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Re: Move govarnam into the go team?

On Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 12:11 AM Guido Günther <agx@sigxcpu.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've packaged govarnam (https://salsa.debian.org/agx/govarnam) and
>  initially wnated to move it to the DebianMobile team but I think the go
> team would make more sense. Would it be o.k. to move it over (I'm not a
> go team member yet)?
> Note that govarnam needs https://salsa.debian.org/agx/varnam-schemes
> which is mostly language data but also some ruby scripts. I'd like to
> keep those projects together as co-maintainers will likely need access
> to both. Would it be o.k. to move both projects there?
> If that all sounds odd just let me know and I'll use DebianMobile instead.

Have you considered joining the Debian Input Method Team?

Disclaim: I'm on both the Go team and Input Method Team. And the input
method team has one package in Go as well.

Shengjing Zhu

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