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Re: Announce: new EchoLink Howto

> Due there is only a version for the Windows operating system you have to make
> the Windows binary runder under Linux if you prefer this plattform.

I'm not troubled that it's a non-RF application for amateurs to use.  

What bothers me about this discussion here is that it is a Windows-only/
Intel-only program.  If source and/or protocol documentation is provided,
then that would be a different story.

I used to run LINUX on a recycled Intel box (which never run any version
of Windows while i had it, nor had it last run Microsoft code when i got
it). One thing i found out about the various emulators is that you can't
do much with a binary-only Windows program unless you have a relevant
copy of a Microsoft opeating system lying around, to get various .DLL's
and what-not from.  Not wanting to have bootleg software lying around, 
i dropped the idea entirely.

The same thing applies to the Macintosh emulator; you can't run a MacOS 
program without a copy of an Apple operating system (a few version of
which are downloadable from Apple last time i had a need to do that),
and i don't think how to run MacAPRS, for example, might be a very
important topic here either (if that were even possible under MOL).

So i think how to configure LINUX to run a Windows-only program is of 
limited relevance to this mailing list.

		  Respectfully submitted,
		      -- KD6PAG  (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRPer)

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