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Re: Galeon and Woody

> eh, but i thought you just said 1.0.x is screwed up with gconf2?
> Why not have 1.0.x conflict with gconf2?

My 1.0.3 packages had a versioned conflict with gconf2...
but the newer gconf2 is already in sid, so the conflict is pretty
Still, galeon DOES work with gconf2.
Unless you had been using gconf1 before.
You'll just lose most of your settings on starting galeon after
switching from gconf1 to gconf2... i do not know why.

My suggestion would be adding a Depends: on gconf2, and modifing the
galeon-config-tool to purge and kill gconf1 and gconf2...
And re-adding the debconf warning again.
If we force people to use gconf2, we don't have to deal with the
gconf1/gconf2 switching issues.
gconf2 isn't yet in testing though it hasn't got big bug reports though;
but it and it's dependencies have been uploaded too often to enter testing.
No big bug reports though, which is a good sign.

> runs fine for me, and yet there are quite a few bugs.  Probably if we
> uploaded 1.1.3, we would find that many people with different useage
> patterns than us would experience plenty of bugs.  I say we stick with
> 1.0.x until 1.2 comes out.

Lot's of the bugs reported against 1.0.3 are fixed in 1.1.3 as far as i
can tell; so i'd expect even less bugs from 1.1.3 as from 1.0.3

> Mozilla 0.9.7 is in testing.  Can we target an upload to testing only
> which depends on 0.9.7?

I don't think this is a good idea. Lot's of bugs repoted against galeon
were actually mozilla 0.9.7 bugs; i'd prefer waiting until 0.9.8 enters
testing; this should be about the same time current galeon 1.0.3 will
enter testing (unless grave bugs are filed or another upload becomes

actually i'm planning another upload of galeon; which might improve
gconf2-compatibility a lot with a few small tricks in the wrapper.
Such as checking for ~/.gconf/schemas/apps/galeon and calling
--install-schemas explicitely otherwise)
Don't know if that will help though. It did help here for a test
account. I'll make the upload urgency=medium then.

We should be able to wait these 7-10 days, i hope.

Of course it'd be a shame if galeon isn't in woody.


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