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gnome-session 2.2 fails to startup

I'm experiencing a problem with the new gnome-session after my latest
dist-upgrade, which brought me up to

To summarize: running gnome-session brings up the pretty splash screen
and proceeds to hang there. It appears that gnome-settings-daemon is
simply spinning while polling the connection to gconfd-2, which appears
to be spinning while polling my ORBIT socket in /tmp.

I've moved .gnome, .gnome2, .gnome_private, .gnome-desktop, .gconf,
and .gconfd out of the way, and blew away /tmp/orbit-madhack as well,
just for good measure. No change.

Any thoughts?

Mike Markley <mike@markley.org>
GPG: 0x3B047084 7FC7 0DC0 EF31 DF83 7313  FE2B 77A8 F36A 3B04 7084

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year

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