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Re: gnome2 packages using scrollkeeper in postinst want to access the internet

On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 03:07:01PM +0200, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> This should not be hapenning, as it is very annoying for people with
> slow modems, not to speak about people who will be installing from a
> cd or another offline method.

I've complained about this before.  Debian has solved this problem the
same way it solves most - the maintainers argued whose fault it is and
nobody wanted to take responsibility for fixing it.

libxml needs a catalog to avoid most network access (I say most because
while I now have one, it apparently doesn't include everything I need.
And since I don't actually KNOW what I need because nobody had the good
sense to document it, I'd have to go digging through each and every XML
file Gnome includes looking for the DTDs used..)

libxml does not create this catalog.  Apparently the DTD packages need to
do this.  But without triggers, how can they do so without libxml?  Oh,
they'd have to depend on libxml then wouldn't they?  Or some nice tool to
do this automatically when libxml or a DTD is installed would need to be
created ala update-menus.  Maybe if it were created, it'd even work!  It
hasn't been done yet.

Of course, this is orthoginal to the problem that modem users get NO
WARNING that their modem will be busy TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES PER PACKAGE
downloading essentially the same DTDs over and over again.  Apparently the
few seconds tetex-* spend rebuilding files is enough to deserve a warning
about how long it'll take, but updating scrollkeeper isn't at almost half
an hour a pop for ... how many Gnome2 packages use scrollkeeper?  Almost
all of them!

Not that this has sane defaults on a machine without any network
connection whatsoever.  Apparently if you're too cheap/poor/paranoid to
keep your box connected to the net, you don't deserve to use Gnome2 in
Debian.  The consensus of this list is that scrollkeeper's behavior is
broken and should be fixed upstream.  Jeff Waugh has indicated this isn't
going to happen.

I've concluded that the developers don't really have a grasp of how much
this hurts those of us on modem connections.  That or they just don't care
about the problem enough to be serious about finding some real solution to
it NOW, before they force every single Debian user with a modem to put up
with their inability or unwillingness to fix it.  I wish upon them the
thousands of duplicate bug reports which will hopefully follow from this
as angry users discover that it takes three hours of modem time to upgrade
their machines, AFTER they have downloaded all of the packages!

The Europeans on this list have good reason to demand that Gnome2 stay the
hell OUT OF UNSTABLE until this is fixed unless and until either the
problem is fixed or the people in so great a hurry to push these packages
into unstable offer to pay the scrollkeeper-update portion of their phone
bills.  It's rather amusing that two of the three most obnoxiously
aggressive people pushing for Gnome2 in unstable RIGHT NOW are European
and should in theory at least already be sensitive to the time and cost of
running scrollkeeper.  Maybe they are and I just don't see it - but if
they are, they are not sensitive enough to it that they've actually put a
real effort into fixing the problem.

Me, pissed off about it all?  Hmmm, what was your first clue?

Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@bluecherry.net>         Do not write in this space
<Oskuro> Overfiend: many patches on top of 4.0.1 already?
<Overfiend> Oskuro: a few
<Overfiend> only 152 megs

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