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Re: How to fix a crashing Nautilus

Sean Proctor wrote:
they were a few days ago. I think it was either the upgrade to gtk 2.2 or
perhaps a metacity upgrade. when I drag around a box, it moves very slow, and
xfree86 starts using a large portion of my processor (60 - 70%, metacity at
around 10 - 15%, gnome-term (the app I'm moving around) at 10%, xterm (the
non-gtk app in the background, using a gtk app like nautilus or freecell
seemed to make things worse (around 10% or so)) at around 3%.

gtk apps seem to load much slower too. it seems like if galeon takes too long
to load, it'll crash. if I try to start it once, it'll usually crassh and I'll
have to try again. the second time it'll usually start, but not necessarily.

Everything's fast for me. I use sawfish. If you switch to sawfish does it help?

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