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Steve Haslam and Gnome in potato

Hi everybody,

does anybody know if Steve Haslam is still with us (is he in holidays ?) ?
Because he's the maintainer of gnome-core and gnome-libs but source those
packages are not very well maintained. There are some RCB and many,
many bugs. I've mailed him last week but got no answer.
(check http://master.debian.org/~hertzog/qa/report-byscore.html
 to see the number of bugs)

I'd like that someone package a new upstream version of
both gnome-core and gnome-libs and check which bugs
have been corrected. Each upstream bug should be forwarded in the Gnome BTS
if the bug is still present in the new version. If the bug is debian-only
then try to correct it. :)

It's time to do it right now, before Gnome 1.0.50 so that all bugs will be
corrected in Gnome 1.0.50 that will come soon (one or two weeks probably).

If nobody is willing to do it, I'll do it myself.

Raphaël Hertzog -=- http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/
<pub> CDs Debian : http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/debian/#cd </pub>

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