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Re: In search of a terminal package to talk to a tnc

On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 04:56:58PM +0000, gena@genaj.plus.com wrote:
> Hi
> I've got a Tiny-2 and a PK-232 tnc but can't get them to talk to
> software once the /dev/ttyS1 is bound by kissattach.  Being new to using
> a hardware tnc, I'm not sure how I can get them back into command mode. 
> After turning kiss on, I can only get back to the cmd prompt by
> disconnecting the internal battery.  I've been using minicom to enter
> values such as mycall kiss on and restart.  Which I understand to be a
> ready state.  I thought that call would enable me to get back to the cmd
> prompt but the escape characters stated in the man page seem to be
> ineffective.  Minicom, complains that the ttyS1 is locked.  So I'm
> looking for software that'll talk to my either of my 2 tnc's that will
> enable me to switch between modes.

kissparms -p <port> -x

see man kissparms or http://linux.com.hk/penguin/man/8/kissparms.html



Patrick Ouellette                 pat@flying-gecko.net
kb8pym@arrl.net                   Amateur Radio: KB8PYM 
Living life to a Jimmy Buffett soundtrack
"Crank the amp to 11, this needs more cowbell - and a llama wouldn't hurt either"

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