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Hi there

I have set up a soundmodem on my woody gw server and hooked up the mic input to spkr output of radio ie no tx capability at all. The idea is that the radio listenss on a VHF voice repeater and accepts aprs such as pic-e packets appended to voice transmissions. Eventually I would like to do this on HF but ya gotta start small 8*) By doing sethdlc sm0 I can see the packets from my pic-e being received and decoded.
I cannot figure exactly what the server is doing with them.
I have observed some of my incoming tnc packets on findu.com eventually.the latency is huge. Same if I log in with UIView. I cannot see them on any of my ports including 14579 or 14580 or in any of the logs. I have attached a copy of my aprsd.conf file for comments and suggestions for improvement. Ports are at http://barrett.waus.net:14579 and http://barrett.waus.net:14580

cheers from the  keg

WA   6107
#aprsd 2.1.2 server configuration file
#This file is read ONCE on server startup.
#You must restart aprsd for changes to take effect.
#eg: /etc/rc.d/init.d/aprsd.init stop (then start)
#Lines starting with "#" are comments and are ignored
#Key words such as "mycall" and "maxusers" are NOT case sensitive.
#MyCall is the same as mycall.
#*** There is no error checking so be careful ******
#Servercall is the ax25 source call used in packets
#sent from the server to Internet users. (9 chars max)
#Note: Does not go out on the air.
servercall VK6KEG
#MyCall will be over written by the MYCALL string in INIT.TNC
#if "tncport" has been defined.
MyLocation Perth_WA
#This email address will be sent in replies to ?IGATE? queries.
# Also, it will be on the status web pages on port 14501.
MyEmail peter@barrett.waus.net
#Set MaxUsers to a value that your Internet connection can support.
MaxUsers 25
#Define beacon text. The server will supply the ax25 path header.
#The first number after "NetBeacon" is the time interval in minutes.
#Comment out the line or set time interval to 0 to disable beacon.
#The rest of the line can be any aprs protocol conforming packet.
NetBeacon 10 !0000.00N/00000.00WI aprsd Linux APRS Server
#Define the TNC beacon. The TNC will supply the ax25 path header.
#It's optional and you may use the TNC BTEXT in the INIT.TNC file instead.
TncBeacon 15 !0000.00N/00000.00WI aprsd Linux APRS Server
#Send 2 extra message acks is addition to each received ack to TNC
#Range 0 to 9
ackrepeats 2
#Send extra acks at 5 second intervals
#Range 1 to 30 seconds
ackrepeattime 5
#Set history list items to expire in 35 minutes
expire 35
#Define the radio port to use
#This can either be a serial port with a TNC (9600 baud)
#as in /dev/ttyS1, or a Linux AX.25 network interface
#as defined in /etc/ax25/axports. If you use a serial
#device, ensure that you have write permissions. If you
#use Linux sockets, you must run as root (or setuid).
#If undefined all TNC related functions are disabled.
tncport sm0
#tncport /dev/ttyS1
#Define the path for transmitted packets
#This is only used when using Linux sockets, not the TNC.
#For the TNC, set this in INIT.TNC. Note the format is
#slightly different to the TNC command.
aprspath APRS v VK3RPP-1 VK3JFK-1
# Allow Internet to RF message passing.
rf-allow yes
# Allow the insecure aprs passcodes to be used
# Note: "no" means all users need Linux user names and passwords
#       and aprsd must be run as root for that to work.
aprsPass yes
#Set the minimum time between TNC transmit packets in milliseconds
TncPktSpacing 1500
# Disallow packets transmitted from our own TNC from 
# being igated back to the Internet after being digipeated.
igateMyCall no
#igate and hub connection definitions
#usage: igate <host name> <host port> <optional user name> <optional user password>
#Note: Use user/pass option (below) ONLY if you intend to feed data TO the igate.
#      Usually the igate will connect to you and read your data.
#hub is like igate except only ONE hub connection is active at a time.
#If the hub connection fails the next hub is tried in rotation until one accepts a connection.
hub first.aprs.net 23
hub aprs.socal.interworld.net 23
hub third.aprs.net 23
#igate first.aprs.net 1313
#igate second.aprs.net 1313
#igate aprsdkw.dyndns.org 1313
#igate aprs.k9iu.ampr.org 1313
#igate baltimore.aprs.net 1313
#igate calgary.aprs.net 1313
#igate concord.aprs.net 1313
#igate cosprings.aprs.net 1313
#igate dayton.aprs.net 14439
#igate elansing.aprs.net 1313
#igate gw.officine.it 1313
#igate hamgate.cs.usu.edu 1313
#igate kb2ear.aprs.net 1313
#igate kd6wxd.dynip.com 10148
#igate marconi.ece.cmu.edu 14579
#igate michigan.aprs.net 1313
#igate milwaukee.aprs.net 1313
#igate montreal.aprs.net 1313 
#igate mulvey.dyndns.com 1313
#igate netherlands.aprs.net 1313
#igate newyork.aprs.net 1313
#igate ontario.aprs.net 1313
#igate orlando.aprs.net 1313
#igate radio.artsfac.csuohio.edu 1313
#igate radio-active.net.au 1313
#igate sandiego.aprs.net 1313
#igate santabarbara.aprs.net 1313
#igate saopaulo.aprs.net 1313
#igate swiss.aprs.net 14579
#igate temple.aprs.net 1313
#igate tucson.aprs.net 1313
#igate wv.aprs.net 1313
#Use the following format (host port user pass) to allow sending 
#data from this server to to another server.
#You need a user name and password for the server host system.
#The aprs passcode for your callsign can be found with the aprspass program.
#The password "99999" is not valid.
igate first.aprs.net 23 VK6KEG 22181
#igate wa4dsy.net 1313 VK6KEG 22181
#Define server listen ports (see ports.html)
rawtncport 14580
localport 14579
mainport 10151
mainport-nh 10152
linkport 1313
msgport 1314
udpport 1315
httpport 14501
ipwatchport 14502
#define trusted users of the UDP port.
#usage: trust <ip address> <subnet mask>
#Selected call signs which are always gated to RF
#if they are not seen locally. All packets from
#these are gated in real time. Do not use unless
#you really need real time data.  Consider posit2rf below.
#They are case sensitive! Use upper case. Up to 64 may be defined.
#gate2rf K4HG-8 N4NEQ-9 
#gate2rf W7LUS-14
#Call signs of stations whose posits are gated
#to RF every 15 minutes.  Only posit packets are
#gated.  Posits are taken from the history list.
#They are case sensitive! Use upper case.
#posit2rf K4HG-8 N4NEQ-9 
#posit2rf W7LUS-14
#Define a list of message destination call signs or aliases 
#to gate to RF full time.  Note: the CQGA example 
#below is CQ GA (Georgia). Edit to suite your locale.
#Up to 64 of these may be defined. They are case sensitive.
#msgdest2rf SCOUTS KIDS CQWA CQ VK6*

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