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Re: Upcoming gtk2-engines-* insanity

Le mardi 25 janvier 2005 à 16:41 +1100, Jeff Waugh a écrit :
>  * crux, highcontrast, lighthouseblue, mist and thinice are troublesome, as
>    they've moved from gnome-themes 2.[89].x to gtk-engines 2.6.x. We could
>    set an epoch and track the gtk-engines version numbers (ie. 1:2.6.0-1) to
>    solve this.

Yes, I don't think that's much a problem.

>  * industrial and smooth seem to be maintained separately, so we could just
>    ignore the gtk-engines versions and use the original upstream releases,
>    or we could use the code in gtk-engines but version the binary packages
>    correctly as per the upstream versions (which I'm attempting to convince
>    the gtk-engines maintainers to document regardless).

The code in gtk2-engines will always lag the code we already have in the
separate packages. Furthermore, it doesn't include the GTK+ 1.2 engines,
which are still maintained for Industrial and Smooth. I've asked the
Smooth upstream maintainer, and he firmly intends to keep developing it,
and to keep the main development of Smooth on smooth-engine.sf.net. As
for Industrial, there is only the engine in gtk-engines, but I intend to
still maintain a package including the theme, icons and cursors.

> For what it's worth, I'm also seriously considering switching gtk-engines to
> use cdbs in Ubuntu. 8)

For all of that, maybe you should sync with the gtk2-engines maintainer,
which I'm cc'ing.
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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