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Need for a US postal address

I guess this might be a somewhat unusual request, but i could need some
help from an US based Ham. As some of you might know i'm owning beside
my german ham radio license a US one.

I recently upgraded this license to an Amateur Extra. In a lack of an
other one, i reused my US postal address i used when i obtained the
Technican License.

The problem here is, that this address has already once proven to be
unreliable, i never got my Technician license (which was not much of
a problem for me).

I do not want to run into trouble with the FCC (e.g. for bouncing
mail) and i really would like to get my Amateur Extra license. So
i would be thankful if a OM from the US would offer me his postal
address for use with the FCC. 

I would only use this for a address change in my license and for 
obtaining a vanity call sign. I could send a IRC coupon for the
postage for sending my license to germany.

Any help greatly appreceated.

vy 73 de Michael, DG3KJU, KG6ICX, DA0CCC, kju@debian.org


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