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Re: TLF and Field Day 2003

Hi Jaye,

you can use tlf for the fieldday. The file you probably want is the one called 
logcfg.dat, which you find in /usr/local/share/tlf. I can send you a fully 
configured config file for the fd if you need, but it is actually very easy: 
set CONTEST=arrlfd and make sure you have the right messages in the Function 
keys (both CW and VOICE now !).

Tlf will use 2 points for CW and 1 for SSB as per the rules.
If you write the exchange like "1ACT"  tlf will remember the exchange from 
other bands (up to the first space)..

You can also set a power multiplier if you want.

Tlf will NOT  take care of any bonus points; you have to add them after the 

Tlf does not create a valid cabrillo file for the fd, as it is not needed 
according to the rules. 

BTW, there is a mailing list for tlf users called tlf-devel at 

If you need to know more, just holler.... If you need changes to the program, 
I've got time until next friday, I am taking a well-earned 3 weeks holiday 



PS: Anybody going to Hamradio in Friedrichshafen?

On Friday 13 June 2003 19:30, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Anyone going to use TLF for this event?  Would love to pick some brains for
> tips on using TLF on a laptop running Debian testing.  I have it installed,
> but it wants some file that isn't auto-generated.  I will start to study
> the docs tonight and see if this would work or not.  Still, handy
> tips/tricks/etc, as well as a sample file are most welcome.
> Wishing you well, 73
> - --
> Jaye Inabnit<ARS ke6sls>A Debian-Gnu/Linux user
> If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
> Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: My key available from www.keyserver.net
> PtqoxEcEBXOhJgT8dmlJjTY=
> =Znmr

Email: Rein@Couperus.com or PA0RCT@AMSAT.ORG

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