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Re: hamlib: changing package names

On Sun, Mar 19, 2006 at 09:24:48AM +0100, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> With the next upload of hamlib, I intend to change package names, so
> they make more sense and reflect the current (and future) .so name:
> hamlib4 -> libhamlib2
> hamlib4++c2 -> libhamlib2++c2
> hamlib-dev -> libhamlib-dev
> hamlib++-dev -> libhamlib++-dev
> hamlib4-perl -> libhamlib2-perl
> hamlib4-tcl -> libhamlib2-tcl
> python2.4-hamlib4 -> python2.4-libhamlib2
> hamlib-utils -> libhamlib-utils
> hamlib-doc -> libhamlib-doc
> The new packages will conflict with hamlib4, but will also provide
> hamlib4, so we have a smooth upgrade path.

And hamlib-dev will provide libhamlib-dev, and so on?

How soon do you anticipate uploading? Should we recompile everything for
hamlib4 now, or wait and get libhamlib2 instead?

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>

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