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Re: RFS: ymuse 0.21-1

Hi Martin,

On Sun, Oct 09, 2022 at 04:49:14PM +0000, Martin Dosch wrote:
> Dear all,
> sorry, seems I added a wrong link earlier. Here is the correct one: https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/ymuse

I pushed a few minor cleanup commits. But a couple of questions:

- Since the very description says "GTK client for Music Player Daemon" should this not have
a "Depends" on mpd?
- As soon as I open ymuse GUI, I see the followint message[1] (while I am pretty sure
that the TCP port is fine and not in use) and the player
is un-usable. But this might be because I haven't configured mpd.
If possible could you please test this package in a clean/pristine debian system
maybe in a VM or something?
- If some sort of prior config is needed for mpd, please mention that in d/NEWS

[1] Connecting to MPD... DialAuthenticaed() failed: dial 6600: connection refused"


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