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Re: So what do the Debian Gnome maintainers say?

Christian Marillat wrote:
> Jeff Waugh <jdub@perkypants.org> writes:
>> This is an odd choice - the consensus seems to be that everyone would like
>> 2.4 in sarge. Surely that process should start as soon as possible... Would
>> you be comfortable with other developers NMUing to experimental to move this
>> process along?
> Frankly do you think that a maintainer can upload and don't use these
> packages ? Not really reasonnable. We can wait 2 or 3 weeks and see what
> happens with gcc/libc bugs.

The "Bits from the RM" post explicitly states that developmental packages 
should be uploaded to experimental. Gnome 2.4 is plainly not going to make 
it into sarge unless we know whether or not it's good enough /now/, and 
we're not going to know that unless packages are available in the 
extremely near-term future. Experimental is the appropriate place for 

(As a side note, making the assumption that the release date is going to 
slip is the best possible way to ensure that the release data does slip. 
Anthony's been making noises that suggest he's going to be firm about the 
current dates, and also that things like Gnome aren't high priorities for 
exemption. Fucking up this release, either by ending up with a mismash of 
1.4 and 2.2 or 2.2 and 2.4 packages, is going to pretty much kill any 
hope Debian may ever have for ending up on the desktop) 
Matthew Garrett | mjg59-linux.debian.maint.gtk.gnome@srcf.ucam.org
I am currently angry about:

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