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Re: linpsk release

Op di, 05-04-2005 te 12:57 -0400, schreef Bruce Walker:

> Now, one more question.  linpsk 0.8.1 was released by upstream last 
> week.  I never packaged 0.8.0; we are at the one before that (0.7.1).  
> We are just about to freeze for sarge.  I could quickly package the new 
> version and upload it as my "last act" to try to get it in the queue 
> before the freeze, or we could take the more conservative approach and 
> let the team do it on its own time.  I'll assume the later, but if 
> encouraged, I could probably get it done in the next 24 hours, though I 
> couldn't do much testing other than to see if it comes up and looks 
> right (station not set up in new QTH).

Giving that you can't really test it on air, the safest would be to
stick with 0.7.1. Once the group has been formed and sarge really
frozen, we can do a new upload.

Thanks for maintaining all of your packages. We will try to keep them in

> - --bruce W1BW

Joop PG4I

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