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Gnome 2.4: libbonobo(-activation), gconf, gnomevfs packaging


I've worked on libbonobo (activation) and gconf today, and I need some
advices before uploading something:

* libbonobo and libbonobo-activation have merged upstream, so:

- I've made a empty dummy package for libbonobo-activation (to avoid the
  removal all of the gnome app build against it)
- The libbonobo-activation lib is now in libbonobo

* liborbit should not conflict on libbonobo-activation, but
  libbonobo-activation << 2.4. A new package will be uploaded soon, for
  the moment I've just rebuilded it without this Conflicts.

* gconf is updated

* gnome-vfs doesn't build because of a ssl issue, I'm working on that
  with one of the gnome-vfs upstream and I hope I'll upload the new
  version soon.

Theses packages work fine here. There are here :

deb http://people.debian.org/~seb128/gnome2.4/ ./ 
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~seb128/gnome2.4/ ./ 

If you could test/look on them it would be great. I'll probably upload
all that in experimental tomorrow.


Sebastien Bacher

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