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Updating golang-golang-x-sys in unstable

Hi all,

  For my LXD packaging work, I need to update the existing packages
golang-github-mdlayher-vsock and golang-github-mdlayher-socket, but
their current releases require a newer version of golang-golang-x-sys
than is currently in unstable. Because golang-golang-x-sys is a "core"
golang library with 768 rdeps in main, I have been hesitant to try to
perform the update myself, but this is now the main impediment to
completing my LXD work.

  A little over a month ago I sent an email to the listed Uploaders of
the golang-golang-x-sys package asking if they could upload a newer
version of the package, but I haven't heard back.

  This weekend I locally packaged version 0.0~git20220422.9388b58-1 of
golang-golang-x-sys and via `ratt` have rebuilt all of its rdeps in
unstable main with the newer version (log attached). Of the 768 rdeps,
25 failed to build. I then rebuilt each of the failed packages in a
clean sbuild environment without the updated version of golang-golang-
x-sys and found that 22 of those 25 still failed to build, due to
various issues unrelated to updating golang-golang-x-sys (a brief
listing of those failing packages is at the end of this message).

  Three packages did build successfully after failing in the ratt build

  * golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt -- In the ratt rebuild, failed
in its test TestCalibrate, which apparently has been seen before
https://github.com/elithrar/simple-scrypt/issues/8). It took two tries
building this package with the updated golang-golang-x-sys before I got
a successful build. So, I think this is just a timing issue and not
related to any changes in golang-golang-x-sys.

  * golang-github-go-chef-chef -- In the ratt rebuild, hit an existing
known random test failure
(https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=848055, https://github.com/go-chef/chef/issues/87
). On my second rebuild attempt, it succeeded so the failure is not
related to any changes in golang-golang-x-sys.

  * golang-github-viant-toolbox -- Some tests seem to be unreliable
(particularly TestProcessSliceAsync and TestLogger), and I saw failures
both with and without the updated version of golang-golang-x-sys.

  Since it looks like updating golang-golang-x-sys will not introduce
any new FTBFS errors in packages in main, could someone upload an
updated version? I'm currently only a DM, and while I could prepare the
update, I would then have to request sponsorship. Updating the package
itself is pretty easy, so it might just be simpler for a DD on the team
to do that directly.


Packages that fail to build in unstable:

  Missing deps in unstable: gitaly

  Build failure: cadvisor, hcloud-cli, mongo-tools, nomad, prometheus-
homeplug-exporter, prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter, pt-websocket, sia

  Test failure: acmetool, debiman, gitlab-ci-multi-runner, golang-
github-cloudflare-circl, golang-github-kurin-blazer, golang-github-
manyminds-api2go, golang-github-smartystreets-assertions, golang-
github-xanzy-go-gitlab, golang-gonum-v1-gonum, panicparse, shfmt,
snapd, thrift
gibmat@rebuild:~/rebuild$ ratt -dist sid ../x-sys/golang-golang-x-sys_0.0~git20220422.9388b58-1_amd64.changes
2022/04/22 15:26:14 Loading changes file "../x-sys/golang-golang-x-sys_0.0~git20220422.9388b58-1_amd64.changes"
2022/04/22 15:26:14  - 1 binary packages: golang-golang-x-sys-dev
2022/04/22 15:26:14 Corresponding .debs (will be injected when building):
2022/04/22 15:26:14     ../x-sys/golang-golang-x-sys-dev_0.0~git20220422.9388b58-1_all.deb
2022/04/22 15:26:14 Figuring out reverse build dependencies using dose-ceve(1). This might take a while
2022/04/22 15:26:43 Setting -sbuild_dist=unstable (from .changes file)
2022/04/22 15:26:43 Building package 1 of 768: golang-gopkg-tylerb-graceful.v1 
2022/04/22 15:29:04 Building package 2 of 768: golang-gitlab-yawning-edwards25519-extra 
2022/04/22 15:30:58 Building package 3 of 768: golang-github-appc-spec 
2022/04/22 15:33:49 Building package 4 of 768: golang-github-aymerick-douceur 
2022/04/22 15:36:09 Building package 5 of 768: golang-github-golang-mock 
2022/04/22 15:38:41 Building package 6 of 768: golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil 
2022/04/22 15:41:46 Building package 7 of 768: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-go1-17 
2022/04/22 15:44:10 Building package 8 of 768: prometheus-hacluster-exporter 
2022/04/22 15:46:51 Building package 9 of 768: golang-github-spf13-viper 
2022/04/22 15:49:13 Building package 10 of 768: duf 
2022/04/22 15:51:14 Building package 11 of 768: golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact 
2022/04/22 15:54:58 Building package 12 of 768: golang-github-containers-buildah 
2022/04/22 16:00:27 Building package 13 of 768: golang-github-jaguilar-vt100 
2022/04/22 16:02:40 Building package 14 of 768: golang-github-abbot-go-http-auth 
2022/04/22 16:04:55 Building package 15 of 768: golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse 
2022/04/22 16:07:00 Building package 16 of 768: golang-pault-go-ykpiv 
2022/04/22 16:10:08 Building package 17 of 768: golang-github-ensighten-udnssdk 
2022/04/22 16:12:29 Building package 18 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-netlink 
2022/04/22 16:14:42 Building package 19 of 768: golang-github-shurcool-graphql 
2022/04/22 16:16:57 Building package 20 of 768: golang-github-samalba-dockerclient 
2022/04/22 16:20:18 Building package 21 of 768: golang-gopkg-pg.v5 
2022/04/22 16:22:35 Building package 22 of 768: golang-github-pkg-xattr 
2022/04/22 16:24:26 Building package 23 of 768: golang-github-packethost-packngo 
2022/04/22 16:26:50 Building package 24 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-i18n 
2022/04/22 16:29:08 Building package 25 of 768: golang-github-containerd-fifo 
2022/04/22 16:31:18 Building package 26 of 768: ethflux 
2022/04/22 16:33:32 Building package 27 of 768: golang-github-bsm-redeo 
2022/04/22 16:35:38 Building package 28 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-arp 
2022/04/22 16:37:44 Building package 29 of 768: dnss 
2022/04/22 16:40:12 Building package 30 of 768: golang-github-k0kubun-pp 
2022/04/22 16:42:08 Building package 31 of 768: unikmer 
2022/04/22 16:44:45 Building package 32 of 768: golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin 
2022/04/22 16:46:48 Building package 33 of 768: golang-golang-x-mod 
2022/04/22 16:49:10 Building package 34 of 768: jid 
2022/04/22 16:52:13 Building package 35 of 768: prometheus-mysqld-exporter 
2022/04/22 16:55:02 Building package 36 of 768: deck 
2022/04/22 16:57:51 Building package 37 of 768: victoriametrics 
2022/04/22 17:03:38 Building package 38 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-csrf 
2022/04/22 17:06:01 Building package 39 of 768: golang-github-alecthomas-chroma 
2022/04/22 17:09:22 Building package 40 of 768: golang-github-cloudflare-sidh 
2022/04/22 17:11:37 Building package 41 of 768: prometheus-bird-exporter 
2022/04/22 17:14:18 Building package 42 of 768: golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-dbus-factory 
2022/04/22 17:20:24 Building package 43 of 768: golang-github-mattn-go-tty 
2022/04/22 17:22:20 Building package 44 of 768: golang-github-openzipkin-zipkin-go 
2022/04/22 17:25:05 Building package 45 of 768: golang-gocloud 
2022/04/22 17:28:32 Building package 46 of 768: golang-gopkg-libgit2-git2go.v31 
2022/04/22 17:32:39 Building package 47 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-azure-helpers 
2022/04/22 17:35:10 Building package 48 of 768: golang-github-nats-io-go-nats 
2022/04/22 17:37:24 Building package 49 of 768: certspotter 
2022/04/22 17:39:47 Building package 50 of 768: syncthing 
2022/04/22 17:46:00 Building package 51 of 768: golang-github-prometheus-client-golang 
2022/04/22 17:49:15 Building package 52 of 768: golang-gopkg-httprequest.v1 
2022/04/22 17:51:37 Building package 53 of 768: golang-github-liamg-clinch 
2022/04/22 17:53:37 Building package 54 of 768: golang-github-ssgelm-cookiejarparser 
2022/04/22 17:55:53 Building package 55 of 768: golang-github-labstack-echo.v2 
2022/04/22 17:58:37 Building package 56 of 768: golang-github-zyedidia-tcell 
2022/04/22 18:00:57 Building package 57 of 768: golang-gopkg-macaroon.v2 
2022/04/22 18:03:00 Building package 58 of 768: gitbatch 
2022/04/22 18:05:29 Building package 59 of 768: sshesame 
2022/04/22 18:08:12 Building package 60 of 768: golang-github-aelsabbahy-gonetstat 
2022/04/22 18:10:25 Building package 61 of 768: skeema 
2022/04/22 18:14:03 Building package 62 of 768: golang-github-go-git-go-billy 
2022/04/22 18:16:20 Building package 63 of 768: golang-github-dghubble-sling 
2022/04/22 18:18:41 Building package 64 of 768: golang-code.rocketnine-tslocum-cbind 
2022/04/22 18:20:46 Building package 65 of 768: golang-github-cjoudrey-gluaurl 
2022/04/22 18:22:46 Building package 66 of 768: g10k 
2022/04/22 18:25:21 Building package 67 of 768: golang-github-protonmail-go-crypto 
2022/04/22 18:28:06 Building package 68 of 768: delve 
2022/04/22 18:34:08 Building package 69 of 768: golang-github-powerman-check 
2022/04/22 18:36:18 Building package 70 of 768: golang-github-azure-go-autorest 
2022/04/22 18:39:49 Building package 71 of 768: rawdns 
2022/04/22 18:42:30 Building package 72 of 768: golang-github-segmentio-kafka-go 
2022/04/22 18:44:47 Building package 73 of 768: golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder 
2022/04/22 18:48:48 Building package 74 of 768: fscrypt 
2022/04/22 18:51:42 Building package 75 of 768: golang-github-briandowns-spinner 
2022/04/22 18:53:57 Building package 76 of 768: golang-github-juju-mutex 
2022/04/22 18:56:13 Building package 77 of 768: golang-github-mholt-acmez 
2022/04/22 18:58:40 Building package 78 of 768: golang-github-rancher-go-rancher-metadata 
2022/04/22 19:00:59 Building package 79 of 768: golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap 
2022/04/22 19:03:38 Building package 80 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-gcp-common 
2022/04/22 19:06:23 Building package 81 of 768: golang-github-vulcand-oxy 
2022/04/22 19:09:01 Building package 82 of 768: golang-github-juju-collections 
2022/04/22 19:11:11 Building package 83 of 768: golang-github-facebook-ent 
2022/04/22 19:14:29 Building package 84 of 768: golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7 
2022/04/22 19:17:08 Building package 85 of 768: golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt 
2022/04/22 19:20:11 Building package 86 of 768: golang-honnef-go-tools 
2022/04/22 19:23:36 Building package 87 of 768: gitlab-shell 
2022/04/22 19:28:34 Building package 88 of 768: golang-github-yudai-gojsondiff 
2022/04/22 19:31:06 Building package 89 of 768: golang-github-lk4d4-joincontext 
2022/04/22 19:33:05 Building package 90 of 768: golang-github-containers-ocicrypt 
2022/04/22 19:35:26 Building package 91 of 768: golang-github-bsm-pool 
2022/04/22 19:37:45 Building package 92 of 768: golang-github-kotakanbe-logrus-prefixed-formatter 
2022/04/22 19:39:50 Building package 93 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-socket 
2022/04/22 19:42:05 Building package 94 of 768: golang-goleveldb 
2022/04/22 19:44:14 Building package 95 of 768: golang-github-koofr-go-koofrclient 
2022/04/22 19:46:27 Building package 96 of 768: seqkit 
2022/04/22 19:50:24 Building package 97 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-syncutil 
2022/04/22 19:52:27 Building package 98 of 768: golang-github-leanovate-gopter 
2022/04/22 19:54:52 Building package 99 of 768: golang-github-gin-contrib-cors 
2022/04/22 19:57:29 Building package 100 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-memberlist 
2022/04/22 20:00:50 Building package 101 of 768: golang-github-mendersoftware-progressbar 
2022/04/22 20:02:59 Building package 102 of 768: go-cve-dictionary 
2022/04/22 20:05:56 Building package 103 of 768: mkcert 
2022/04/22 20:08:15 Building package 104 of 768: golang-github-vbatts-tar-split 
2022/04/22 20:12:24 Building package 105 of 768: terminews 
2022/04/22 20:15:11 Building package 106 of 768: prometheus-mongodb-exporter 
2022/04/22 20:17:59 Building package 107 of 768: golang-github-go-openapi-loads 
2022/04/22 20:20:49 Building package 108 of 768: shoelaces 
2022/04/22 20:23:21 Building package 109 of 768: dnscrypt-proxy 
2022/04/22 20:25:58 Building package 110 of 768: golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 
2022/04/22 20:28:39 Building package 111 of 768: golang-github-prometheus-common 
2022/04/22 20:31:26 Building package 112 of 768: golang-github-mattn-go-isatty 
2022/04/22 20:33:29 Building package 113 of 768: alertmanager-irc-relay 
2022/04/22 20:36:37 Building package 114 of 768: golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate 
2022/04/22 20:39:24 Building package 115 of 768: golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey 
2022/04/22 20:42:03 Building package 116 of 768: irtt 
2022/04/22 20:44:30 Building package 117 of 768: consulfs 
2022/04/22 20:47:26 Building package 118 of 768: golang-step-crypto 
2022/04/22 20:50:13 Building package 119 of 768: golang-github-knadh-koanf 
2022/04/22 20:52:48 Building package 120 of 768: golang-github-dropbox-dropbox-sdk-go-unofficial 
2022/04/22 20:55:22 Building package 121 of 768: golang-golang-x-time 
2022/04/22 20:57:28 Building package 122 of 768: golang-github-mesos-mesos-go 
2022/04/22 21:02:24 Building package 123 of 768: golang-github-makeworld-the-better-one-go-gemini 
2022/04/22 21:04:32 Building package 124 of 768: golang-github-go-openapi-validate 
2022/04/22 21:08:28 Building package 125 of 768: golang-github-googleapis-gnostic 
2022/04/22 21:11:06 Building package 126 of 768: prometheus-squid-exporter 
2022/04/22 21:13:51 Building package 127 of 768: golang-github-jedisct1-xsecretbox 
2022/04/22 21:15:56 Building package 128 of 768: snapd 
2022/04/22 21:50:41 building snapd failed: exit status 2
2022/04/22 21:50:41 Building package 129 of 768: golang-github-nebulouslabs-fastrand 
2022/04/22 21:52:52 Building package 130 of 768: aws-nuke 
2022/04/22 21:57:51 Building package 131 of 768: golang-github-cloudflare-circl 
2022/04/22 21:59:22 building golang-github-cloudflare-circl failed: exit status 2
2022/04/22 21:59:22 Building package 132 of 768: golang-github-bep-go-tocss 
2022/04/22 22:01:47 Building package 133 of 768: golang-github-jedisct1-go-minisign 
2022/04/22 22:03:49 Building package 134 of 768: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-go1-18 
2022/04/22 22:06:25 Building package 135 of 768: elvish 
2022/04/22 22:09:33 Building package 136 of 768: golang-github-appc-goaci 
2022/04/22 22:12:33 Building package 137 of 768: golang-github-bsipos-thist 
2022/04/22 22:14:41 Building package 138 of 768: golang-github-coreos-pkg 
2022/04/22 22:17:13 Building package 139 of 768: golang-github-shurcool-githubv4 
2022/04/22 22:19:43 Building package 140 of 768: golang-github-tonistiigi-fifo 
2022/04/22 22:22:03 Building package 141 of 768: amazon-ecr-credential-helper 
2022/04/22 22:24:49 Building package 142 of 768: golang-mongodb-mongo-driver 
2022/04/22 22:29:32 Building package 143 of 768: golang-github-youmark-pkcs8 
2022/04/22 22:31:47 Building package 144 of 768: golang-github-tjfoc-gmsm 
2022/04/22 22:34:00 Building package 145 of 768: pluginhook 
2022/04/22 22:36:10 Building package 146 of 768: golang-github-rifflock-lfshook 
2022/04/22 22:38:16 Building package 147 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-serf 
2022/04/22 22:42:10 Building package 148 of 768: golang-github-containerd-console 
2022/04/22 22:44:37 Building package 149 of 768: notary 
2022/04/22 22:49:17 Building package 150 of 768: golang-github-crossdock-crossdock-go 
2022/04/22 22:52:42 Building package 151 of 768: browserpass 
2022/04/22 22:55:24 Building package 152 of 768: nomad 
2022/04/22 22:59:07 building nomad failed: exit status 2
2022/04/22 22:59:07 Building package 153 of 768: golang-github-tklauser-numcpus 
2022/04/22 23:01:12 Building package 154 of 768: golang-github-brentp-goluaez 
2022/04/22 23:03:17 Building package 155 of 768: cobra-cli 
2022/04/22 23:06:34 Building package 156 of 768: golang-golang-x-net 
2022/04/22 23:10:23 Building package 157 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-util 
2022/04/22 23:12:41 Building package 158 of 768: golang-github-alecthomas-colour 
2022/04/22 23:14:47 Building package 159 of 768: golang-github-linuxkit-virtsock 
2022/04/22 23:17:11 Building package 160 of 768: golang-github-go-openapi-strfmt 
2022/04/22 23:19:50 Building package 161 of 768: golang-github-puerkitobio-goquery 
2022/04/22 23:22:24 Building package 162 of 768: golang-github-shopify-logrus-bugsnag 
2022/04/22 23:24:51 Building package 163 of 768: golang-github-muesli-termenv 
2022/04/22 23:27:01 Building package 164 of 768: golang-github-containers-toolbox 
2022/04/22 23:30:22 Building package 165 of 768: golang-github-unknwon-com 
2022/04/22 23:32:44 Building package 166 of 768: golang-github-rickb777-date 
2022/04/22 23:35:08 Building package 167 of 768: golang-github-letsencrypt-challtestsrv 
2022/04/22 23:37:37 Building package 168 of 768: golang-github-charmbracelet-keygen 
2022/04/22 23:40:02 Building package 169 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-hclog 
2022/04/22 23:42:24 Building package 170 of 768: golang-github-containers-psgo 
2022/04/22 23:45:52 Building package 171 of 768: golang-github-viant-toolbox 
2022/04/22 23:47:52 building golang-github-viant-toolbox failed: exit status 2
2022/04/22 23:47:52 Building package 172 of 768: golang-go.opencensus 
2022/04/22 23:50:49 Building package 173 of 768: golang-github-labstack-echo.v3 
2022/04/22 23:53:34 Building package 174 of 768: golang-github-coreos-go-oidc 
2022/04/22 23:56:13 Building package 175 of 768: golang-github-getsentry-sentry-go 
2022/04/22 23:58:50 Building package 176 of 768: golang-code.rocketnine-tslocum-cview 
2022/04/23 00:01:33 Building package 177 of 768: golang-github-koofr-go-httpclient 
2022/04/23 00:04:11 Building package 178 of 768: prometheus-pushgateway 
2022/04/23 00:07:15 Building package 179 of 768: golang-github-yosssi-ace-proxy 
2022/04/23 00:09:25 Building package 180 of 768: golang-starlark 
2022/04/23 00:11:50 Building package 181 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-raftchunking 
2022/04/23 00:15:01 Building package 182 of 768: prometheus-process-exporter 
2022/04/23 00:17:58 Building package 183 of 768: golang-github-containernetworking-plugins 
2022/04/23 00:21:13 Building package 184 of 768: golang-github-duo-labs-webauthn 
2022/04/23 00:24:08 Building package 185 of 768: fzf 
2022/04/23 00:26:31 Building package 186 of 768: golang-github-juju-gomaasapi 
2022/04/23 00:29:15 Building package 187 of 768: golang-k8s-kube-openapi 
2022/04/23 00:34:09 Building package 188 of 768: reposurgeon 
2022/04/23 00:41:37 Building package 189 of 768: golang-github-moul-http2curl 
2022/04/23 00:44:08 Building package 190 of 768: golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo 
2022/04/23 00:47:13 Building package 191 of 768: golang-github-kubernetes-gengo 
2022/04/23 00:50:06 Building package 192 of 768: pebble 
2022/04/23 00:52:53 Building package 193 of 768: gdu 
2022/04/23 00:55:51 Building package 194 of 768: golang-github-gogo-status 
2022/04/23 00:58:13 Building package 195 of 768: golang-github-emersion-go-pgpmail 
2022/04/23 01:00:37 Building package 196 of 768: golang-github-pin-tftp 
2022/04/23 01:04:40 Building package 197 of 768: golang-github-circonus-labs-circonus-gometrics 
2022/04/23 01:07:47 Building package 198 of 768: golang-github-unknwon-i18n 
2022/04/23 01:10:21 Building package 199 of 768: golang-github-go-git-go-git 
2022/04/23 01:14:26 Building package 200 of 768: dnswire 
2022/04/23 01:17:55 Building package 201 of 768: golang-google-api 
2022/04/23 01:28:07 Building package 202 of 768: goiardi 
2022/04/23 01:34:13 Building package 203 of 768: gron 
2022/04/23 01:36:54 Building package 204 of 768: docker-registry 
2022/04/23 01:43:02 Building package 205 of 768: golang-github-jaytaylor-html2text 
2022/04/23 01:45:13 Building package 206 of 768: golang-github-digitalocean-go-qemu 
2022/04/23 01:47:46 Building package 207 of 768: golang-github-pivotal-golang-clock 
2022/04/23 01:50:17 Building package 208 of 768: golang-github-fatih-color 
2022/04/23 01:52:27 Building package 209 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-ogletest 
2022/04/23 01:55:02 Building package 210 of 768: prometheus-redis-exporter 
2022/04/23 01:57:47 Building package 211 of 768: ignition 
2022/04/23 02:01:11 Building package 212 of 768: golang-github-nwidger-jsoncolor 
2022/04/23 02:03:22 Building package 213 of 768: golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday 
2022/04/23 02:05:40 Building package 214 of 768: golang-github-viant-assertly 
2022/04/23 02:08:35 Building package 215 of 768: golang-github-jackc-pgtype 
2022/04/23 02:11:32 Building package 216 of 768: winrmcp 
2022/04/23 02:14:17 Building package 217 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-crypto 
2022/04/23 02:16:33 Building package 218 of 768: docker-libkv 
2022/04/23 02:19:57 Building package 219 of 768: golang-github-jesseduffield-rollrus 
2022/04/23 02:22:30 Building package 220 of 768: golang-github-terra-farm-udnssdk 
2022/04/23 02:25:12 Building package 221 of 768: golang-go.crypto 
2022/04/23 02:28:43 Building package 222 of 768: golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime 
2022/04/23 02:31:32 Building package 223 of 768: prometheus-postgres-exporter 
2022/04/23 02:34:41 Building package 224 of 768: golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine 
2022/04/23 02:36:58 Building package 225 of 768: debiman 
2022/04/23 02:38:33 building debiman failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 02:38:33 Building package 226 of 768: golang-github-advancedlogic-goose 
2022/04/23 02:41:01 Building package 227 of 768: kubecolor 
2022/04/23 02:43:16 Building package 228 of 768: umoci 
2022/04/23 02:46:37 Building package 229 of 768: golang-github-docker-go-events 
2022/04/23 02:48:52 Building package 230 of 768: tty-share 
2022/04/23 02:51:42 Building package 231 of 768: gobgp 
2022/04/23 02:56:47 Building package 232 of 768: golang-gitaly-proto 
2022/04/23 03:00:51 Building package 233 of 768: golang-github-nats-io-nkeys 
2022/04/23 03:03:05 Building package 234 of 768: golang-github-spf13-afero 
2022/04/23 03:05:51 Building package 235 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-timeutil 
2022/04/23 03:08:05 Building package 236 of 768: golang-github-armon-go-socks5 
2022/04/23 03:10:30 Building package 237 of 768: golang-google-genproto 
2022/04/23 03:16:43 Building package 238 of 768: golang-ginkgo 
2022/04/23 03:25:31 Building package 239 of 768: golang-sslmate-src-go-pkcs12 
2022/04/23 03:27:59 Building package 240 of 768: golang-github-schollz-progressbar 
2022/04/23 03:30:51 Building package 241 of 768: gojq 
2022/04/23 03:33:23 Building package 242 of 768: kubernetes-split-yaml 
2022/04/23 03:35:47 Building package 243 of 768: golang-github-mmcdole-gofeed 
2022/04/23 03:39:18 Building package 244 of 768: golang-github-shenwei356-bio 
2022/04/23 03:42:08 Building package 245 of 768: golang-github-unrolled-render 
2022/04/23 03:44:43 Building package 246 of 768: golang-github-labstack-gommon 
2022/04/23 03:47:16 Building package 247 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-gzip 
2022/04/23 03:50:09 Building package 248 of 768: golang-github-pkg-sftp 
2022/04/23 03:52:59 Building package 249 of 768: golang-github-shurcool-httpfs 
2022/04/23 03:55:36 Building package 250 of 768: golang-github-jsternberg-zap-logfmt 
2022/04/23 03:58:17 Building package 251 of 768: golang-github-charmbracelet-bubbles 
2022/04/23 04:00:36 Building package 252 of 768: go-sendxmpp 
2022/04/23 04:03:17 Building package 253 of 768: golang-github-smartystreets-assertions 
2022/04/23 04:04:44 building golang-github-smartystreets-assertions failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 04:04:44 Building package 254 of 768: golang-github-googleapis-gax-go 
2022/04/23 04:07:34 Building package 255 of 768: golang-k8s-utils 
2022/04/23 04:10:15 Building package 256 of 768: golang-github-juju-errors 
2022/04/23 04:12:35 Building package 257 of 768: hey 
2022/04/23 04:15:21 Building package 258 of 768: golang-gopkg-redis.v5 
2022/04/23 04:18:12 Building package 259 of 768: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-prometheus 
2022/04/23 04:21:11 Building package 260 of 768: golang-github-bifurcation-mint 
2022/04/23 04:23:50 Building package 261 of 768: golang-github-armon-go-metrics 
2022/04/23 04:27:03 Building package 262 of 768: golang-bazil-fuse 
2022/04/23 04:29:33 Building package 263 of 768: golang-github-yosssi-gohtml 
2022/04/23 04:31:51 Building package 264 of 768: prometheus-varnish-exporter 
2022/04/23 04:34:48 Building package 265 of 768: prometheus-nginx-exporter 
2022/04/23 04:37:51 Building package 266 of 768: golang-github-go-kit-kit 
2022/04/23 04:41:05 Building package 267 of 768: nomad-driver-lxc 
2022/04/23 04:45:45 Building package 268 of 768: golang-github-gatherstars-com-jwz 
2022/04/23 04:51:00 Building package 269 of 768: golang-github-yosssi-ace 
2022/04/23 04:53:37 Building package 270 of 768: golang-github-go-openapi-spec 
2022/04/23 04:56:45 Building package 271 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-gcloud 
2022/04/23 05:00:27 Building package 272 of 768: prometheus-haproxy-exporter 
2022/04/23 05:03:38 Building package 273 of 768: golang-github-spf13-cobra 
2022/04/23 05:06:42 Building package 274 of 768: golang-github-influxdata-tail 
2022/04/23 05:09:11 Building package 275 of 768: golang-github-digitalocean-godo 
2022/04/23 05:12:03 Building package 276 of 768: lltsv 
2022/04/23 05:14:35 Building package 277 of 768: sia 
2022/04/23 05:16:40 building sia failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 05:16:40 Building package 278 of 768: golang-github-centrifugal-centrifuge 
2022/04/23 05:20:23 Building package 279 of 768: yubikey-agent 
2022/04/23 05:23:11 Building package 280 of 768: golang-github-sevlyar-go-daemon 
2022/04/23 05:25:32 Building package 281 of 768: prometheus-apache-exporter 
2022/04/23 05:28:42 Building package 282 of 768: ncbi-entrez-direct 
2022/04/23 05:32:25 Building package 283 of 768: golang-github-shurcool-httpgzip 
2022/04/23 05:35:03 Building package 284 of 768: golang-github-prometheus-procfs 
2022/04/23 05:41:21 Building package 285 of 768: golang-github-charmbracelet-glamour 
2022/04/23 05:44:10 Building package 286 of 768: golang-github-vbauerster-mpb 
2022/04/23 05:46:48 Building package 287 of 768: golang-github-yuin-gluare 
2022/04/23 05:49:05 Building package 288 of 768: golang-github-jinzhu-gorm 
2022/04/23 05:52:00 Building package 289 of 768: prometheus-exporter-exporter 
2022/04/23 05:55:08 Building package 290 of 768: burrow 
2022/04/23 05:58:33 Building package 291 of 768: golang-github-containers-common 
2022/04/23 06:03:57 Building package 292 of 768: bettercap 
2022/04/23 06:08:05 Building package 293 of 768: golang-github-fzambia-eagle 
2022/04/23 06:10:55 Building package 294 of 768: gotestsum 
2022/04/23 06:13:47 Building package 295 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-bindata 
2022/04/23 06:16:31 Building package 296 of 768: golang-github-containerd-go-runc 
2022/04/23 06:19:12 Building package 297 of 768: golang-github-graph-gophers-graphql-go 
2022/04/23 06:22:02 Building package 298 of 768: golang-github-christrenkamp-goxpath 
2022/04/23 06:24:29 Building package 299 of 768: golang-inet-netstack 
2022/04/23 06:27:21 Building package 300 of 768: golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go 
2022/04/23 06:31:23 Building package 301 of 768: stenographer 
2022/04/23 06:35:10 Building package 302 of 768: gifwrap 
2022/04/23 06:38:10 Building package 303 of 768: ratt 
2022/04/23 06:40:46 Building package 304 of 768: golang-github-u-root-uio 
2022/04/23 06:43:04 Building package 305 of 768: hugo 
2022/04/23 06:50:54 Building package 306 of 768: crowdsec 
2022/04/23 06:56:42 Building package 307 of 768: prometheus-libvirt-exporter 
2022/04/23 07:01:20 Building package 308 of 768: badger 
2022/04/23 07:04:48 Building package 309 of 768: golang-github-lunny-nodb 
2022/04/23 07:07:21 Building package 310 of 768: golang-github-charmbracelet-lipgloss 
2022/04/23 07:09:44 Building package 311 of 768: golang-github-antchfx-xmlquery 
2022/04/23 07:12:26 Building package 312 of 768: golang-github-albenik-go-serial 
2022/04/23 07:15:02 Building package 313 of 768: golang-github-go-playground-validator-v10 
2022/04/23 07:17:44 Building package 314 of 768: golang-github-smallstep-nosql 
2022/04/23 07:20:44 Building package 315 of 768: golang-github-charmbracelet-wish 
2022/04/23 07:23:43 Building package 316 of 768: golang-github-ugorji-go-codec 
2022/04/23 07:27:02 Building package 317 of 768: golang-github-gopherjs-gopherjs 
2022/04/23 07:29:57 Building package 318 of 768: containerd 
2022/04/23 07:36:59 Building package 319 of 768: morty 
2022/04/23 07:39:59 Building package 320 of 768: golang-github-parnurzeal-gorequest 
2022/04/23 07:42:55 Building package 321 of 768: vip-manager 
2022/04/23 07:46:44 Building package 322 of 768: golang-gonum-v1-gonum 
2022/04/23 07:50:17 building golang-gonum-v1-gonum failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 07:50:17 Building package 323 of 768: balboa 
2022/04/23 07:53:59 Building package 324 of 768: nncp 
2022/04/23 08:08:02 Building package 325 of 768: singularity-container 
2022/04/23 08:18:00 Building package 326 of 768: golang-github-muesli-goprogressbar 
2022/04/23 08:20:23 Building package 327 of 768: golang-github-coreos-ioprogress 
2022/04/23 08:22:46 Building package 328 of 768: golang-github-andybalholm-cascadia 
2022/04/23 08:25:08 Building package 329 of 768: mirrorbits 
2022/04/23 08:28:40 Building package 330 of 768: golang-github-nats-io-jwt 
2022/04/23 08:31:34 Building package 331 of 768: golang-github-anacrolix-tagflag 
2022/04/23 08:34:46 Building package 332 of 768: aerc 
2022/04/23 08:38:41 Building package 333 of 768: golang-github-juju-persistent-cookiejar 
2022/04/23 08:41:42 Building package 334 of 768: golang-github-gdamore-tcell 
2022/04/23 08:44:21 Building package 335 of 768: hcloud-cli 
2022/04/23 08:45:31 building hcloud-cli failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 08:45:31 Building package 336 of 768: golang-k8s-system-validators 
2022/04/23 08:48:05 Building package 337 of 768: golang-github-juju-version 
2022/04/23 08:50:30 Building package 338 of 768: golang-github-valyala-fasthttp 
2022/04/23 08:53:43 Building package 339 of 768: golang-github-google-go-github 
2022/04/23 08:57:00 Building package 340 of 768: golang-github-bshuster-repo-logrus-logstash-hook 
2022/04/23 08:59:34 Building package 341 of 768: golang-github-thoj-go-ircevent 
2022/04/23 09:02:01 Building package 342 of 768: golang-mvdan-sh 
2022/04/23 09:05:33 Building package 343 of 768: golang-gopkg-lxc-go-lxc.v2 
2022/04/23 09:08:15 Building package 344 of 768: golang-github-hodgesds-perf-utils 
2022/04/23 09:10:38 Building package 345 of 768: golang-github-go-ldap-ldap 
2022/04/23 09:13:28 Building package 346 of 768: golang-github-ema-qdisc 
2022/04/23 09:16:02 Building package 347 of 768: golang-github-expediadotcom-haystack-client-go 
2022/04/23 09:19:02 Building package 348 of 768: mender-cli 
2022/04/23 09:22:18 Building package 349 of 768: golang-github-optiopay-kafka 
2022/04/23 09:26:19 Building package 350 of 768: golang-github-go-ping-ping 
2022/04/23 09:28:46 Building package 351 of 768: micro 
2022/04/23 09:32:02 Building package 352 of 768: go-mmproxy 
2022/04/23 09:34:57 Building package 353 of 768: golang-golang-x-oauth2 
2022/04/23 09:37:56 Building package 354 of 768: golang-github-jsimonetti-rtnetlink 
2022/04/23 09:41:07 Building package 355 of 768: golang-github-vultr-govultr 
2022/04/23 09:44:07 Building package 356 of 768: golang-github-manyminds-api2go 
2022/04/23 09:45:48 building golang-github-manyminds-api2go failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 09:45:48 Building package 357 of 768: golang-github-google-martian 
2022/04/23 09:49:25 Building package 358 of 768: golang-github-victoriametrics-fastcache 
2022/04/23 09:51:55 Building package 359 of 768: gost 
2022/04/23 09:56:37 Building package 360 of 768: golang-github-buger-goterm 
2022/04/23 09:58:59 Building package 361 of 768: golang-step-cli-utils 
2022/04/23 10:01:59 Building package 362 of 768: golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter 
2022/04/23 10:07:22 Building package 363 of 768: golang-github-census-instrumentation-opencensus-proto 
2022/04/23 10:10:27 Building package 364 of 768: golang-github-kurin-blazer 
2022/04/23 10:12:05 building golang-github-kurin-blazer failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 10:12:05 Building package 365 of 768: golang-github-varlink-go 
2022/04/23 10:14:59 Building package 366 of 768: golang-github-mvdan-xurls 
2022/04/23 10:17:45 Building package 367 of 768: golang-github-gomodule-oauth1 
2022/04/23 10:20:30 Building package 368 of 768: golang-github-syncthing-notify 
2022/04/23 10:22:57 Building package 369 of 768: golang-github-caddyserver-certmagic 
2022/04/23 10:26:01 Building package 370 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-reqtrace 
2022/04/23 10:28:24 Building package 371 of 768: golang-github-intel-goresctrl 
2022/04/23 10:31:49 Building package 372 of 768: golang-github-jpillora-go-tld 
2022/04/23 10:34:33 Building package 373 of 768: golang-github-revel-revel 
2022/04/23 10:38:01 Building package 374 of 768: golang-github-juju-cmd 
2022/04/23 10:40:49 Building package 375 of 768: golang-github-anacrolix-dms 
2022/04/23 10:44:45 Building package 376 of 768: golang-github-francoispqt-gojay 
2022/04/23 10:48:30 Building package 377 of 768: gopacket 
2022/04/23 10:51:55 Building package 378 of 768: golang-github-go-openapi-runtime 
2022/04/23 10:55:15 Building package 379 of 768: fq 
2022/04/23 10:58:43 Building package 380 of 768: prometheus-bind-exporter 
2022/04/23 11:01:59 Building package 381 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-svchost 
2022/04/23 11:04:54 Building package 382 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-reap 
2022/04/23 11:07:21 Building package 383 of 768: golang-github-apex-log 
2022/04/23 11:10:13 Building package 384 of 768: golang-github-arceliar-ironwood 
2022/04/23 11:12:59 Building package 385 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-discover 
2022/04/23 11:16:33 Building package 386 of 768: hub 
2022/04/23 11:20:08 Building package 387 of 768: golang-github-hinshun-vt10x 
2022/04/23 11:22:51 Building package 388 of 768: golang-github-shopify-sarama 
2022/04/23 11:26:36 Building package 389 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-vsock 
2022/04/23 11:29:16 Building package 390 of 768: golang-gopkg-src-d-go-billy.v4 
2022/04/23 11:32:01 Building package 391 of 768: golang-github-oschwald-maxminddb-golang 
2022/04/23 11:34:33 Building package 392 of 768: golang-github-manifoldco-promptui 
2022/04/23 11:37:18 Building package 393 of 768: golang-github-juju-simplekv 
2022/04/23 11:40:21 Building package 394 of 768: prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter 
2022/04/23 11:41:36 building prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 11:41:36 Building package 395 of 768: golang-github-aead-chacha20 
2022/04/23 11:44:03 Building package 396 of 768: golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit 
2022/04/23 11:47:17 Building package 397 of 768: golang-github-juju-clock 
2022/04/23 11:49:57 Building package 398 of 768: golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org 
2022/04/23 11:53:11 Building package 399 of 768: golang-logrus 
2022/04/23 11:56:08 Building package 400 of 768: golang-mvdan-gofumpt 
2022/04/23 11:58:42 Building package 401 of 768: golang-github-jfbus-httprs 
2022/04/23 12:01:34 Building package 402 of 768: golang-github-gin-gonic-gin 
2022/04/23 12:04:53 Building package 403 of 768: prometheus-blackbox-exporter 
2022/04/23 12:08:29 Building package 404 of 768: golang-github-serenize-snaker 
2022/04/23 12:11:12 Building package 405 of 768: golang-github-siddontang-goredis 
2022/04/23 12:13:59 Building package 406 of 768: golang-gopkg-dancannon-gorethink.v2 
2022/04/23 12:17:23 Building package 407 of 768: golang-github-go-resty-resty 
2022/04/23 12:23:30 Building package 408 of 768: minica 
2022/04/23 12:26:38 Building package 409 of 768: golang-github-unknwon-goconfig 
2022/04/23 12:29:09 Building package 410 of 768: golang-gopkg-dancannon-gorethink.v1 
2022/04/23 12:32:17 Building package 411 of 768: golang-github-gregjones-httpcache 
2022/04/23 12:35:15 Building package 412 of 768: golang-github-newrelic-go-agent 
2022/04/23 12:40:31 Building package 413 of 768: golang-github-containers-dnsname 
2022/04/23 12:43:15 Building package 414 of 768: golang-github-smallstep-cli 
2022/04/23 12:46:35 Building package 415 of 768: golang-github-smallstep-certificates 
2022/04/23 12:52:12 Building package 416 of 768: go-mtpfs 
2022/04/23 12:54:54 Building package 417 of 768: golang-github-tcnksm-go-gitconfig 
2022/04/23 12:57:44 Building package 418 of 768: golang-github-digitalocean-go-libvirt 
2022/04/23 13:00:41 Building package 419 of 768: golang-github-googlecloudplatform-guest-logging-go 
2022/04/23 13:03:56 Building package 420 of 768: pk4 
2022/04/23 13:06:54 Building package 421 of 768: golang-github-nebulouslabs-go-upnp 
2022/04/23 13:10:13 Building package 422 of 768: golang-github-opencontainers-runtime-tools 
2022/04/23 13:13:22 Building package 423 of 768: golang-github-bugsnag-bugsnag-go 
2022/04/23 13:16:49 Building package 424 of 768: prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter 
2022/04/23 13:20:16 Building package 425 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-tfe 
2022/04/23 13:23:12 Building package 426 of 768: obfs4proxy 
2022/04/23 13:26:26 Building package 427 of 768: golang-github-gcla-gowid 
2022/04/23 13:29:51 Building package 428 of 768: golang-github-d2g-dhcp4client 
2022/04/23 13:32:21 Building package 429 of 768: mongo-tools 
2022/04/23 13:33:45 building mongo-tools failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 13:33:45 Building package 430 of 768: webhook 
2022/04/23 13:37:15 Building package 431 of 768: golang-github-xenolf-lego 
2022/04/23 13:41:55 Building package 432 of 768: golang-github-cyberdelia-heroku-go 
2022/04/23 13:44:52 Building package 433 of 768: golang-github-cockroachdb-cmux 
2022/04/23 13:47:57 Building package 434 of 768: gitaly 
2022/04/23 13:48:46 building gitaly failed: exit status 3
2022/04/23 13:48:46 Building package 435 of 768: shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin 
2022/04/23 13:52:20 Building package 436 of 768: mockery 
2022/04/23 13:56:35 Building package 437 of 768: pup 
2022/04/23 13:59:10 Building package 438 of 768: golang-github-vishvananda-netlink 
2022/04/23 14:02:12 Building package 439 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-session 
2022/04/23 14:05:46 Building package 440 of 768: golang-gogottrpc 
2022/04/23 14:09:00 Building package 441 of 768: golang-github-alecthomas-assert 
2022/04/23 14:11:54 Building package 442 of 768: golang-github-labstack-echo 
2022/04/23 14:15:01 Building package 443 of 768: golang-github-tombuildsstuff-giovanni 
2022/04/23 14:19:48 Building package 444 of 768: restic 
2022/04/23 14:27:09 Building package 445 of 768: golang-github-moby-sys 
2022/04/23 14:29:44 Building package 446 of 768: golang-pault-go-config 
2022/04/23 14:32:29 Building package 447 of 768: golang-github-cilium-ebpf 
2022/04/23 14:35:25 Building package 448 of 768: golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo 
2022/04/23 14:39:22 Building package 449 of 768: golang-github-grafana-grafana-plugin-model 
2022/04/23 14:42:36 Building package 450 of 768: govendor 
2022/04/23 14:46:07 Building package 451 of 768: golang-pault-go-debian 
2022/04/23 14:49:00 Building package 452 of 768: golang-google-appengine 
2022/04/23 14:52:14 Building package 453 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-binding 
2022/04/23 14:55:28 Building package 454 of 768: pat 
2022/04/23 14:58:54 Building package 455 of 768: golang-github-cloudfoundry-jibber-jabber 
2022/04/23 15:01:39 Building package 456 of 768: golang-github-appc-cni 
2022/04/23 15:05:05 Building package 457 of 768: golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io 
2022/04/23 15:12:42 Building package 458 of 768: golang-github-rivo-tview 
2022/04/23 15:15:30 Building package 459 of 768: golang-github-cheekybits-genny 
2022/04/23 15:18:51 Building package 460 of 768: prometheus-postfix-exporter 
2022/04/23 15:23:21 Building package 461 of 768: golang-github-mwitkow-go-conntrack 
2022/04/23 15:26:29 Building package 462 of 768: golang-gopkg-retry.v1 
2022/04/23 15:29:16 Building package 463 of 768: golang-opentelemetry-otel 
2022/04/23 15:33:01 Building package 464 of 768: golang-github-tmc-scp 
2022/04/23 15:35:49 Building package 465 of 768: prometheus-snmp-exporter 
2022/04/23 15:39:44 Building package 466 of 768: golang-github-sylabs-sif 
2022/04/23 15:42:56 Building package 467 of 768: golang-github-juju-ansiterm 
2022/04/23 15:45:30 Building package 468 of 768: golang-github-mcuadros-go-gin-prometheus 
2022/04/23 15:48:49 Building package 469 of 768: go-exploitdb 
2022/04/23 15:52:36 Building package 470 of 768: golang-github-yuin-gopher-lua 
2022/04/23 15:55:16 Building package 471 of 768: golang-github-howeyc-gopass 
2022/04/23 15:57:47 Building package 472 of 768: prometheus-alertmanager 
2022/04/23 16:03:50 Building package 473 of 768: golang-github-gdamore-tcell.v2 
2022/04/23 16:06:41 Building package 474 of 768: golang-github-yuin-goldmark-highlighting 
2022/04/23 16:09:33 Building package 475 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-inject 
2022/04/23 16:12:08 Building package 476 of 768: golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient 
2022/04/23 16:16:41 Building package 477 of 768: golang-github-hetznercloud-hcloud-go 
2022/04/23 16:20:08 Building package 478 of 768: golang-github-tmc-grpc-websocket-proxy 
2022/04/23 16:23:03 Building package 479 of 768: golang-github-hdrhistogram-hdrhistogram-go 
2022/04/23 16:25:57 Building package 480 of 768: golang-github-audriusbutkevicius-kcp-go 
2022/04/23 16:29:07 Building package 481 of 768: golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go 
2022/04/23 16:42:27 Building package 482 of 768: golang-github-jbenet-go-context 
2022/04/23 16:44:56 Building package 483 of 768: golang-github-docker-go-connections 
2022/04/23 16:48:57 Building package 484 of 768: golang-github-aquasecurity-go-dep-parser 
2022/04/23 16:52:17 Building package 485 of 768: consul 
2022/04/23 17:11:05 Building package 486 of 768: golang-github-satta-ifplugo 
2022/04/23 17:14:00 Building package 487 of 768: mtail 
2022/04/23 17:23:45 Building package 488 of 768: golang-github-vulcand-predicate 
2022/04/23 17:26:52 Building package 489 of 768: golang-github-bowery-prompt 
2022/04/23 17:29:33 Building package 490 of 768: golang-github-yohcop-openid-go 
2022/04/23 17:32:33 Building package 491 of 768: golang-github-tinylib-msgp 
2022/04/23 17:35:28 Building package 492 of 768: golang-github-evanw-esbuild 
2022/04/23 17:41:21 Building package 493 of 768: golang-github-antonmedv-expr 
2022/04/23 17:44:21 Building package 494 of 768: golang-gopkg-hlandau-acmeapi.v2 
2022/04/23 17:47:23 Building package 495 of 768: golang-github-shurcool-gopherjslib 
2022/04/23 17:50:30 Building package 496 of 768: golang-github-goccy-go-yaml 
2022/04/23 17:53:24 Building package 497 of 768: golang-github-safchain-ethtool 
2022/04/23 17:55:53 Building package 498 of 768: golang-github-lightstep-lightstep-tracer-common 
2022/04/23 17:59:12 Building package 499 of 768: golang-github-la5nta-wl2k-go 
2022/04/23 18:02:09 Building package 500 of 768: golang-github-puerkitobio-purell 
2022/04/23 18:04:47 Building package 501 of 768: dh-make-golang 
2022/04/23 18:08:43 Building package 502 of 768: golang-github-soheilhy-cmux 
2022/04/23 18:11:55 Building package 503 of 768: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware 
2022/04/23 18:15:35 Building package 504 of 768: golang-github-moby-term 
2022/04/23 18:18:10 Building package 505 of 768: golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt 
2022/04/23 18:19:55 building golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 18:19:55 Building package 506 of 768: golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl 
2022/04/23 18:27:30 Building package 507 of 768: golang-github-mgutz-ansi 
2022/04/23 18:30:02 Building package 508 of 768: golang-github-nxadm-tail 
2022/04/23 18:32:44 Building package 509 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-toolbox 
2022/04/23 18:35:48 Building package 510 of 768: runc 
2022/04/23 18:40:01 Building package 511 of 768: golang-github-charmbracelet-bubbletea 
2022/04/23 18:43:13 Building package 512 of 768: golang-github-go-openapi-analysis 
2022/04/23 18:46:52 Building package 513 of 768: prometheus-sql-exporter 
2022/04/23 18:50:29 Building package 514 of 768: prometheus-homeplug-exporter 
2022/04/23 18:51:52 building prometheus-homeplug-exporter failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 18:51:52 Building package 515 of 768: cfrpki 
2022/04/23 18:55:30 Building package 516 of 768: golang-github-cloudfoundry-gosigar 
2022/04/23 18:58:38 Building package 517 of 768: golang-github-vmware-vmw-ovflib 
2022/04/23 19:01:15 Building package 518 of 768: golang-github-juju-usso 
2022/04/23 19:04:18 Building package 519 of 768: golang-github-vbatts-go-mtree 
2022/04/23 19:07:37 Building package 520 of 768: golang-github-uber-go-tally 
2022/04/23 19:11:14 Building package 521 of 768: shfmt 
2022/04/23 19:13:50 building shfmt failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 19:13:50 Building package 522 of 768: golang-github-gtank-cryptopasta 
2022/04/23 19:16:52 Building package 523 of 768: golang-github-mattn-go-colorable 
2022/04/23 19:19:26 Building package 524 of 768: golang-refraction-networking-utls 
2022/04/23 19:22:47 Building package 525 of 768: golang-github-juju-loggo 
2022/04/23 19:25:28 Building package 526 of 768: c2go 
2022/04/23 19:28:44 Building package 527 of 768: amfora 
2022/04/23 19:32:22 Building package 528 of 768: golang-github-vishvananda-netns 
2022/04/23 19:34:53 Building package 529 of 768: mender-client 
2022/04/23 19:48:59 Building package 530 of 768: gokey 
2022/04/23 19:52:34 Building package 531 of 768: golang-gopkg-ini.v1 
2022/04/23 19:55:17 Building package 532 of 768: golang-github-gabriel-vasile-mimetype 
2022/04/23 19:58:08 Building package 533 of 768: golang-github-gdamore-encoding 
2022/04/23 20:00:46 Building package 534 of 768: golang-github-shirou-gopsutil 
2022/04/23 20:04:23 Building package 535 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-wifi 
2022/04/23 20:07:20 Building package 536 of 768: golang-github-huin-goupnp 
2022/04/23 20:10:48 Building package 537 of 768: golang-github-akamai-akamaiopen-edgegrid-golang 
2022/04/23 20:14:09 Building package 538 of 768: golang-github-ctdk-go-trie 
2022/04/23 20:16:52 Building package 539 of 768: aptly 
2022/04/23 20:21:25 Building package 540 of 768: golang-github-go-macaron-macaron 
2022/04/23 20:24:36 Building package 541 of 768: prometheus-smokeping-prober 
2022/04/23 20:28:12 Building package 542 of 768: golang-github-smira-go-aws-auth 
2022/04/23 20:31:18 Building package 543 of 768: golang-github-micromdm-scep 
2022/04/23 20:34:52 Building package 544 of 768: gortr 
2022/04/23 20:38:34 Building package 545 of 768: etcd 
2022/04/23 20:47:54 Building package 546 of 768: golang-github-go-git-go-git-fixtures 
2022/04/23 20:52:01 Building package 547 of 768: golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v2 
2022/04/23 20:54:47 Building package 548 of 768: golang-github-unknwon-paginater 
2022/04/23 20:57:20 Building package 549 of 768: wireguard-go 
2022/04/23 21:00:32 Building package 550 of 768: golang-github-weppos-publicsuffix-go 
2022/04/23 21:03:47 Building package 551 of 768: acmetool 
2022/04/23 21:06:12 building acmetool failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 21:06:12 Building package 552 of 768: golang-github-cheggaaa-pb.v3 
2022/04/23 21:09:17 Building package 553 of 768: golang-github-gopherjs-jsbuiltin 
2022/04/23 21:12:00 Building package 554 of 768: cadvisor 
2022/04/23 21:14:32 building cadvisor failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 21:14:32 Building package 555 of 768: golang-github-zorkian-go-datadog-api 
2022/04/23 21:17:40 Building package 556 of 768: obs-cli 
2022/04/23 21:21:01 Building package 557 of 768: snowflake 
2022/04/23 21:25:06 Building package 558 of 768: golang-github-containers-image 
2022/04/23 21:32:34 Building package 559 of 768: golang-github-ulule-limiter 
2022/04/23 21:35:57 Building package 560 of 768: golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector 
2022/04/23 21:40:13 Building package 561 of 768: prometheus-mailexporter 
2022/04/23 21:43:38 Building package 562 of 768: golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite 
2022/04/23 21:47:12 Building package 563 of 768: golang-github-xanzy-ssh-agent 
2022/04/23 21:50:12 Building package 564 of 768: golang-code.cloudfoundry-bytefmt 
2022/04/23 21:53:06 Building package 565 of 768: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-opentracing 
2022/04/23 21:56:25 Building package 566 of 768: golang-gopkg-rethinkdb-rethinkdb-go.v6 
2022/04/23 21:59:49 Building package 567 of 768: golang-github-mikesmitty-edkey 
2022/04/23 22:02:45 Building package 568 of 768: gocc 
2022/04/23 22:06:03 Building package 569 of 768: golang-github-gin-contrib-gzip 
2022/04/23 22:09:22 Building package 570 of 768: gosu 
2022/04/23 22:12:17 Building package 571 of 768: golang-github-opencontainers-selinux 
2022/04/23 22:15:07 Building package 572 of 768: golang-github-deanthompson-ginpprof 
2022/04/23 22:18:26 Building package 573 of 768: golang-code.gitea-git 
2022/04/23 22:21:43 Building package 574 of 768: golang-github-ajstarks-svgo 
2022/04/23 22:24:25 Building package 575 of 768: golang-github-x86kernel-htmlcolor 
2022/04/23 22:27:04 Building package 576 of 768: golang-oras-oras-go 
2022/04/23 22:31:42 Building package 577 of 768: golang-github-seandolphin-bqschema 
2022/04/23 22:35:12 Building package 578 of 768: golang-github-xanzy-go-gitlab 
2022/04/23 22:37:00 building golang-github-xanzy-go-gitlab failed: exit status 2
2022/04/23 22:37:00 Building package 579 of 768: golang-github-hairyhenderson-go-codeowners 
2022/04/23 22:40:07 Building package 580 of 768: golang-gopkg-juju-environschema.v1 
2022/04/23 22:42:53 Building package 581 of 768: prometheus-mqtt-exporter 
2022/04/23 22:46:33 Building package 582 of 768: golang-github-crewjam-saml 
2022/04/23 22:50:14 Building package 583 of 768: golang-github-miekg-dns 
2022/04/23 22:53:50 Building package 584 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-getter 
2022/04/23 22:57:59 Building package 585 of 768: golang-gopkg-goose.v1 
2022/04/23 23:01:19 Building package 586 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb 
2022/04/23 23:05:02 Building package 587 of 768: golang-golang-x-tools 
2022/04/23 23:13:50 Building package 588 of 768: golang-github-jackc-pgx 
2022/04/23 23:17:11 Building package 589 of 768: golang-github-fluffle-goirc 
2022/04/23 23:20:17 Building package 590 of 768: prometheus-frr-exporter 
2022/04/23 23:23:53 Building package 591 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-bazilfuse 
2022/04/23 23:26:55 Building package 592 of 768: golang-github-juju-utils 
2022/04/23 23:30:19 Building package 593 of 768: golang-github-appleboy-gin-jwt 
2022/04/23 23:33:43 Building package 594 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-dhcp6 
2022/04/23 23:36:40 Building package 595 of 768: golang-github-smartystreets-go-aws-auth 
2022/04/23 23:39:53 Building package 596 of 768: golang-github-gravitational-trace 
2022/04/23 23:43:20 Building package 597 of 768: golang-gopkg-jcmturner-gokrb5.v5 
2022/04/23 23:46:47 Building package 598 of 768: golang-github-azure-go-ntlmssp 
2022/04/23 23:49:54 Building package 599 of 768: nomad-driver-podman 
2022/04/23 23:55:13 Building package 600 of 768: golang-github-containers-storage 
2022/04/24 00:03:30 Building package 601 of 768: golang-github-vmware-photon-controller-go-sdk 
2022/04/24 00:06:56 Building package 602 of 768: reflex 
2022/04/24 00:09:59 Building package 603 of 768: golang-gopkg-gorethink-gorethink.v3 
2022/04/24 00:13:32 Building package 604 of 768: golang-github-masterminds-sprig 
2022/04/24 00:17:02 Building package 605 of 768: golang-v2ray-core 
2022/04/24 00:24:18 Building package 606 of 768: golang-github-openshift-api 
2022/04/24 00:28:58 Building package 607 of 768: gh 
2022/04/24 00:34:48 Building package 608 of 768: golang-github-henrydcase-nobs 
2022/04/24 00:38:13 Building package 609 of 768: golang-github-inconshreveable-log15 
2022/04/24 00:41:11 Building package 610 of 768: golang-github-wader-gojq 
2022/04/24 00:44:08 Building package 611 of 768: golang-github-anacrolix-ffprobe 
2022/04/24 00:47:30 Building package 612 of 768: golang-github-tdewolff-minify 
2022/04/24 00:51:18 Building package 613 of 768: golang-github-rs-zerolog 
2022/04/24 00:54:46 Building package 614 of 768: golang-github-valyala-quicktemplate 
2022/04/24 00:58:10 Building package 615 of 768: golang-github-mitchellh-cli 
2022/04/24 01:01:09 Building package 616 of 768: golang-github-couchbase-moss 
2022/04/24 01:04:11 Building package 617 of 768: golang-eclipse-paho 
2022/04/24 01:07:34 Building package 618 of 768: golang-github-containerd-cgroups 
2022/04/24 01:10:59 Building package 619 of 768: golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v1 
2022/04/24 01:14:08 Building package 620 of 768: golang-gopkg-xmlpath.v2 
2022/04/24 01:16:55 Building package 621 of 768: yggdrasil 
2022/04/24 01:20:26 Building package 622 of 768: golang-github-opentracing-basictracer-go 
2022/04/24 01:23:50 Building package 623 of 768: golang-gopkg-square-go-jose.v2 
2022/04/24 01:27:36 Building package 624 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-genetlink 
2022/04/24 01:30:44 Building package 625 of 768: prometheus 
2022/04/24 01:40:38 Building package 626 of 768: git-lfs 
2022/04/24 01:47:02 Building package 627 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-raw 
2022/04/24 01:49:59 Building package 628 of 768: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway 
2022/04/24 01:54:15 Building package 629 of 768: golang-github-sap-go-hdb 
2022/04/24 01:57:29 Building package 630 of 768: golang-github-nlopes-slack 
2022/04/24 02:00:52 Building package 631 of 768: gopass 
2022/04/24 02:04:05 Building package 632 of 768: golang-github-dpotapov-go-spnego 
2022/04/24 02:07:18 Building package 633 of 768: rclone 
2022/04/24 02:15:10 Building package 634 of 768: golang-github-mdlayher-netx 
2022/04/24 02:18:15 Building package 635 of 768: golang-github-gophercloud-gophercloud 
2022/04/24 02:25:02 Building package 636 of 768: golang-github-shenwei356-util 
2022/04/24 02:28:24 Building package 637 of 768: golang-github-gin-contrib-static 
2022/04/24 02:31:49 Building package 638 of 768: influxdb 
2022/04/24 02:39:24 Building package 639 of 768: golang-github-juju-testing 
2022/04/24 02:42:45 Building package 640 of 768: golang-github-hlandau-dexlogconfig 
2022/04/24 02:45:56 Building package 641 of 768: golang-github-xtaci-kcp 
2022/04/24 02:49:48 Building package 642 of 768: golang-github-tklauser-go-sysconf 
2022/04/24 02:52:51 Building package 643 of 768: golang-google-cloud 
2022/04/24 03:02:07 Building package 644 of 768: golang-github-gophercloud-utils 
2022/04/24 03:05:37 Building package 645 of 768: golang-github-juju-names 
2022/04/24 03:09:07 Building package 646 of 768: docker.io 
2022/04/24 03:30:04 Building package 647 of 768: golang-github-jackc-pgconn 
2022/04/24 03:33:21 Building package 648 of 768: golang-github-farsightsec-go-nmsg 
2022/04/24 03:36:39 Building package 649 of 768: kcptun 
2022/04/24 03:40:29 Building package 650 of 768: golang-github-wellington-go-libsass 
2022/04/24 03:44:20 Building package 651 of 768: miller 
2022/04/24 03:57:08 Building package 652 of 768: vcfanno 
2022/04/24 04:01:06 Building package 653 of 768: golang-github-docker-go-metrics 
2022/04/24 04:04:33 Building package 654 of 768: golang-github-kisom-goutils 
2022/04/24 04:08:25 Building package 655 of 768: golang-github-oschwald-geoip2-golang 
2022/04/24 04:11:15 Building package 656 of 768: panicparse 
2022/04/24 04:13:03 building panicparse failed: exit status 2
2022/04/24 04:13:03 Building package 657 of 768: skopeo 
2022/04/24 04:19:42 Building package 658 of 768: golang-github-meowgorithm-babylogger 
2022/04/24 04:22:54 Building package 659 of 768: golang-github-jesseduffield-go-getter 
2022/04/24 04:26:30 Building package 660 of 768: golang-github-google-wire 
2022/04/24 04:30:18 Building package 661 of 768: golang-github-hlandau-xlog 
2022/04/24 04:33:06 Building package 662 of 768: golang-github-flynn-noise 
2022/04/24 04:36:02 Building package 663 of 768: golang-github-go-openapi-jsonreference 
2022/04/24 04:39:19 Building package 664 of 768: google-guest-agent 
2022/04/24 04:43:30 Building package 665 of 768: golang-github-pkg-term 
2022/04/24 04:46:18 Building package 666 of 768: golang-github-marten-seemann-qpack 
2022/04/24 04:49:24 Building package 667 of 768: golang-github-rjeczalik-notify 
2022/04/24 04:52:38 Building package 668 of 768: golang-github-spf13-fsync 
2022/04/24 04:55:51 Building package 669 of 768: golang-github-go-chef-chef 
2022/04/24 04:58:26 building golang-github-go-chef-chef failed: exit status 2
2022/04/24 04:58:26 Building package 670 of 768: golang-gopkg-src-d-go-git.v4 
2022/04/24 05:02:24 Building package 671 of 768: golang-github-fluent-fluent-logger-golang 
2022/04/24 05:05:38 Building package 672 of 768: age 
2022/04/24 05:08:56 Building package 673 of 768: golang-github-jacobsa-fuse 
2022/04/24 05:12:09 Building package 674 of 768: golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-grpc 
2022/04/24 05:15:42 Building package 675 of 768: golang-github-cenkalti-backoff 
2022/04/24 05:18:30 Building package 676 of 768: golang-github-minio-minio-go 
2022/04/24 05:22:02 Building package 677 of 768: golang-golang-x-term 
2022/04/24 05:24:48 Building package 678 of 768: golang-github-heroku-rollrus 
2022/04/24 05:28:02 Building package 679 of 768: fever 
2022/04/24 05:32:37 Building package 680 of 768: vuls 
2022/04/24 05:37:33 Building package 681 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-retryablehttp 
2022/04/24 05:41:08 Building package 682 of 768: golang-github-ymomoi-goval-parser 
2022/04/24 05:44:02 Building package 683 of 768: golang-github-azure-azure-sdk-for-go 
2022/04/24 06:10:02 Building package 684 of 768: golang-ed25519-dev 
2022/04/24 06:12:51 Building package 685 of 768: prometheus-ipmi-exporter 
2022/04/24 06:16:36 Building package 686 of 768: golang-layeh-gopher-luar 
2022/04/24 06:19:35 Building package 687 of 768: golang-github-google-certificate-transparency 
2022/04/24 06:24:09 Building package 688 of 768: golang-pault-go-archive 
2022/04/24 06:27:25 Building package 689 of 768: golang-github-prometheus-prom2json 
2022/04/24 06:30:50 Building package 690 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-raft 
2022/04/24 06:35:04 Building package 691 of 768: gobuster 
2022/04/24 06:38:27 Building package 692 of 768: goval-dictionary 
2022/04/24 06:42:34 Building package 693 of 768: gocryptfs 
2022/04/24 06:46:30 Building package 694 of 768: termshark 
2022/04/24 06:50:59 Building package 695 of 768: stayrtr 
2022/04/24 06:54:53 Building package 696 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-go-plugin 
2022/04/24 06:58:48 Building package 697 of 768: golang-github-appc-docker2aci 
2022/04/24 07:03:10 Building package 698 of 768: golang-github-d4l3k-messagediff 
2022/04/24 07:05:58 Building package 699 of 768: golang-github-gliderlabs-ssh 
2022/04/24 07:09:16 Building package 700 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-plugin-test 
2022/04/24 07:13:13 Building package 701 of 768: debos 
2022/04/24 07:18:13 Building package 702 of 768: golang-github-minio-highwayhash 
2022/04/24 07:21:02 Building package 703 of 768: golang-github-rs-cors 
2022/04/24 07:24:32 Building package 704 of 768: golang-github-alecaivazis-survey 
2022/04/24 07:28:02 Building package 705 of 768: golang-github-markbates-goth 
2022/04/24 07:32:01 Building package 706 of 768: wuzz 
2022/04/24 07:35:35 Building package 707 of 768: golang-github-beevik-ntp 
2022/04/24 07:38:47 Building package 708 of 768: golang-github-azure-azure-storage-blob-go 
2022/04/24 07:42:04 Building package 709 of 768: chasquid 
2022/04/24 07:46:10 Building package 710 of 768: libpod 
2022/04/24 08:03:55 Building package 711 of 768: golang-github-muesli-sasquatch 
2022/04/24 08:07:10 Building package 712 of 768: golang-github-weaveworks-mesh 
2022/04/24 08:10:36 Building package 713 of 768: golang-github-go-redis-redis 
2022/04/24 08:14:06 Building package 714 of 768: thrift 
2022/04/24 08:47:06 building thrift failed: exit status 2
2022/04/24 08:47:06 Building package 715 of 768: golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb 
2022/04/24 08:50:31 Building package 716 of 768: golang-github-cli-shurcool-graphql 
2022/04/24 08:53:48 Building package 717 of 768: packer 
2022/04/24 09:04:12 Building package 718 of 768: golang-gopkg-macaroon-bakery.v2 
2022/04/24 09:07:57 Building package 719 of 768: golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober 
2022/04/24 09:11:39 Building package 720 of 768: golang-gopkg-macaroon.v1 
2022/04/24 09:14:38 Building package 721 of 768: prometheus-nextcloud-exporter 
2022/04/24 09:18:26 Building package 722 of 768: golang-github-masterzen-winrm 
2022/04/24 09:21:57 Building package 723 of 768: golang-github-jouyouyun-hardware 
2022/04/24 09:25:09 Building package 724 of 768: gitlab-ci-multi-runner 
2022/04/24 09:31:21 building gitlab-ci-multi-runner failed: exit status 2
2022/04/24 09:31:21 Building package 725 of 768: golang-github-roaringbitmap-roaring 
2022/04/24 09:35:31 Building package 726 of 768: cloudsql-proxy 
2022/04/24 09:39:21 Building package 727 of 768: slinkwatch 
2022/04/24 09:43:11 Building package 728 of 768: garagemq 
2022/04/24 09:48:06 Building package 729 of 768: golang-github-jochenvg-go-udev 
2022/04/24 09:51:04 Building package 730 of 768: golang-github-smartystreets-gunit 
2022/04/24 09:54:03 Building package 731 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-scada-client 
2022/04/24 09:58:01 Building package 732 of 768: golang-github-aead-poly1305 
2022/04/24 10:00:52 Building package 733 of 768: rootlesskit 
2022/04/24 10:04:43 Building package 734 of 768: golang-github-coreos-bbolt 
2022/04/24 10:08:37 Building package 735 of 768: pt-websocket 
2022/04/24 10:09:52 building pt-websocket failed: exit status 2
2022/04/24 10:09:52 Building package 736 of 768: golang-gitlab-gitlab-org-labkit 
2022/04/24 10:14:04 Building package 737 of 768: golang-github-docker-leadership 
2022/04/24 10:18:30 Building package 738 of 768: golang-fsnotify 
2022/04/24 10:21:39 Building package 739 of 768: go-dlib 
2022/04/24 10:30:00 Building package 740 of 768: golang-github-throttled-throttled 
2022/04/24 10:33:30 Building package 741 of 768: golang-go.uber-zap 
2022/04/24 10:37:19 Building package 742 of 768: golang-google-grpc 
2022/04/24 10:43:23 Building package 743 of 768: golang-github-putdotio-go-putio 
2022/04/24 10:46:44 Building package 744 of 768: golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers 
2022/04/24 10:50:45 Building package 745 of 768: golang-github-franela-goreq 
2022/04/24 10:54:25 Building package 746 of 768: golang-collectd 
2022/04/24 10:58:33 Building package 747 of 768: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls 
2022/04/24 11:02:06 Building package 748 of 768: golang-github-hashicorp-mdns 
2022/04/24 11:05:26 Building package 749 of 768: golang-gopkg-freddierice-go-losetup.v1 
2022/04/24 11:08:21 Building package 750 of 768: golang-github-itchyny-go-flags 
2022/04/24 11:11:22 Building package 751 of 768: golint 
2022/04/24 11:14:31 Building package 752 of 768: continuity 
2022/04/24 11:17:42 Building package 753 of 768: golang-github-skeema-mybase 
2022/04/24 11:20:35 Building package 754 of 768: golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go 
2022/04/24 11:24:37 Building package 755 of 768: golang-go4 
2022/04/24 11:28:59 Building package 756 of 768: golang-github-mitch000001-go-hbci 
2022/04/24 11:33:06 Building package 757 of 768: oci-image-tools 
2022/04/24 11:36:50 Building package 758 of 768: golang-github-blevesearch-bleve 
2022/04/24 11:41:50 Building package 759 of 768: golang-gopkg-olivere-elastic.v5 
2022/04/24 11:47:09 Building package 760 of 768: prometheus-node-exporter 
2022/04/24 11:53:56 Building package 761 of 768: golang-github-dtylman-scp 
2022/04/24 11:57:15 Building package 762 of 768: golang-github-alicebob-miniredis 
2022/04/24 12:00:47 Building package 763 of 768: golang-github-stacktic-dropbox 
2022/04/24 12:04:11 Building package 764 of 768: golang-github-mendersoftware-go-lib-micro 
2022/04/24 12:08:12 Building package 765 of 768: golang-github-juju-retry 
2022/04/24 12:11:10 Building package 766 of 768: golang-gomega 
2022/04/24 12:14:35 Building package 767 of 768: golang-github-insomniacslk-dhcp 
2022/04/24 12:18:06 Building package 768 of 768: golang-github-c-bata-go-prompt 
2022/04/24 12:21:19 Build results:
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-henrydcase-nobs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: skopeo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containers-buildah
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-netlink
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jpillora-go-tld
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: dh-make-golang
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-mailexporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-mqtt-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: wuzz
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-olivere-elastic.v5
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vmware-vmw-ovflib
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-miekg-dns
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: fscrypt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-syncutil
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-openapi-strfmt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-digitalocean-godo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-step-cli-utils
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-binding
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-raft
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-dtylman-scp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-ini.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-dhcp6
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mholt-acmez
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-google-genproto
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shopify-sarama
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tmc-scp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: continuity
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-briandowns-spinner
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-golang-x-oauth2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: obfs4proxy
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-v2ray-core
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-eclipse-paho
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-azure-azure-sdk-for-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: jid
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jedisct1-go-minisign
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-prometheus-procfs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-opentelemetry-otel
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-goose.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-throttled-throttled
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-code.rocketnine-tslocum-cview
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-mvdan-sh
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-caddyserver-certmagic
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-wellington-go-libsass
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-scada-client
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-freddierice-go-losetup.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jesseduffield-rollrus
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-armon-go-metrics
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-openapi-spec
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cenkalti-backoff
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gin-contrib-cors
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-gomaasapi
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-sylabs-sif
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: docker.io
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: miller
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gophercloud-gophercloud
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gobuster
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-golang-x-mod
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-collections
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-golang-x-time
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-pivotal-golang-clock
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-graph-gophers-graphql-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-google-martian
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-docker-leadership
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-postfix-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-weppos-publicsuffix-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bsipos-thist
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-labstack-gommon
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-albenik-go-serial
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-k8s-system-validators
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-ymomoi-goval-parser
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mitch000001-go-hbci
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: certspotter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-memberlist
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-coreos-go-oidc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-googleapis-gax-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-siddontang-goredis
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-appc-docker2aci
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-git-go-git-fixtures
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: nomad-driver-podman
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mattn-go-tty
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-zyedidia-tcell
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gitlab-shell
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-simplekv
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-blackbox-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-anacrolix-ffprobe
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-dpotapov-go-spnego
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gin-contrib-static
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-expediadotcom-haystack-client-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-bazilfuse
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: sshesame
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-youmark-pkcs8
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tklauser-numcpus
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-charmbracelet-keygen
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-nats-io-nkeys
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-ugorji-go-codec
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-jcmturner-gokrb5.v5
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-testing
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: go-dlib
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mattn-go-isatty
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-schollz-progressbar
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-centrifugal-centrifuge
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-libvirt-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-serenize-snaker
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-moby-sys
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-moby-term
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jouyouyun-hardware
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-pin-tftp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: docker-libkv
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-google-go-github
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-xenolf-lego
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-labstack-echo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-antonmedv-expr
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-smartystreets-gunit
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-google-wire
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-dbus-factory
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-golang-x-net
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-yuin-gluare
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shirou-gopsutil
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-juju-environschema.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-fluent-fluent-logger-golang
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-git-go-billy
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-armon-go-socks5
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-charmbracelet-glamour
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-getter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-koofr-go-koofrclient
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: elvish
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-brentp-goluaez
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gregjones-httpcache
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-gorethink-gorethink.v3
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-google-api
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gotestsum
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-smira-go-aws-auth
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-google-grpc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-redis.v5
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-resty-resty
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-openshift-api
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tdewolff-minify
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-prometheus-prom2json
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-persistent-cookiejar
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-unrolled-render
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jsternberg-zap-logfmt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: go-sendxmpp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-errors
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-nats-io-jwt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gomega
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gdamore-encoding
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: aptly
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vbatts-tar-split
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-labstack-echo.v3
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: lltsv
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-andybalholm-cascadia
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-alertmanager
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cli-shurcool-graphql
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-nextcloud-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bsm-redeo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: go-cve-dictionary
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-yuin-goldmark-highlighting
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-openapi-analysis
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-retryablehttp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-crewjam-saml
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shenwei356-bio
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-cmd
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bugsnag-bugsnag-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: pup
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vbatts-go-mtree
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: mender-client
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-libgit2-git2go.v31
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-charmbracelet-wish
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-dancannon-gorethink.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-x86kernel-htmlcolor
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: libpod
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-go4
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: rawdns
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shopify-logrus-bugsnag
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-pkg-sftp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: mender-cli
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-alecaivazis-survey
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-rickb777-date
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-victoriametrics-fastcache
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containers-dnsname
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mattn-go-colorable
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-loggo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gosu
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: containerd
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-intel-goresctrl
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-ipmi-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-spf13-viper
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: delve
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-knadh-koanf
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shurcool-httpfs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-pault-go-config
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-audriusbutkevicius-kcp-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jesseduffield-go-getter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: g10k
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-squid-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jedisct1-xsecretbox
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: kubernetes-split-yaml
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containerd-go-runc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-kisom-goutils
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-openzipkin-zipkin-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: dnscrypt-proxy
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: mirrorbits
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-ansiterm
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: runc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-raftchunking
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-nebulouslabs-go-upnp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cheggaaa-pb.v3
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gopass
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-ssgelm-cookiejarparser
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-leanovate-gopter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-discover
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gin-gonic-gin
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-soheilhy-cmux
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-yohcop-openid-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hairyhenderson-go-codeowners
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: ethflux
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-nats-io-go-nats
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-reqtrace
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jfbus-httprs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-opencontainers-runtime-tools
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-google-appengine
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jochenvg-go-udev
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-openapi-loads
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-viant-assertly
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-mvdan-gofumpt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-smartystreets-go-aws-auth
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: kcptun
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gopacket
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-reap
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-oras-oras-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gliderlabs-ssh
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gitlab-gitlab-org-labkit
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-alecthomas-chroma
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shurcool-httpgzip
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gdamore-tcell
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tcnksm-go-gitconfig
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-redis-redis
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: packer
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: dnss
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: victoriametrics
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-redis-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: crowdsec
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: badger
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-valyala-quicktemplate
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-insomniacslk-dhcp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-dghubble-sling
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-exporter-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: influxdb
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-kubernetes-gengo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-christrenkamp-goxpath
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: hugo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: c2go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gokey
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-akamai-akamaiopen-edgegrid-golang
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: cobra-cli
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-terra-farm-udnssdk
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-appc-goaci
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: go-mtpfs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: webhook
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-inconshreveable-log15
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-sap-go-hdb
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-retry
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hinshun-vt10x
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-appc-cni
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: deck
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-liamg-clinch
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-azure-go-autorest
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-gcp-common
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-prometheus-common
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gortr
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: cloudsql-proxy
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mendersoftware-go-lib-micro
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-timeutil
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-charmbracelet-bubbles
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: pk4
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-session
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cheekybits-genny
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-pkg-term
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-pg.v5
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-openapi-validate
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containers-toolbox
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: dnswire
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-syncthing-notify
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-uber-go-tally
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-antchfx-xmlquery
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-thoj-go-ircevent
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-ajstarks-svgo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-golang-x-tools
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-weaveworks-mesh
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-coreos-bbolt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-hclog
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-playground-validator-v10
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-ulule-limiter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-golang-x-term
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mesos-mesos-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-manifoldco-promptui
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gitaly-proto
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-inject
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-farsightsec-go-nmsg
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-flynn-noise
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hlandau-dexlogconfig
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-google-certificate-transparency
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: pluginhook
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-advancedlogic-goose
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-spf13-afero
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bifurcation-mint
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gdamore-tcell.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-frr-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-step-crypto
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-tfe
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: termshark
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-xtaci-kcp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-segmentio-kafka-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gomodule-oauth1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mgutz-ansi
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-wader-gojq
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jaytaylor-html2text
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-smallstep-cli
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gravitational-trace
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bsm-pool
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-svchost
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-unknwon-goconfig
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-nlopes-slack
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-roaringbitmap-roaring
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-opentracing
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: google-guest-agent
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-go.opencensus
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-duo-labs-webauthn
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-apache-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cyberdelia-heroku-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-lightstep-lightstep-tracer-common
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-k8s-kube-openapi
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bowery-prompt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: snowflake
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-franela-goreq
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mmcdole-gofeed
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: bettercap
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-buger-goterm
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-cheggaaa-pb.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gopherjs-jsbuiltin
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-fluffle-goirc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gdu
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-revel-revel
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-oschwald-geoip2-golang
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gitbatch
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-yosssi-ace-proxy
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: docker-registry
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-francoispqt-gojay
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: rclone
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-facebook-ent
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: ignition
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: nomad-driver-lxc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: stenographer
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-satta-ifplugo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-alecthomas-colour
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-ping-ping
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-usso
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containerd-cgroups
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-digitalocean-go-qemu
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-lunny-nodb
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mvdan-xurls
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-docker-go-connections
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jackc-pgx
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-macaroon-bakery.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-appc-spec
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-letsencrypt-challtestsrv
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-vsock
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shurcool-gopherjslib
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: stayrtr
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-node-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tonistiigi-fifo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gcla-gowid
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-rs-zerolog
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shenwei356-util
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gocryptfs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: reflex
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-putdotio-go-putio
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-hacluster-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-kit-kit
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: fq
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-puerkitobio-purell
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: etcd
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containers-image
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-src-d-go-billy.v4
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-pault-go-debian
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-fuse
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containers-ocicrypt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-clock
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-seandolphin-bqschema
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cockroachdb-cmux
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-yuin-gopher-lua
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cloudflare-sidh
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gocloud
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-serf
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-ogletest
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: winrmcp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-ctdk-go-trie
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-minio-minio-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-oschwald-maxminddb-golang
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mitchellh-cli
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-mysqld-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-bird-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-azure-helpers
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-yudai-gojsondiff
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: aws-nuke
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jackc-pgtype
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-google-cloud
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-opentracing-contrib-go-grpc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-layeh-gopher-luar
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-process-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-smallstep-certificates
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-alecthomas-assert
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-aquasecurity-go-dep-parser
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-sql-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: yggdrasil
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-golang-mock
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-code.rocketnine-tslocum-cbind
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-u-root-uio
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-go.uber-zap
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-marten-seemann-qpack
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vbauerster-mpb
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-apex-log
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-rivo-tview
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jbenet-go-context
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: git-lfs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vulcand-oxy
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-anacrolix-dms
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vulcand-predicate
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-raw
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-rjeczalik-notify
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-go-plugin
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-muesli-sasquatch
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gobgp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-sslmate-src-go-pkcs12
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-yosssi-gohtml
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-xanzy-ssh-agent
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-docker-go-metrics
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-d4l3k-messagediff
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bep-go-tocss
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hetznercloud-hcloud-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: mtail
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: obs-cli
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gin-contrib-gzip
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-prometheus-client-golang
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: amazon-ecr-credential-helper
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-yosssi-ace
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-fzambia-eagle
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: pat
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: amfora
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: goval-dictionary
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-fsnotify
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-c-bata-go-prompt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gh
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-meowgorithm-babylogger
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: ratt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cilium-ebpf
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-evanw-esbuild
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-appleboy-gin-jwt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: rootlesskit
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-abbot-go-http-auth
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-ldap-ldap
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-plugin-test
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-beevik-ntp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-parnurzeal-gorequest
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-valyala-fasthttp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: cfrpki
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: aerc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cloudfoundry-jibber-jabber
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cjoudrey-gluaurl
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: consulfs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-rifflock-lfshook
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-puerkitobio-goquery
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-moul-http2curl
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-hlandau-acmeapi.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-genetlink
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gitlab-yawning-edwards25519-extra
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containerd-fifo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-lk4d4-joincontext
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: goiardi
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gost
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-arceliar-ironwood
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-dropbox-dropbox-sdk-go-unofficial
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gifwrap
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: go-exploitdb
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-deanthompson-ginpprof
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-blevesearch-bleve
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: garagemq
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: reposurgeon
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-inet-netstack
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-census-instrumentation-opencensus-proto
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-cloudfoundry-gosigar
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vishvananda-netns
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gocc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-starlark
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: balboa
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: nncp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-goccy-go-yaml
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mikesmitty-edkey
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: mockery
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-charmbracelet-bubbletea
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-labstack-echo.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containerd-console
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-linuxkit-virtsock
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gogo-status
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-bazil-fuse
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: minica
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: fzf
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-charmbracelet-lipgloss
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-csrf
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: syncthing
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-rancher-go-rancher-metadata
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: shoelaces
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-nebulouslabs-fastrand
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-muesli-termenv
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golint
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-fatih-color
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-gcloud
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shurcool-githubv4
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: hey
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: hub
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-code.gitea-git
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jackc-pgconn
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: debos
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-k0kubun-pp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-bind-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hdrhistogram-hdrhistogram-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-refraction-networking-utls
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-shurcool-graphql
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-gzip
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-minio-highwayhash
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-masterzen-winrm
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: skeema
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gron
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: age
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-honnef-go-tools
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-goleveldb
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: irtt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-opencontainers-selinux
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-azure-go-ntlmssp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-src-d-go-git.v4
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: burrow
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-coreos-ioprogress
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-powerman-check
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-unknwon-com
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-getsentry-sentry-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: pebble
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-unknwon-i18n
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-git-go-git
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: vcfanno
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-go1-18
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-go.crypto
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-spf13-cobra
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: consul
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-prometheus
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gopherjs-gopherjs
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containers-storage
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hashicorp-mdns
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-itchyny-go-flags
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-arp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-kotakanbe-logrus-prefixed-formatter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: terminews
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: yubikey-agent
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tklauser-go-sysconf
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-spf13-fsync
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: vip-manager
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-howeyc-gopass
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-macaron
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: oci-image-tools
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: seqkit
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-postgres-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-muesli-goprogressbar
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-bshuster-repo-logrus-logstash-hook
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: micro
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-masterminds-sprig
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-skeema-mybase
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jaguilar-vt100
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-pault-go-ykpiv
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-macaroon.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-pushgateway
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: chasquid
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mendersoftware-progressbar
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gatherstars-com-jwz
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jinzhu-gorm
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: singularity-container
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-version
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-xmlpath.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: wireguard-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-ed25519-dev
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tjfoc-gmsm
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-varnish-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: ncbi-entrez-direct
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-logrus
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mcuadros-go-gin-prometheus
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-safchain-ethtool
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: gojq
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-sevlyar-go-daemon
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-huin-goupnp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containernetworking-plugins
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-influxdata-tail
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-anacrolix-tagflag
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-lxc-go-lxc.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-newrelic-go-agent
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-snmp-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-googleapis-gnostic
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-smokeping-prober
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-couchbase-moss
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-dancannon-gorethink.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: duf
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-mongodb-mongo-driver
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: notary
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-emersion-go-pgpmail
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vultr-govultr
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-ensighten-udnssdk
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-smallstep-nosql
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-d2g-dhcp4client
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-unknwon-paginater
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-stacktic-dropbox
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-httprequest.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-mongodb-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: umoci
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-openapi-runtime
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-utils
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-openapi-jsonreference
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-coreos-pkg
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: browserpass
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-micromdm-scep
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-zorkian-go-datadog-api
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hlandau-xlog
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-pault-go-archive
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-macaroon.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-koofr-go-httpclient
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-crypto
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-k8s-utils
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-haproxy-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jsimonetti-rtnetlink
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: slinkwatch
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gabriel-vasile-mimetype
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-wifi
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-mutex
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-socket
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: kubecolor
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: prometheus-nginx-exporter
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tmc-grpc-websocket-proxy
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tinylib-msgp
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-opentracing-basictracer-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-azure-azure-storage-blob-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: go-mmproxy
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-digitalocean-go-libvirt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vishvananda-netlink
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: govendor
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mwitkow-go-conntrack
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-juju-names
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mdlayher-netx
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-pkg-xattr
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-nwidger-jsoncolor
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-ginkgo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-bindata
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-varlink-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-go1-17
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-docker-go-events
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containers-common
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-googlecloudplatform-guest-logging-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-aead-poly1305
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-packethost-packngo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-crossdock-crossdock-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-ema-qdisc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-la5nta-wl2k-go
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: vuls
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-collectd
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-grafana-grafana-plugin-model
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-retry.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-rs-cors
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-aelsabbahy-gonetstat
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-jacobsa-util
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-circonus-labs-circonus-gometrics
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-aead-chacha20
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-code.cloudfoundry-bytefmt
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-heroku-rollrus
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-aymerick-douceur
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-nxadm-tail
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-square-go-jose.v2
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-optiopay-kafka
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-toolbox
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-rethinkdb-rethinkdb-go.v6
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: alertmanager-irc-relay
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-makeworld-the-better-one-go-gemini
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-containers-psgo
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: morty
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gtank-cryptopasta
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-alicebob-miniredis
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: mkcert
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: restic
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-gophercloud-utils
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: fever
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gopkg-tylerb-graceful.v1
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-samalba-dockerclient
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-protonmail-go-crypto
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-gogottrpc
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-vmware-photon-controller-go-sdk
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-markbates-goth
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-go-macaron-i18n
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: unikmer
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: tty-share
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-hodgesds-perf-utils
2022/04/24 12:21:19 PASSED: golang-github-tombuildsstuff-giovanni
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: sia (see buildlogs/sia_1.3.0-1.1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: debiman (see buildlogs/debiman_0.0~git20200217.fc82521-1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-github-kurin-blazer (see buildlogs/golang-github-kurin-blazer_0.4.4-1.1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: shfmt (see buildlogs/shfmt_3.4.3-1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: thrift (see buildlogs/thrift_0.16.0-3)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-github-go-chef-chef (see buildlogs/golang-github-go-chef-chef_0.0.1+git20161023.60.deb8c38-1.1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: acmetool (see buildlogs/acmetool_0.2.1-4)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-gonum-v1-gonum (see buildlogs/golang-gonum-v1-gonum_0.9.0-1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: pt-websocket (see buildlogs/pt-websocket_0.2-9)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: nomad (see buildlogs/nomad_0.12.10+dfsg1-3)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt (see buildlogs/golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt_1.3.0-1.1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: gitaly (see buildlogs/gitaly_13.4.6+dfsg1-2)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter (see buildlogs/prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter_0.2.0+git20200622.cc4a731-2)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: mongo-tools (see buildlogs/mongo-tools_3.4.14-4)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-github-manyminds-api2go (see buildlogs/golang-github-manyminds-api2go_1.0-RC4-1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-github-viant-toolbox (see buildlogs/golang-github-viant-toolbox_0.33.2-3)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: panicparse (see buildlogs/panicparse_1.6.1-3)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: hcloud-cli (see buildlogs/hcloud-cli_1.13.0-2)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-github-xanzy-go-gitlab (see buildlogs/golang-github-xanzy-go-gitlab_0.22.2-1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: snapd (see buildlogs/snapd_2.54.3-1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-github-cloudflare-circl (see buildlogs/golang-github-cloudflare-circl_1.0.0+20200724-1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: golang-github-smartystreets-assertions (see buildlogs/golang-github-smartystreets-assertions_1.10.1+ds-1)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: gitlab-ci-multi-runner (see buildlogs/gitlab-ci-multi-runner_13.3.1+dfsg-4)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: prometheus-homeplug-exporter (see buildlogs/prometheus-homeplug-exporter_0.3.0-2)
2022/04/24 12:21:19 FAILED: cadvisor (see buildlogs/cadvisor_0.38.7+ds1-2)

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