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Re: Call for debian hamradio developers pool

El Lunes, 4 de Abril de 2005 19:33, Joop Stakenborg escribió:

Maybe I could help if it is needed. :-)

> Hamish and me intend to upload a series of packages which will be
> maintained by more than one developer. The packages concerned are
> libax25, ax25-tools, ax25-apps, node, fbb and linpsk to start with.
> The idea is to have a pool of hamradio debian developers who can do
> uploads. Your name will be added to the 'Uploaders' field and the
> 'Maintainer' will be listed as debian-hams@lists.debian.org, so everyone
> can follow uploads and bug-reports.
> Please speak up if you are interested and if you are a debian developer.
> Thanks,
> Joop PG4I

Un saludo,
 Jaime Robles, EA4TV

   http://www.redlibre.net - La Red Libre de todos!  

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