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Bug#593349: Fldigi bug report

On 08/17/2010 03:56 PM, w1hkj wrote:
You can change the limit size of the NOTES field in the file,
src/logbook/adif_io.cxx and then recompile the application.

Hi Dave,

OK, I see that. I had wondered if it was that simple and glad to hear it is. I think this would be ideal to have applied in your source tree so that others won't run afoul of it. Debian could certainly patch it, but it would be better if every user of fldigi would have protection form that class of problem.

If it is sufficiently large -- say, 50000 -- it is probably very unlikely that somebody would encounter a situation in which it is truncated without notification.

I may be only the 2nd person to complain, but it is not at all obvious what is happening unless people are looking closely. Maybe most hams don't want to write much about their contacts, or maybe they just aren't noticing that what they've written is being lost. A data loss bug is still a data loss bug even if only a few people notice their data has been lost ;-)

I would be happy to send you a simple diff you can git apply if you would like.

I am not familiar with xmonad, but perhaps you are over riding the
minimum vertical size that is set for fldigi. In that case you may very
well cause a segmentation fault. Your window manager should honor
minimum vertical and minimum horizontal sizes for any application that
sets them.

So this is a bit more gray than that. I looked at your code, and you are using the fltk size_range which in turn is setting WM_SIZE_HINTS. As the name implies, WM_SIZE_HINTS is an ICCCM hint and is the only mechanism I know of for indicating this sort of thing in X. As its name implies, it is a hint to the window manager. The window manager is encouraged to follow hints, but not required to do so, for good reason.

xmonad and other window managers such as awesome (see the larger list at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiling_window_manager#X_Window_System ) are designed to let a computer algorithm place and size windows on the screen, usually to take maximum advantage of available screen space. The algorithm is selected by the user but the specific size of windows is not. xmonad and similar programs would then always ignore window size and position hints because the user wishes them to.

I consider it acceptable and expected that some applications do not render properly when placed into windows smaller than they request via hints. (Most continue to work fine in any case.) I think that this is still a bug in fldigi and not in xmonad, however.

-- John

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