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Re: Thoughts on GNOME 2.4 migration


>>>>> On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 18:10:33 +0200,
>>>>> "MEM" == "Marcelo E. Magallon" <mmagallo@debian.org> wrote:

MEM>  Has anyone taken a *serious* look at how feasible this is?  I mean,
MEM>  supposing the glibc/gcc mess gets fixed in anything that can be
MEM>  reasonably be called "near future" (i.e., no more than a week or two),
MEM>  what will happen with the GNOME packages?  My guess is that the first
MEM>  thing that needs to move to testing is glib2.0

MEM>  http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package=glib2.0

MEM>     * glib2.0 is only 9 days old. It must be 10 days to go in.
MEM>     * glib2.0 is waiting for glibc, gcc-3.3

It was my fault. I'm sorry. shlibs issue was fixed
locally. if glib2.0 is installed to testing, it will be
never affected other packages.

MEM>  Ok, that doesn't look that bad.

MEM>  The next thing that needs to move to testing is gtk+2.0 I'd guess:

gtk+2.0 doesn't claim the newer version in shlibs
anymore. for stability the latest version should be
installed to testing IMO, but it is not necessarily required
to move other packages to testing.

MEM>  http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package=gtk%2B2.0

MEM>     * gtk+2.0 is only 1 days old. It must be 10 days to go in.
MEM>     * gtk+2.0 is waiting for glibc, glib2.0
MEM>     * gtk+2.0 is out of date on arm: 2.2.2-3 vs 2.2.4-1 (most likely
MEM>       build problems)

MEM>  What's with that build problem?  Someone looking at it?

I don't have a time to look at this yet...

Akira TAGOH  : tagoh@gnome.gr.jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
at@gclab.org : tagoh@gnome-db.org / GNOME-DB Project
             : tagoh@redhat.com   / Red Hat, Inc.
             : tagoh@debian.org   / Debian Project

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