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Re: usb-serial setup

On Thu, 11/17/2005, 12:16AM, Stef VK5HSX wrote:
> Greetings,
> 	I am trying to get a moibo usb-rs232 serial adapter operational on my
> laptop (GNU/Debian Sid 2.6.14-1-686). I have done some googling,
> however, some contradictory info has caused some confusion. The device
> with dmesg comes up with usbhid /dev/usb/hiddev0, where the doc's say it
> should be /dev/usb/ttyUSB0.
> 	If someone could shed some light on the situation, would be much
> appreciated. The device is connected to MFJ-1270b TNC. Wanting to
> kissattach to this device.. many thanks in advance..

The driver probably gets loaded on demand.  I would plug in your
usb-serial device then do an 'lsmod' and look for a driver called
'usbserial'.  If you see that then the driver for your usb-serial device
is probably loaded.  Also check /var/log/messages; according to the
kernel docs, it should trace out the nodes.  You can download the kernel
source via 'aptitude' and check
/usr/src/kernel-source-{version}/Documentation/usb/ for Linux USB
documentation.  If you're using 'devfs' (or possibly 'udev' as well), it
may enumerate the nodes as /dev/usb/tts/{0,1,....}.  If you're not using
devfs (or udev) then you may have to create the nodes /dev/ttyUSB0,
/dev/ttyUSB1, etc., using 'mknod'.  You can actually call them anything
you want but I would stick with convention.  Again I would download the
kernel source and look at the USB docs.

Just some thoughts.

Mark - KE4QKT

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