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snall nautilus2 problem

According to dselect (yes, people still use it - I do anyway):

nautilus2 recommends nautilus2-gtkhtml 
nautilus2-gtkhtml does not appear to be available
nautilus2 suggests nautilus2-mozilla

Neither of these packages are available, rendering nautilus2 unable to
handle HTML.  ISTR that 1.1 was quite broken until I installed one of
these things.  The gtkhtml package I can't even begin to describe other
than to say that it didn't seem to be very stable (if I could be more
specific, I'd have filed a bug report) and nautilus1.1-mozilla hasn't been
installable for weeks now.

At least one of these things probably needs to exist and actually work, I
suspect.  =)  Suggest the gtkhtml package if nothing else for the moment
since at least that should compile.  (I couldn't get nautilus-mozilla from
CVS to compile even with gtk2 mozilla - I've been told this module is
obsolete.  I haven't tried to get nautilus working with galeon2 yet..)

Any comments, Takuo?

Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@bluecherry.net>          You want fries with that?
* Knghtbrd wonders what his 18 hour download will break
<Knghtbrd> It includes glibc, X, python, gcc, and the Debian tools..
<Knghtbrd> Which means with my luck it will break glibc, X, python, gcc,
           and the Debian tools..

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