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Re: Upstream which doesn't want to migrate to GTK3

Dear Andreas,

It's completely understandable that some devs don't want to migrate to GTK3 as it just can't be seen as a proper successor of GTK2. GTK3 is still slower, much more unstable and immature than latest (now only maintenance) versions of GTK2. There are many API breaks among minor versions. There are several bugs Red Hat is unwilling to fix. There are several annoyances and anti-features like mandatory recursive search and several parts of the general widget elements are underdeveloped or intentionally dumbed down to give the unprofessional look of an Android tablet on a desktop computer which is just insane.

I think it would be a better and more constructive idea to consider keeping the latest maintenance release of GTK2 in upstream and maintain it on Debian level with local patches. The only question is whether we have enough maintainers for that.

Pál Tamás Ács

On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 9:15 PM Andreas Ronnquist <mailinglists@gusnan.se> wrote:

I have an upstream who doesn't have any interest what so ever to migrate
to GTK3, who specifically says

>I suspect that by the time GTK2 is no longer available - Asunder will
>no longer be a relevant application, and it can be removed from
>distributions without anyone noticing.

I am considering orphaning it, with the tiniest hope that he changes
his mind and accept a GTK3 migration, in which case I would gladly pick
up Debian maintenance again.

But, is it any use? Would it perhaps be even better to remove it from
unstable right now, and be done with it? A package can be added later
again if things change.

Input would be greatly appreciated.

/Andreas Rönnquist

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