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Re: GNOME 2.14

> The experimental uploads have started. You're welcome to test what's
> been uploaded. Currently, that's glib, gconf, gnome-vfs and
> gnome-terminal. Gnome-VFS now includes an inotify monitoring backend,
> and should still use FAM for monitoring files on NFS mounts. Please
> report any problem with the monitoring facilities. Gnome-terminal has
> gone through major performance improvements thanks to Guilherme's
> work.

Everything seems to be smooth so far. I haven't scrutinized monitoring
yet, only general usage. I expected gnome-terminal to speed up when
running the "time cat /usr/share/dict/words" test, but I can see no
difference at all. Are the improvements located in the libraries, or am
I doing something wrong?

�ystein Gisnås
> The experimental uploads have started. You're welcome to test what's
> been uploaded. Currently, that's glib, gconf, gnome-vfs and
> gnome-terminal. Gnome-VFS now includes an inotify monitoring backend,
> and should still use FAM for monitoring files on NFS mounts. Please
> report any problem with the monitoring facilities. Gnome-terminal has
> gone through major performance improvements thanks to Guilherme's
> work.

Everything seems to be smooth so far. I haven't scrutinized monitoring yet, only general usage. I expected gnome-terminal to speed up when running the "time cat /usr/share/dict/words" test, but I can see no difference at all. Are the improvements located in the libraries, or am I doing something wrong?

Øystein Gisnås
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