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fuzzy anti-alias


This one drives me crazy.  I have anti-alias enabled with galeon.  It
works well with a lot webpages, but not every one.  i.e.
debianplanet.org, from the "xmag",  I can see that the font is
over-anti-aliased:  "l",  which shows in three parts,  grey left, solid
black in the middle,  grey right.  It's ugly and slow down the browser.
Same problem with the button and "input" field in Google.  I'm using
experimental Gnome2.0, X 4.2 and msttcorefonts.

Somebody please sheds some light on it.


my XftConfig:

dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"

match edit rgba = rgb;

# alias 'fixed' for 'mono' #
match any family == "fixed"             edit family =+ "mono";
match any family == "console"           edit family =+ "mono";

#Check users config file
includeif       "~/.xftconfig"

# Substitute TrueType fonts for Type1 versions
match any family == "Times"             edit family += "Times New Roman";
match any family == "Helvetica"         edit family += "Verdana";
match any family == "Courier"           edit family += "Courier New";

# Use TrueType fonts for defaults
match any family == "serif"             edit family += "Times New Roman";
match any family == "sans"              edit family += "Verdana";

# Use monotype.com (andale) face where possible
   any family == "mono"
   all slant == roman
   all weight < bold
   family += "monotype.com";

# otherwise, use courier
# Alias between XLFD families and font file family name, prefer local fonts
match any family == "Charter"           edit family += "Bitstream Charter";
match any family == "Bitstream Charter" edit family =+ "Charter";

match any family == "Lucidux Serif"     edit family += "LuciduxSerif";
match any family == "LuciduxSerif"      edit family =+ "Lucidux Serif";

match any family == "Lucidux Sans"      edit family += "LuciduxSans";
match any family == "LuciduxSans"       edit family =+ "Lucidux Sans";

match any family == "Lucidux Mono"      edit family += "LuciduxMono";
match any family == "LuciduxMono"       edit family =+ "Lucidux Mono";

# TrueType font aliases
match any family == "Comic Sans"        edit family += "Comic Sans MS";
match any family == "Comic Sans MS"     edit family =+ "Comic Sans";
match any family == "Trebuchet"         edit family += "Trebuchet MS";
match any family == "Trebuchet MS"      edit family =+ "Trebuchet";
match any family == "Monotype"          edit family =+ "Monotype.com";
match any family == "Andale Mono"       edit family += "Monotype.com";
match any family == "Monotype.com"      edit family =+ "Andale Mono";


my user.js:  

user_pref("font.FreeType2.enable", true);
user_pref("font.freetype2.shared-library", "libfreetype.so.6");
user_pref("font.FreeType2.autohinted", false);
user_pref("font.FreeType2.unhinted", false);
user_pref("font.antialias.min",        10);
user_pref("font.directory.truetype.1", "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType");
user_pref("font.directory.truetype.2", "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType");
user_pref("font.scale.aa_bitmap.enable", true);
user_pref("font.scale.aa_bitmap.always", true);
user_pref("font.scale.aa_bitmap.min", 10);
user_pref("font.scale.tt_bitmap.dark_text.gain", "0.8");

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