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Re: Getting out of KISS mode

Bob, I remember you from a few years back, when you helped me get all my packet and data radio working with Linux. What was that...'97?
Anyway, since my serial port on my linux box doesn't work, I'll need to try this with my windows box.
I wonder if I can use Cygwin and run the perl script just as you have it below? Otherwise I guess I'll have to replace /dev/tty0 with COM1?
I'm not sure if anything will work though. I've tried the alt key combo and the hard reset. Neither works. I have the unit hooked via serial cable to a com port set to 1200 N-8-1 on my windows box so I think the parameters are all right.
I can't believe it's dead. It's just been in storage. I'll poke around with a logic probe and meter a bit tonight when I have more time.
Any other ideas?

On 3/6/06, Bob Nielsen <nielsen@oz.net> wrote:

On Mar 6, 2006, at 8:42 AM, Ed Young wrote:

> I have a Kantronics KPC-3 Plus TNC that I haven't used in about 3
> years. I connected it to a serial port and  and powered it up and
> got nothing. Then I remembered I used it in KISS mode last and
> realized I won't see any interaction unless I take it out of KISS
> mode.
> Can someone help me out here?
> I tried to reset it by removing the battery and letting it sit for
> a minute or two and I tried to set the reset jumper to reset but
> neither had any effect.
> I think the TNC is in working order, since the last time I used it
> it worked fine. The power light comes on.
> I know the serial port works. I shorted pins 2 and 3 and then typed
> on the keyboard. I saw the keys echo to the screen.
> I set the minicom parameters to 1200baud, N81 with no control. I
> also tried 2400, 4800m, etc.
> I found something from the linux-hams archives, but I'm not sure
> how to execute it:
> "To get out of KISS mode is a bit more complicated. You need to send
> the three bytes $C0, $FF, $C0 (192, 255, 192) to the TNC to restore
> normal operation. "
> I'm not sure how to do this if I don't know if my serial connection
> is working...
> Please advise,
> Thanks,

The same question came up on the linux-hams list about a month ago.
Here is the response I gave there:

Curt, WE7U created kiss-of.pl, a perl script that is part of Xastir
to do that.  Here is the pertinent section:

# This script will send the proper characters to STDOUT to command a
# KISS TNC out of KISS mode.  Redirect it to the port that the TNC
# is connected to.  Turn off the port in Xastir first.

# It is assumed that the baud rate on the port and the baud rate of
# the TNC match, if not, this won't work.  If you've just been using
# the TNC in Xastir, they probably match.

# Use the script like this:
# ./kiss-off.pl >/dev/ttyS1

sleep 1;
printf("%c%c%c", 192, 255, 192);
sleep 1;

You would need to set the serial port speed to match the TNC using
setserial prior to doing this.

Bob, N7XY

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