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Soundcard packet

Following the suggestions from Mark (KE4QKT) I reduced the start script to a simple :-

/usr/sbin/soundmodem /etc/ax25/soundmodem.conf -R -M /dev/null 2>/dev/null&
sleep 1

The axports is now :-
sm0   vk4akm-8     1200   255   2    radio (1200bps)

The relevant part of /etc/ax25/soundmodem.conf contains:-
pkt mode = "mkiss"
ifname = "sm0"
hwaddr = "vk4akm-8"
ip = ""
netmask = ""
broadcast = ""
file = "/dev/soundmodem0"
unlink = "1"
<mode mode="afsk" bps="1200" f0="1200" f1="2200" diffenc="1"/>
<demode mode="afsk" bps="1200" f0="1200" f1="2200" diffdec="1"/>

After rebooting the system, I set the volume controls using the Gnome Volume Control routine. Sudo sh doham (the start script) to start the soundmodem and then in a second terminal window
sudo listen -a -p sm0.
I can observe and decode packets off air in this listen window.
If I use the command "Call sm0 vk4rar" the local digi (vk4rar) will respond but nothing is decoded in either the listen window or terminal window which just reports
it is trying.
( I can also observe the traffic off air on my normal winpac terminal (which I am trying desperately to pension off)

Any ideas please.


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