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Too many partitions visible in Nautilus


for some days or weeks (I can't remember exactly) Nautilus is showing all
partitions from /etc/fstab in the computer:/// view. This happens on Etch
(with a few packages installed from Sid due to the current Evolution
problem). It looks like this:


The icons for the DVD and floppy drives, the "Dateisystem" (file system)
icon and the two server connections are correct.
But the icons "/", "/media/hda2", "48,8 GB-Datenträger" and "52,7
GB-Datenträger" are wrong in two ways:

1. Their names are not only somewhat weird but they are also simply wrong,
as "/" points to /mnt/hda1 and "/media/hda2" points to /mnt/hda2.
2. They should not be visible at all, as these four partitions are mounted
to directories under /mnt/, as you can see in my fstab file:

# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>                       <dump>  <pass>
proc            /proc           proc    defaults                        0       0
/dev/hda4       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro      0       1
/dev/md3        /home           ext3    defaults                        1       2

/dev/hda1       /mnt/hda1       auto    defaults                        0       0
/dev/hda2       /mnt/hda2       auto    defaults                        0       0
/dev/hdc1       /mnt/hdc1       ext2    defaults                        0       0
/dev/hdc2       none            swap    sw                              0       0
/dev/hdc4       /mnt/hdc4       ext3    defaults                        0       0

/dev/hdb        /media/dvdrom   iso9660 rw,user,noauto,mode=0744        0       0
/dev/hdd        /media/dvdrw    iso9660 ro,user,noauto,mode=0744        0       0
/dev/fd0        /media/floppy   vfat    rw,user,noauto                  0       0

So here is my question:
Is there any config file or option in GConf where I can tell nautilus not
to be showing devices mounted to /mnt/hd* ?


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