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Re: CWirc debian packages

El jue, 24 de jul de 2003, a las 02:11:54 +0200, Pierre-Philippe Coupard escribio ...
> Hello everybody,
> I've made Debian packages for CWirc (source and i386 binary). They are 
> here :
> http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/om.the/web/cwirc/debian/
> They can also be installed through apt-get by adding the following lines 
> in /etc/apt/sources.list :
> deb http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/om.the/web/cwirc/debian ./
> deb-src http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/om.the/web/cwirc/debian ./
> Then do "apt-get update" and "apt-get install cwirc" or "apt-get source 
> cwirc"
Hello Pierre,

I tried your program cwirc. It's great. You have done a great job.
I put my ~/.cwircrc, connected to irc.freenode.net #cw and could
listen 'worldnews|12wpm' in less 2 minutes ;)

I read the iambic mode explanation too. At last, could understand
the differences between both modes.

I think it is a very original idea.


P.S.: Sorry, English isn't my mother tongue. I'm always trying to
learn it well, like CW ;)
Baltasar Perez (ponto) - EB8AKF (IL18ul)
Linux User #198228; Machine #112080; Hispalinux #2805
"good cw is music", Pat Nicholls VE3DZZ
Canary Islands, Spain

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