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Re: Announce: new EchoLink Howto

On Sunday 21 September 2003 00:25, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 03:01:06PM +0200, Michael Renner wrote:
> > > I can tolerate IRLP because it's strictly RF-Internet-RF, but when one
> > > end is purely Internet (or both) that's not ham radio, imho.
> >
> > What is ham radio for you Hamish? Why should somebody become a radio
> > amateur? Just to be a radio amateur? I don't think so!
> > In the 'good old days' before the internet and affordable computers there
> > where several reasons to make the license. Maybe sombody was interested
> > in electronics, in communication, in self-construction or in radiowave
> > propagation.
> > But only the last reason in my list remains! You do not longer need a
> > license if you are interesetd in technics, to communicate with others,
> > make your own electronic boxes (PCs). You need no license for this,
> > because the communications ressources (IP-Adresses, TCP/IP-Ports) are
> > unlimited, no need for a  artificial limitation of the participants due
> > the ressources (frequencies) are finite!
> But how does Echolink help someone to experiment with radiowave
> propagation? It doesn't even always use RF, and even when it does it's
> likely to be only FM on VHF/UHF, via simple groundwave only.

This is right, but there is no difference to CB radio, bummer! But EchoLink is 
a application that exists, radio amateurs are not forced to use NetMeeting 
(or gnomemeeting). Maybe a  possibility for a closed user group. Anyhow: I do 
not realy use EchoLink, but it was a challenge to make it run unter Linux and 
to write this HowTo. And as a second reason: This window application has much 
more features then echoLinux.

> > So, is it correct to limit activitations only (!) to  radio
> > communication? If we do this the hobby is convicted to death! There are
> > no youngsters any more intereseted in RF. They have a PC. 20 years ago
> > they where radio amateurs, but today, they write applications, e.g. for
> > KDE oder gnome.
> > I think the world develops, and we (the radio amateur) should follow such
> > processes. To make it clear: I agree with you that 'ham radio' must still
> > regard somthing with RF, but in my mind it is enough that a software is
> > for radio amateurs or only usable for them (maybe like a logbook
> > application).
> Oh yes, there is certainly use for ham-related software. I myself have
> little experience with designing RF circuits but plenty writing
> software. But this software is RF-related, and Echolink is not!

I'am more Free Software contributor (especialy KDE) than radio amateur. Many 
young amateurs may be more familiar writing computers applications than 
soldering a circuit. So they made a programm only for amateurs (and 
compoundable with a TRX).

> Echolink seems to be simply voice-over-IP where the users happen to be
> amateurs. If I speak to an amateur friend via the telephone (land line
> or mobile) do we call that amateur radio too? I don't.
> Well thank you for providing information on using Echolink with Debian.
> I suppose if people are going to use it, at least they can do it on a
> better OS than Windows. And maybe do some good old fashioned
> experimentation at the same time.

You are right, there is more software out there. I just play around with glfer 
at 136kHz, but without success till now :-(

vy 73
|Michael Renner      E-mail: michael.renner@gmx.de  |
|D-72072 Tuebingen   Germany        ICQ: #112280325 |
|Germany             Don't drink as root!      ESC:wq

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