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On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 03:22:21PM -0400, Daniel Burrows wrote:
>   I thought the Helix-Gnome guy was a Debian developer?
>   If so, and if the other Gnome maintainers are letting their packages stagnate
> because of Helix's work, maybe it would be better to move those into the
> official Debian archives and make the Helix guy their maintainer..that would
> make things better for woody users at least (although stable users will be
> stuck with an obsolete version of Gnome for the next eighteen months or so :( )

Despite Helix's work, I'm still actively maintaining my gnome related
packages.  I don't think we should allow our packages to stagnate just
because Helix will be taking over the packages.  Since Helix hasn't
taken over yet, I feel a certain responsibility to ensure that my
packages are in "proper" working order.  Helix can even use whatever
updates we make to our packages to ensure that the migration from the
current gnome packages to the Helix gnome packages is as smooth as

BTW, how different are the Helix gnome packages from the native debian
ones?  Is Helix actively tracking our gnome related bug reports and

Ossama Othman <ossama@ece.uci.edu>
Distributed Object Computing Laboratory, Univ. of California at Irvine
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