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Re: gnome-icon-themes

Ryan Verner <xfesty@computeraddictions.com.au> writes:

> I installed the gnome-icon-themes deb, but still couldn't get any icons
> coming up (everything was showing up as the default blank page icon), so I
> just nuked all the usual ~/.gconf,gnome,nautilus stuff, and I got the
> default icons back.
> However, I went to change the default font through gnome-control-center, and
> all the icons have reset back to the white page again.  I've just repeated
> the above twice with the same result.
> I wouldn't mind so much if I could change the icon theme, as I used to be
> able to, but I can't anymore - off memory, nautilus had it in Edit ->
> Preferences, but its not there.
> Anybody got any ideas, or is having the same issue?

As long as the control center for the 2.2 series hasn't been packaged,
you need to use gconftool-2 or gconf-editor. Set 


to the desired value whicht would be "gnome" at this time.

There is also /desktop/gnome/file_views/icon_theme

Is this one obsolete or does it have a different function?

BTW: I've packaged + installed the fresh control-center-2.2.0 from
ftp.gnome.org. It seems to have a number of issues. The new
gnome-theme-manager, which is used to set icon, widget and metacity
themes alway hangs unless I disable fam. gnome-keybinding-properties
is also affected by this bug..

As bugzilla.gnome.org suggests, other users experience the same

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