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status of gnome2 transistion

what is the status of the gnome2 transition?

i assumed, from reading the archives of debian-ctte, that the plan is to
put gnome2 into experimental without the *2 suffix.

see threads of debian-ctte starting at:
<15730.11117.935688.167184@davenant.relativity.greenend.org.uk>; and

below is a table of packages that need to be changed to go along with
that plan:

src package name  |  version   | right name | archive      | maintainer
control-center2       n       experimental    Christian Marillat
eog2                1.0.3-1         n       experimental    Davide Puricelli
gedit               2.0.2-2.1       y       unstable        Joe Drew
gnome-applets2      2.0.3-1         n       experimental    Christian Marillat
gnome-media2       n       experimental    Davide Puricelli
gnome-panel2        2.0.9-2         n       experimental    Christian Marillat
gnome-session2      2.0.7-1         n       experimental    Christian Marillat
gnome-terminal      2.0.1-2         y       unstable        Christian Marillat
nautilus2           2.0.7-1         n       unstable        Takuo KITAME
rep-gtk             0.16.0-7        ?       unstable        Christian Marillat
sawfish             1.1a-5          y       unstable        Christian Marillat

two kinds of problems exist:

1) the binary package has a *2 on the end (n in 'right name' field).
2) the package is in unstable and should be in experimental.

so, when are the maintainers of these packages going to either upload to
experimental or upload without the *2 suffix?


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