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Re: QSL labels, anyone?

Joop Stakenborg wrote:
Op zondag 05-10-2008 om 09:05 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef
Pierfrancesco Caci:
How do you guys print QSL labels? I see xlog can export a file for
later use by glabels, but I don't see a way to put multiple QSOs on
the same label (like for contests, for example). Ideas?

That's not possible. Every QSO will go onto a single label.

If you can provide me with examples how other programs implement this, I
may add it to xlog.

BTW, there is a support list for xlog, see: http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/xlog-discussion

Pf, ik5pvx

Pierfrancesco Caci

Joop PG4I

Joop, it would make a very nice addition to xlog. Sending a card with 4 or 5 labels stuck to it isn't very pretty.

I can only think of 2 M$ apps that can do this, QSLmaker and Dxkeeper. I'm not sure if either are open source or not, but I think Dave AA6YQ who wrote DXkeeper may point you in the right direction.


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