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DXCal - a DX calendar...

Good afternoon.

This is a non-debian related message but it is a ham-related message (so
it is not a full-off-ropic) O:-)

I just wanted to announce you my very last project. DXCal - a DX Calendar.

It is beta-release. I have announced it before in some EA mailing list but
now I would like to continue with a small group of non-EA to see what you
think about it.
I will appreciate any suggestion/correction/...

This website is a calendar where you can see the DXpeditions, special
calls, contests, ...
You can also add any DX/special station you want, it is also possible to
comment the spots... for example to add the QSL info or to do some
corrections... anything.

The objective of DXCal is to connect to the web (http://dxcal.com) and be
able to see what stations are planned for each day at a glance.

This website has also a forum to chat ans so on... (Spanish and English at
this moment but it is possible to create any other, of course!).

At this very first moment, nearly all the information comes from the
different DX bulletins from the Internet. To be able to show how DXCal
works I needed some data but I hope that, if DXCal is known, people will
start to enter news directly to the web.
By the way, I will try to keep copying all the missing data from the

One more thing. If someone enters information comming from a
website/bulleting (like 425DX or OPDX), please add the source. I like to
respect the credits :-)

I will thank you any suggestions.

Enjoy DXCal!

73 de EA4TV

(Sorry for this "spam") O:-)

Un saludo,
	Jaime Robles, EA4TV

   http://www.redlibre.net - La Red Libre de todos!

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