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Re: Announce: new EchoLink Howto

On Sunday 28 September 2003 19:49, Nate Bargmann wrote:


> Michael, I'm a bit puzzled why you are trying so hard to make Echolink
> work on Linux, when, by your own admission, the folks that are in charge
> of it don't even want to deal with us.  Obviously, the authors, etc.,
> have no desire of open protocols and competive software/platforms.  Why
> then should we plead with them to accept us?

Well, it's time for me to face reality. When I first saw EchoLink I thought 
'cool thing' and because I was not able to find a comparable linux 
application I tried to make it run with wine. This was a minor problem, 
because I'am very familiar with linux (I'am working as a IRIX/Linux/FreeBSD 
After I succeed I wrote the HowTo for others. That was also no problem, 
because I'am a technical writer as well.
I was proud about what I done and wrote. But after that, thinks went wrong: 
The EchoLink authors denied to pubish a link to the HowTo (I thought they 
would be happy to have more users), after some tests my girl friend (windows 
only) denied to use EchoLink because she was connected by intellectually 
undemanding people so many times and after all I got negative responses from 
this mailing list.

So I came to the decision to stop the development for the HowTo (it is not 
needed and not desired by anybody) and spend more time in trying to do 
something at 136 kHz ;-)

vy 73
|Michael Renner      E-mail: michael.renner@gmx.de  |
|D-72072 Tuebingen   Germany        ICQ: #112280325 |
|Germany             Don't drink as root!      ESC:wq

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