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icon cache question

Hi list,

I have a (maybe naive) question about the GTK+ icon cache file generation.

I see that update-icon-caches (which is called from the postinst of
packages that use dh_icons during build) regenerates the file(s)
/usr/share/icons/*/icon-theme.cache only for those that already exist.

So what package(s) are responsible for creating those cache files in the
first place?  I have what I believe are all the GTK+ packages, as well
as hicolor-icon-theme, gtk2-engines and gnome-icon-theme, installed in
my Sid chroot. "find /usr/share/icons /var/cache -name icon-theme.cache"
returns nothing.  Nor does "apt-file search icon-theme.cache".
Unfortunately there is no easy way to search postinst files of
not-installed packages, so my apologies if the answer should be obvious.

Please CC me in your answers as I'm not subscribed to this list.

Thanks and best regards,

Kevin B. McCarty <kmccarty@gmail.com>
WWW: http://www.starplot.org/
WWW: http://people.debian.org/~kmccarty/
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