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Re: rfc: cwdaemon-0.6beta1

rein couperus PA0RCT wrote:
Hi Joop,

cwdaemon-0.6beta1 tested o.k. with tlf-0.9.1 here...

Thanks Rein!

Please note that K_ADDRESS in src/netkeyer.c is now obsolete. ESC9 is not used anymore because we now use the abstract POSIX layer: parport0, parport1, ttyS0, ttyS1, etc. Cwdaemon will respond with 'Obsolete' if you use ESC9 when running in the foreground.

Can we add some information to the README how to do this so we don't get a lot
of questions from new users?

Please find attached 2 stories for the newbies, which I could include in the next release. Please comment.



Joop, PA4TU
Setting up the parallel port(s)

1) Check whether the parport and parport_pc kernel modules are loaded: when 
   you type 'lsmod', you should (on the i386 architecture) see something like:

   parport_pc             23304   0 (autoclean)
   parport                25992   0 (autoclean) [parport_pc]

The lp module should not be loaded, it is only needed if you want to use a 
printer and it will block the parallel port if you use cwdaemon. You can unload
it with the command 'rmmod lp' as root.

2) If you don't see any parport modules please check whether you have the line:

   alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc

in your /etc/modules.conf file. Next, load the modules with:

   modprobe parport
   modprobe parport_pc

Be sure that parallel port support is enabled in your BIOS! If you use odd 
ioports or interrupts, you can do things like:

  modprobe parport_pc io=0x3bc,0x378,0x278 irq=none,7,auto

which configures 3 parallel ports at with the second port using irq 7 and the
third port some auto-detected irq.

3) When cwdaemon is run, the ppdev kernel module should be loaded 
   automatically. In case it doesn't, just type:

   modprobe ppdev

PLEASE NOTE: you should probably run a 2.4 kernel to use the ppdev device with

Setting up the serial port(s)

Setting up your serial ports is straightforward. Here are some commands to get
you started:

  setserial -g /dev/ttyS*

will tell you what serial lines are configured. If you see a line with 
"UART: unknown", this probably means there is no serial port for the device.

  setserial /dev/ttyS0 -v autoconfig

will try to autoconfigure your first serial port. You need to run this command
as root.

Other valid commands are:

  setserial /dev/ttyS1 auto_irq skip_test autoconfig
  setserial /dev/ttyS3 irq 5 uart 16550A skip_test

Newer distributions use a file called '/etc/serial.conf' where the information
for your serial ports are stored.

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