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Re: Request to join Salsa group

Nilesh Patra <nilesh-8fiUuRrzOP0dnm+yROfE0A@public.gmane.org> writes:

> SGTM. Please rename the repository accordingly.

Right.  I have pushed ssh3 here:


I don't understand the CI/CD pipeline, it seems different from "normal"
Salsa pipeline.  Until golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt-v5 and
golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config >> 1.2.0 is in Debian, ssh3 need
extra APT pools for dependencies.  Is something like this possible in
the golang Salsa CI/CD?


> The package name as per dh-make-golang should be "golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt"
> so probably the existing package should be updated to v5 and transitioned properly.
> But it is fine anyway to have a -v5 for now, similar to golang-github-russross-blackfriday-v2-dev
> and golang-github-russross-blackfriday-dev.

This seems like a common pattern where multiple APIs are required to
co-exist, see

I have pushed jwt-v5 here:


Not sure I understand why "golang" is repeated but this matches the
existing golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt.


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