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On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 01:26:38PM -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> Has anyone thought of packaging QSSTV?  I had looked
> into this a while ago, but I would have to go through
> another debian developer as I am not one. I have built
> the program from source and gotten it to work, but I
> havn't tried building a .deb around it.   This program
> is licensed under the QPL and uses the QT tool kit. 
> Since it does not have the GPL vs QPL problem I think
> it could go into main.  
> QSSTV is a nice linux sstv program (the ONLY sstv
> program for linux).

I have a package of it built, although I'm not sure it's
the latest version. I thought we had a volunteer to maintain

I had to make lots of source changes to get it to compile
with gcc 2.95* because of the stricter compiler (C++
in particular). There may be an upstream version of
qsstv which uses qt2 now which would be nice.

I also got the author's permission to link it against
qt2 I think (QPL license).

Please go ahead and package it. I can send you my diff
if you want.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>

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