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Re: Bug#929458: RFP: trivy -- A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI


Unfortunately, there are quite a few dependencies that haven't been packaged yet.

dh-make-golang github.com/aquasecurity/trivy
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/google/licenseclassifier" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/masahiro331/go-ext4-filesystem" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/magefile/mage" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/masahiro331/go-disk" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/masahiro331/go-vmdk-parser" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/masahiro331/go-xfs-filesystem" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-go" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "k8s.io/api" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "modernc.org/sqlite" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/spdx/tools-golang" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/defsec" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/in-toto/in-toto-golang" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/samber/lo" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/go-npm-version" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/sigstore/rekor" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/moby/buildkit" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/trivy-kubernetes" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/owenrumney/go-sarif" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/package-url/packageurl-go" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/sosedoff/gitkit" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/go-gem-version" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/bolt-fixtures" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/trivy-java-db" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/trivy-db" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/go-pep440-version" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/tetratelabs/wazero" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/openvex/go-vex" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/tml" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/testdocker" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/open-policy-agent/opa" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/aquasecurity/loading" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/docker-credential-gcr" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/twitchtv/twirp" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control
2023/05/01 10:55:44 Build-Dependency "github.com/masahiro331/go-ebs-file" is not yet available in Debian, or has not yet been converted to use XS-Go-Import-Path in debian/control

On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 9:03 PM <hexmasteen@runbox.com> wrote:
Our friends from openSUSE have this packaged already. We can probably use that as inspiration.


Damian Szuberski

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