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Re: build-dependencies from ./configure

On 8 Aug 2003, Jérôme Warnier wrote:

> From: Jérôme Warnier <jwarnier@beeznest.net>
> Subject: build-dependencies from ./configure
> Is there already a script out there that gets the correct dependencies
> versions out of ./configure and fulfills debian/control automatically?
> If not, is there a good reason *not* to do it?

First you'ld want to get them from configure.in, not configure.
Second, configure.in isn't by ANY account standard. Every developer has
his/her own coding style.
Third, you could possibly do this for stuff using pkgconfig, but prolly
not for other stuff.
Fourth, even for pkgconfig, you may loose version information, or, if
you get it, loose generality (some people use variables to keep the
required versions in).

And then we're only talking about packages that use autoconf.

But if you're some kind of genius, you're welcome to write a script that
does all this. ;)

> Regards


Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

                 UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny

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