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	It wouldn't be too difficult. Any volunteers? I could do it.

	I,m not that clever yet. whats the best dox to read on this subject?

	I agree completely. There's quite a few more hamradio packages in
	testing than potato I think.

	Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>

My idea hamsters have been hyperactive over the past fortnight. They have
come up with the following:

would it be possible to access a debian mirror over ax25?

The intention is to use it for updates rather than complete installations
with some mechanisms to prevent bandwidth-hogging.

I would have thought 9600 would work (at UHF) and only ham-related gear
would be available.

I expect it would require the co-operation of an ISP or at least someone
with a bit of bandwidth.

apt-get over ax25 anyone??

Peter Barrett
Network Integrity

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