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Re: Do not link GNOME apps with libpng3

Bart Schuller <schuller+debian-gtk-gnome@lunatech.com> writes: 
> Is the LSB the right forum for this?

The LSB hasn't specified libpng yet; if they did, however, an issue
would arise, since either:

 a) the libpng maintainer would need to agree to support parallel 
    install of incompatible versions, along the lines of GNOME 1/2
 b) we would be locked into an old libpng version forever, 
    since the LSB would have specified it
 c) every distribution would have to do some ad-hoc includedir/png-1.0
    -lpng10 mess every time a new libpng came out, and making an 
    app that _compiled_ on every distribution would become difficult

Clearly a) is the best option, but it probably requires some
explaining to the libpng guy. Since the problem arises with numerous
other libs I've been meaning to write down how/why one time and post
it someplace and then mail maintainers about it.


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