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mozilla 1.3, galeon 1.3.4 and epiphany-browser for gnome2.2 backport

I have had several requests to get mozilla 1.3 and galeon into the
backport.  I also wanted to try out epiphany-browser.  I have been
hesitant because the stable galeon 1.2 series hasn't worked with mozilla
1.3.  There are also issues with gtk2 mozembed which affects the acrobat
reader plugin (you use plugger-4.0 to get around this).  Also, many
galeon1 users have had complaints of galeon2 (1.3.4 in the backport) new
HIG compliance and simplified preferences.

However, I decided to backport these and make them available for
testing, but put them into a different directory.  To try them out, add
this to your sources.list:

http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/mirrors.evilgeniuses.org.uk/debian/backports/woody/ gnome2.2/mozilla-1.3/

The acroread plugin notwithstanding, I can say that mozilla and galeon
appear very usable and stable.  epiphany-browser has stability issues
when importing bookmarks and performance issues when using bookmarks on
my system, but is worth a look.

Have fun!


Email:        jstrand1@rochester.rr.com
GPG/PGP ID:   26384A3A
Fingerprint:  D9FF DF4A 2D46 A353 A289  E8F5 AA75 DCBE 2638 4A3A

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