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Re: section in the gnome/freedesktop menu

* Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> [2007 Sep 13 04:25 -0500]:

> I put gpredict in Education;HamRadio for lack of a better choice. I
> don't know if Debian (or rather GNOME) is using the additional 
> categories at all but I suspect that ham radio applications will be
> scattered throughout the menu due to their differing major categories.
> Applications like gmfsk probably do belong in network or audio - but
> which?

Ahhhh, so the GNOME-ites are at it again, dictating policy.  ;-)

I have found it necessary to create my own Ham Radio category in my main
menu on my KDE installations to gather everything in one place.  I had
a ham radio menu package installed at one time. but it never showed up
in KDE.  In the Debian menu under Applications is Amateur Radio which
is generally populated correctly.

I can understand the need for a coherent menu system and that's not my
gripe.  Specialized areas like Ham Radio should be able to exist
seperately, though.

73, de Nate >>

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