheck(ioctl(integer(FHandle), FIONREAD, @result));
+  serialcheck(fpIoctl(FHandle, FIONREAD, @result));
+  if FLastError <> 0 then
+    Result := 0;
+  ExceptCheck;
+function TBlockSerial.WaitingData: integer;
+  stat: TComStat;
+  err: DWORD;
+  if ClearCommError(FHandle, err, @stat) then
+  begin
+    SetSynaError(sOK);
+    Result := stat.cbInQue;
+  end
+  else
+  begin
+    SerialCheck(sErr);
+    Result := 0;
+  end;
+  ExceptCheck;
+function TBlockSerial.WaitingDataEx: integer;
+	if FBuffer <> '' then
+  	Result := Length(FBuffer)
+  else
+  	Result := Waitingdata;
+function TBlockSerial.SendingData: integer;
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  Result := 0;
+function TBlockSerial.SendingData: integer;
+  stat: TComStat;
+  err: DWORD;
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if not ClearCommError(FHandle, err, @stat) then
+    serialcheck(sErr);
+  ExceptCheck;
+  result := stat.cbOutQue;
+procedure TBlockSerial.DcbToTermios(const dcb: TDCB; var term: termios);
+  n: integer;
+  x: cardinal;
+  //others
+  cfmakeraw(term);
+  term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CREAD;
+  term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CLOCAL;
+  term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or HUPCL;
+  //hardware handshake
+  if (dcb.flags and dcb_RtsControlHandshake) > 0 then
+    term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CRTSCTS
+  else
+    term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag and (not CRTSCTS);
+  //software handshake
+  if (dcb.flags and dcb_OutX) > 0 then
+    term.c_iflag := term.c_iflag or IXON or IXOFF or IXANY
+  else
+    term.c_iflag := term.c_iflag and (not (IXON or IXOFF or IXANY));
+  //size of byte
+  term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag and (not CSIZE);
+  case dcb.bytesize of
+    5:
+      term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CS5;
+    6:
+      term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CS6;
+    7:
+      term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CS7;
+      term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CS7fix;
+    8:
+      term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CS8;
+  end;
+  //parity
+  if (dcb.flags and dcb_ParityCheck) > 0 then
+    term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or PARENB
+  else
+    term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag and (not PARENB);
+  case dcb.parity of
+    1: //'O'
+      term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or PARODD;
+    2: //'E'
+      term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag and (not PARODD);
+  end;
+  //stop bits
+  if dcb.stopbits > 0 then
+    term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag or CSTOPB
+  else
+    term.c_cflag := term.c_cflag and (not CSTOPB);
+  //set baudrate;
+  x := 0;
+  for n := 0 to Maxrates do
+    if rates[n, 0] = dcb.BaudRate then
+    begin
+      x := rates[n, 1];
+      break;
+    end;
+  cfsetospeed(term, x);
+  cfsetispeed(term, x);
+procedure TBlockSerial.TermiosToDcb(const term: termios; var dcb: TDCB);
+  n: integer;
+  x: cardinal;
+  //set baudrate;
+  dcb.baudrate := 0;
+  //why FPC not have cfgetospeed???
+  x := term.c_oflag and $0F;
+ {$ELSE}
+  x := cfgetospeed(term);
+ {$ENDIF}
+  for n := 0 to Maxrates do
+    if rates[n, 1] = x then
+    begin
+      dcb.baudrate := rates[n, 0];
+      break;
+    end;
+  //hardware handshake
+  if (term.c_cflag and CRTSCTS) > 0 then
+    dcb.flags := dcb.flags or dcb_RtsControlHandshake or dcb_OutxCtsFlow
+  else
+    dcb.flags := dcb.flags and (not (dcb_RtsControlHandshake or dcb_OutxCtsFlow));
+  //software handshake
+  if (term.c_cflag and IXOFF) > 0 then
+    dcb.flags := dcb.flags or dcb_OutX or dcb_InX
+  else
+    dcb.flags := dcb.flags and (not (dcb_OutX or dcb_InX));
+  //size of byte
+  case term.c_cflag and CSIZE of
+    CS5:
+      dcb.bytesize := 5;
+    CS6:
+      dcb.bytesize := 6;
+    CS7fix:
+      dcb.bytesize := 7;
+    CS8:
+      dcb.bytesize := 8;
+  end;
+  //parity
+  if (term.c_cflag and PARENB) > 0 then
+    dcb.flags := dcb.flags or dcb_ParityCheck
+  else
+    dcb.flags := dcb.flags and (not dcb_ParityCheck);
+  dcb.parity := 0;
+  if (term.c_cflag and PARODD) > 0 then
+    dcb.parity := 1
+  else
+    dcb.parity := 2;
+  //stop bits
+  if (term.c_cflag and CSTOPB) > 0 then
+    dcb.stopbits := 2
+  else
+    dcb.stopbits := 0;
+procedure TBlockSerial.SetCommState;
+  DcbToTermios(dcb, termiosstruc);
+  SerialCheck(tcsetattr(integer(FHandle), TCSANOW, termiosstruc));
+  ExceptCheck;
+procedure TBlockSerial.SetCommState;
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if not windows.SetCommState(Fhandle, dcb) then
+    SerialCheck(sErr);
+  ExceptCheck;
+procedure TBlockSerial.GetCommState;
+  SerialCheck(tcgetattr(integer(FHandle), termiosstruc));
+  ExceptCheck;
+  TermiostoDCB(termiosstruc, dcb);
+procedure TBlockSerial.GetCommState;
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if not windows.GetCommState(Fhandle, dcb) then
+    SerialCheck(sErr);
+  ExceptCheck;
+procedure TBlockSerial.SetSizeRecvBuffer(size: integer);
+  SetupComm(Fhandle, size, 0);
+  GetCommState;
+  dcb.XonLim := size div 4;
+  dcb.XoffLim := size div 4;
+  SetCommState;
+  FRecvBuffer := size;
+function TBlockSerial.GetDSR: Boolean;
+  ModemStatus;
+  Result := (FModemWord and TIOCM_DSR) > 0;
+  Result := (FModemWord and MS_DSR_ON) > 0;
+procedure TBlockSerial.SetDTRF(Value: Boolean);
+  ModemStatus;
+  if Value then
+    FModemWord := FModemWord or TIOCM_DTR
+  else
+    FModemWord := FModemWord and not TIOCM_DTR;
+  ioctl(integer(FHandle), TIOCMSET, @FModemWord);
+  {$ELSE}
+  fpioctl(integer(FHandle), TIOCMSET, @FModemWord);
+  {$ENDIF}
+  if Value then
+    EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, SETDTR)
+  else
+    EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, CLRDTR);
+function TBlockSerial.GetCTS: Boolean;
+  ModemStatus;
+  Result := (FModemWord and TIOCM_CTS) > 0;
+  Result := (FModemWord and MS_CTS_ON) > 0;
+procedure TBlockSerial.SetRTSF(Value: Boolean);
+  ModemStatus;
+  if Value then
+    FModemWord := FModemWord or TIOCM_RTS
+  else
+    FModemWord := FModemWord and not TIOCM_RTS;
+  ioctl(integer(FHandle), TIOCMSET, @FModemWord);
+  {$ELSE}
+  fpioctl(integer(FHandle), TIOCMSET, @FModemWord);
+  {$ENDIF}
+  if Value then
+    EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, SETRTS)
+  else
+    EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, CLRRTS);
+function TBlockSerial.GetCarrier: Boolean;
+  ModemStatus;
+  Result := (FModemWord and TIOCM_CAR) > 0;
+  Result := (FModemWord and MS_RLSD_ON) > 0;
+function TBlockSerial.GetRing: Boolean;
+  ModemStatus;
+  Result := (FModemWord and TIOCM_RNG) > 0;
+  Result := (FModemWord and MS_RING_ON) > 0;
+function TBlockSerial.CanEvent(Event: dword; Timeout: integer): boolean;
+  ex: DWord;
+  y: Integer;
+  Overlapped: TOverlapped;
+  FillChar(Overlapped, Sizeof(Overlapped), 0);
+  Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
+  try
+    SetCommMask(FHandle, Event);
+    SetSynaError(sOK);
+    if (Event = EV_RXCHAR) and (Waitingdata > 0) then
+      Result := True
+    else
+    begin
+      y := 0;
+      if not WaitCommEvent(FHandle, ex, @Overlapped) then
+        y := GetLastError;
+      if y = ERROR_IO_PENDING then
+      begin
+        //timedout
+        WaitForSingleObject(Overlapped.hEvent, Timeout);
+        SetCommMask(FHandle, 0);
+        GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, Overlapped, DWord(y), True);
+      end;
+      Result := (ex and Event) = Event;
+    end;
+  finally
+    SetCommMask(FHandle, 0);
+    CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent);
+  end;
+function TBlockSerial.CanRead(Timeout: integer): boolean;
+  FDSet: TFDSet;
+  TimeVal: PTimeVal;
+  TimeV: TTimeVal;
+  x: Integer;
+  TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
+  TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
+  TimeVal := @TimeV;
+  if Timeout = -1 then
+    TimeVal := nil;
+  FD_ZERO(FDSet);
+  FD_SET(integer(FHandle), FDSet);
+  x := Select(integer(FHandle) + 1, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal);
+  {$ELSE}
+  fpFD_ZERO(FDSet);
+  fpFD_SET(integer(FHandle), FDSet);
+  x := fpSelect(integer(FHandle) + 1, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal);
+  {$ENDIF}
+  SerialCheck(x);
+  if FLastError <> sOK then
+    x := 0;
+  Result := x > 0;
+  ExceptCheck;
+  if Result then
+    DoStatus(HR_CanRead, '');
+function TBlockSerial.CanRead(Timeout: integer): boolean;
+  Result := WaitingData > 0;
+  if not Result then
+    Result := CanEvent(EV_RXCHAR, Timeout);
+  if Result then
+    DoStatus(HR_CanRead, '');
+function TBlockSerial.CanWrite(Timeout: integer): boolean;
+  FDSet: TFDSet;
+  TimeVal: PTimeVal;
+  TimeV: TTimeVal;
+  x: Integer;
+  TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
+  TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
+  TimeVal := @TimeV;
+  if Timeout = -1 then
+    TimeVal := nil;
+  FD_ZERO(FDSet);
+  FD_SET(integer(FHandle), FDSet);
+  x := Select(integer(FHandle) + 1, nil, @FDSet, nil, TimeVal);
+  {$ELSE}
+  fpFD_ZERO(FDSet);
+  fpFD_SET(integer(FHandle), FDSet);
+  x := fpSelect(integer(FHandle) + 1, nil, @FDSet, nil, TimeVal);
+  {$ENDIF}
+  SerialCheck(x);
+  if FLastError <> sOK then
+    x := 0;
+  Result := x > 0;
+  ExceptCheck;
+  if Result then
+    DoStatus(HR_CanWrite, '');
+function TBlockSerial.CanWrite(Timeout: integer): boolean;
+  t: LongWord;
+  Result := SendingData = 0;
+  if not Result then
+	  Result := CanEvent(EV_TXEMPTY, Timeout);
+  if Result and (Win32Platform <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then
+  begin
+    t := GetTick;
+    while not ReadTxEmpty(FPortAddr) do
+    begin
+      if TickDelta(t, GetTick) > 255 then
+        Break;
+      Sleep(0);
+    end;
+  end;
+  if Result then
+    DoStatus(HR_CanWrite, '');
+function TBlockSerial.CanReadEx(Timeout: integer): boolean;
+	if Fbuffer <> '' then
+  	Result := True
+  else
+  	Result := CanRead(Timeout);
+procedure TBlockSerial.EnableRTSToggle(Value: boolean);
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  FRTSToggle := Value;
+  if Value then
+    RTS:=False;
+  if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
+  begin
+    GetCommState;
+    if value then
+      dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_RtsControlToggle
+    else
+      dcb.flags := dcb.flags and (not dcb_RtsControlToggle);
+    SetCommState;
+  end
+  else
+  begin
+    FRTSToggle := Value;
+    if Value then
+      RTS:=False;
+  end;
+procedure TBlockSerial.Flush;
+  SerialCheck(tcdrain(integer(FHandle)));
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if not Flushfilebuffers(FHandle) then
+    SerialCheck(sErr);
+  ExceptCheck;
+procedure TBlockSerial.Purge;
+  SerialCheck(ioctl(integer(FHandle), TCFLSH, TCIOFLUSH));
+  {$ELSE}
+  SerialCheck(fpioctl(integer(FHandle), TCFLSH, Pointer(PtrInt(TCIOFLUSH))));
+  {$ENDIF}
+  FBuffer := '';
+  ExceptCheck;
+procedure TBlockSerial.Purge;
+  x: integer;
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if not PurgeComm(FHandle, x) then
+    SerialCheck(sErr);
+  FBuffer := '';
+  ExceptCheck;
+function TBlockSerial.ModemStatus: integer;
+  Result := 0;
+  SerialCheck(ioctl(integer(FHandle), TIOCMGET, @Result));
+  {$ELSE}
+  SerialCheck(fpioctl(integer(FHandle), TIOCMGET, @Result));
+  {$ENDIF}
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if not GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, dword(Result)) then
+    SerialCheck(sErr);
+  ExceptCheck;
+  FModemWord := Result;
+procedure TBlockSerial.SetBreak(Duration: integer);
+  SerialCheck(tcsendbreak(integer(FHandle), Duration));
+  SetCommBreak(FHandle);
+  Sleep(Duration);
+  SetSynaError(sOK);
+  if not ClearCommBreak(FHandle) then
+    SerialCheck(sErr);
+procedure TBlockSerial.DecodeCommError(Error: DWord);
+  if (Error and DWord(CE_FRAME)) > 1 then
+    FLastError := ErrFrame;
+  if (Error and DWord(CE_OVERRUN)) > 1 then
+    FLastError := ErrOverrun;
+  if (Error and DWord(CE_RXOVER)) > 1 then
+    FLastError := ErrRxOver;
+  if (Error and DWord(CE_RXPARITY)) > 1 then
+    FLastError := ErrRxParity;
+  if (Error and DWord(CE_TXFULL)) > 1 then
+    FLastError := ErrTxFull;
+function TBlockSerial.PreTestFailing: Boolean;
+  if not FInstanceActive then
+  begin
+    RaiseSynaError(ErrPortNotOpen);
+    result:= true;
+    Exit;
+  end;
+  Result := not TestCtrlLine;
+  if result then
+    RaiseSynaError(ErrNoDeviceAnswer)
+function TBlockSerial.TestCtrlLine: Boolean;
+  result := ((not FTestDSR) or DSR) and ((not FTestCTS) or CTS);
+function TBlockSerial.ATCommand(value: string): string;
+  s: string;
+  ConvSave: Boolean;
+  result := '';
+  FAtResult := False;
+  ConvSave := FConvertLineEnd;
+  try
+    FConvertLineEnd := True;
+    SendString(value + #$0D);
+    repeat
+      s := RecvString(FAtTimeout);
+      if s <> Value then
+        result := result + s + CRLF;
+      if s = 'OK' then
+      begin
+        FAtResult := True;
+        break;
+      end;
+      if s = 'ERROR' then
+        break;
+    until FLastError <> sOK;
+  finally
+    FConvertLineEnd := Convsave;
+  end;
+function TBlockSerial.ATConnect(value: string): string;
+  s: string;
+  ConvSave: Boolean;
+  result := '';
+  FAtResult := False;
+  ConvSave := FConvertLineEnd;
+  try
+    FConvertLineEnd := True;
+    SendString(value + #$0D);
+    repeat
+      s := RecvString(90 * FAtTimeout);
+      if s <> Value then
+        result := result + s + CRLF;
+      if s = 'NO CARRIER' then
+        break;
+      if s = 'ERROR' then
+        break;
+      if s = 'BUSY' then
+        break;
+      if s = 'NO DIALTONE' then
+        break;
+      if Pos('CONNECT', s) = 1 then
+      begin
+        FAtResult := True;
+        break;
+      end;
+    until FLastError <> sOK;
+  finally
+    FConvertLineEnd := Convsave;
+  end;
+function TBlockSerial.SerialCheck(SerialResult: integer): integer;
+  if SerialResult = integer(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then
+    result := GetLastError
+    result := GetLastError
+  {$ELSE}
+    result := fpGetErrno
+  {$ENDIF}
+  else
+    result := sOK;
+  FLastError := result;
+  FLastErrorDesc := GetErrorDesc(FLastError);
+procedure TBlockSerial.ExceptCheck;
+  e: ESynaSerError;
+  s: string;
+  if FRaiseExcept and (FLastError <> sOK) then
+  begin
+    s := GetErrorDesc(FLastError);
+    e := ESynaSerError.CreateFmt('Communication error %d: %s', [FLastError, s]);
+    e.ErrorCode := FLastError;
+    e.ErrorMessage := s;
+    raise e;
+  end;
+procedure TBlockSerial.SetSynaError(ErrNumber: integer);
+  FLastError := ErrNumber;
+  FLastErrorDesc := GetErrorDesc(FLastError);
+procedure TBlockSerial.RaiseSynaError(ErrNumber: integer);
+  SetSynaError(ErrNumber);
+  ExceptCheck;
+procedure TBlockSerial.DoStatus(Reason: THookSerialReason; const Value: string);
+  if assigned(OnStatus) then
+    OnStatus(Self, Reason, Value);
+class function TBlockSerial.GetErrorDesc(ErrorCode: integer): string;
+  Result:= '';
+  case ErrorCode of
+    sOK:               Result := 'OK';
+    ErrAlreadyOwned:   Result := 'Port owned by other process';{HGJ}
+    ErrAlreadyInUse:   Result := 'Instance already in use';    {HGJ}
+    ErrWrongParameter: Result := 'Wrong paramter at call';     {HGJ}
+    ErrPortNotOpen:    Result := 'Instance not yet connected'; {HGJ}
+    ErrNoDeviceAnswer: Result := 'No device answer detected';  {HGJ}
+    ErrMaxBuffer:      Result := 'Maximal buffer length exceeded';
+    ErrTimeout:        Result := 'Timeout during operation';
+    ErrNotRead:        Result := 'Reading of data failed';
+    ErrFrame:          Result := 'Receive framing error';
+    ErrOverrun:        Result := 'Receive Overrun Error';
+    ErrRxOver:         Result := 'Receive Queue overflow';
+    ErrRxParity:       Result := 'Receive Parity Error';
+    ErrTxFull:         Result := 'Tranceive Queue is full';
+  end;
+  if Result = '' then
+  begin
+    Result := SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode);
+  end;
+{---------- cpom Comport Ownership Manager Routines -------------
+ by Hans-Georg Joepgen of Stuttgart, Germany.
+ Copyright (c) 2002, by Hans-Georg Joepgen
+  Stefan Krauss of Stuttgart, Germany, contributed literature and Internet
+  research results, invaluable advice and excellent answers to the Comport
+  Ownership Manager.
+function TBlockSerial.LockfileName: String;
+  s: string;
+  s := SeparateRight(FDevice, '/dev/');
+  result := LockfileDirectory + '/LCK..' + s;
+procedure TBlockSerial.CreateLockfile(PidNr: integer);
+  f: TextFile;
+  s: string;
+  // Create content for file
+  s := IntToStr(PidNr);
+  while length(s) < 10 do
+    s := ' ' + s;
+  // Create file
+  try
+    AssignFile(f, LockfileName);
+    try
+      Rewrite(f);
+      writeln(f, s);
+    finally
+      CloseFile(f);
+    end;
+    // Allow all users to enjoy the benefits of cpom
+    s := 'chmod a+rw ' + LockfileName;
+    Libc.system(pchar(s));
+    fpSystem(s);
+  except
+    // not raise exception, if you not have write permission for lock.
+    on Exception do
+      ;
+  end;
+function TBlockSerial.ReadLockfile: integer;
+{Returns PID from Lockfile. Lockfile must exist.}
+  f: TextFile;
+  s: string;
+  AssignFile(f, LockfileName);
+  Reset(f);
+  try
+    readln(f, s);
+  finally
+    CloseFile(f);
+  end;
+  Result := StrToIntDef(s, -1)
+function TBlockSerial.cpomComportAccessible: boolean;
+  MyPid: integer;
+  Filename: string;
+  Filename := LockfileName;
+  MyPid := Libc.getpid;
+  {$ELSE}
+  MyPid := fpGetPid;
+  {$ENDIF}
+  // Make sure, the Lock Files Directory exists. We need it.
+  if not DirectoryExists(LockfileDirectory) then
+    CreateDir(LockfileDirectory);
+  // Check the Lockfile
+  if not FileExists (Filename) then
+  begin // comport is not locked. Lock it for us.
+    CreateLockfile(MyPid);
+    result := true;
+    exit;  // done.
+  end;
+  // Is port owned by orphan? Then it's time for error recovery.
+  //FPC forgot to add getsid.. :-(
+  if Libc.getsid(ReadLockfile) = -1 then
+  begin //  Lockfile was left from former desaster
+    DeleteFile(Filename); // error recovery
+    CreateLockfile(MyPid);
+    result := true;
+    exit;
+  end;
+  {$ENDIF}
+  result := false // Sorry, port is owned by living PID and locked
+procedure TBlockSerial.cpomReleaseComport;
+  DeleteFile(LockfileName);
+function GetSerialPortNames: string;
+  reg: TRegistry;
+  l, v: TStringList;
+  n: integer;
+  l := TStringList.Create;
+  v := TStringList.Create;
+  reg := TRegistry.Create;
+  try
+    reg.Access := KEY_READ;
+    reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
+    reg.OpenKey('\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM', false);
+    reg.GetValueNames(l);
+    for n := 0 to l.Count - 1 do
+      v.Add(reg.ReadString(l[n]));
+    Result := v.CommaText;
+  finally
+    reg.Free;
+    l.Free;
+    v.Free;
+  end;
+function GetSerialPortNames: string;
+  Index: Integer;
+  Data: string;
+  TmpPorts: String;
+  sr : TSearchRec;
+  try
+    TmpPorts := '';
+    if FindFirst('/dev/ttyS*', $FFFFFFFF, sr) = 0 then
+    begin
+      repeat
+        if (sr.Attr and $FFFFFFFF) = Sr.Attr then
+        begin
+          data := sr.Name;
+          index := length(data);
+          while (index > 1) and (data[index] <> '/') do
+            index := index - 1;
+          TmpPorts := TmpPorts + ' ' + copy(data, 1, index + 1);
+        end;
+      until FindNext(sr) <> 0;
+    end;
+    FindClose(sr);
+  finally
+    Result:=TmpPorts;
+  end;

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