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Re: About TLF... quick ideas

In article <[🔎] 20020423222640.B8355@silly.cloud.net.au> you wrote:
> I haven't really followed this discussion, but I have to ask - why is
> it necessary and desirable to create a cut-down distribution for
> contest logging?
> A basic Debian system is not all that big really and has fairly
> minimal system requirements.

I think one of the ideas is to have a Linux Distribution on one CD that has
hamradio specific programs which make it attractive for those people who
would not want to install a complete Linux and learn everything from
scratch. The target audience is a contester who is used to haveing CT or
TRLog on his computer.

We want to create a bootable distribution that is ready to use with those
two programs (CX and TLF) and only uses a mountable DOS-partition to write
the log data onto the disk.

AFAIK no such distribution exists at the moment.

Peter Lemken

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