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Re: Silly question: why no gnome in experimental

On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 02:28:47PM -0300, Igor Morgado wrote:
>Good Question.. 
>To solve this problem a have done this:
>apt-get install -yuf bug-buddy gnome-control-center dasher eog
>epiphany file-roller gcalctool gconf-editor gdm gedit gnome-applets
>gnome-games gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gnome-mag gnome-media
>gnomemeeting gnome-nettool gnome-panel gnome-session
>gnome-system-monitor gnome-system-tools gnome-terminal gnome-themes
>gnome-utils gnome-volume-manager gnopernicus gok gpdf gucharmap
>metacity nautilus nautilus-cd-burner nautilus-media scrollkeeper yelp
>zenity gnome-netstatus-applet libgnome-speech3 totem-gstreamer
>gstreamer-misc gstreamer-player gstreamer-plugins gstreamer-tools
>gtk-engines-begtk gtk-engines-eazel gtk-engines-geramik
>gtk-engines-geramik-data gtk-engines-icegradient
>gtk-engines-industrial gtk-engines-lighthouseblue gtk-engines-mac2
>gtk-engines-metal gtk-engines-mist gtk-engines-notif
>gtk-engines-pixmap gtk-engines-qtpixmap gtk-engines-raleigh
>gtk-engines-redmond95 gtk-engines-smooth gtk-engines-thingeramik
>gtk-engines-thingeramik-data gtk-engines-thinice
>gtk-engines-xenophilia gstreamer0.8-esd rpm esound-clients ntp
>gnome-themes-extras gok-doc gstreamer-player-nautilus
>libqt3c102-mt-psql libqt3c102-mt-mysql libqt3c102-mt-odbc sidplay-base
>xsidplay mpg321 sharutils lzop gnome2-user-guide gstreamer0.8-plugins
>libatk1.0-data dvd+rw-tools gstreamer0.8-dvd alien -t experimental

This sure is a long list of packages. I tried using 'aptitude' to avoid
it, but instead it seems that the gnome package in Sid (version 59 I
believe) depends on specific versions of packages ('=' is used instead
of '=<', maybe for good reasons) and a recent upgrade from experimental
removed my 'gnome' package. Since I mix usage of 'apt-get' 'aptitude'
and 'debfoster' (which might be stupid) I immediately ended up in a
situation where 'debfoster' all of a sudden saw a lot of packages that
had been orphaned. I opted for 'apt-get install gnome' and a few of the
Gnome2.8 packages were removed :( I'd really like to eat the cake and
keep it too.


>On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:16:09 +0200, Magnus Therning <magnus@therning.org> wrote:
>> This might be a silly question, but why isn't there a meta-package for
>> gnome in experimental?
>> (The only reason I could think of was that it might be uninstallable too
>> often to be useful due to frequent updates of the packages. But why does
>> it work in unstable then?)
>> /M
>> --
>> Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
>> magnus@therning.org
>> http://magnus.therning.org/
>> Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the
>> ark; professionals built the Titanic.
>>      -- Anonymous
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Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

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